Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2998: Run to

Meng Zhang took the initiative to request the mission, and no one else could object.

That’s it, the matter is settled.

Before going on a mission to Qingxuzong, Meng Zhang had to make preparations.

Although his and Taimiao’s fighting abilities were enough to handle most situations, he still wanted to be more prepared.

He came to the Dazai Qianyuan Monument.

After their joint cooperation some time ago, the flame remaining on the body of Tianshen Gairang has become much darker, and the resistance is close to disappearing.

After he took over the cause and effect of the Qianyuan Immortal Lord and promised to dispose of the body of the **** Gai Lang, this magnificent Qianyuan Monument would be available for him to use.

Although this is just a fake created by Qianyuan Immortal Master using magic, it is extremely powerful and has endless uses.

This magical magical weapon is also quite spiritual and can communicate with Meng Zhang.

According to what he said, before the flames on the corpse of God Gai Rang are completely wiped out, one cannot be careless and must maintain a state of suppression.

Dazai Qianyuan Monument will not leave Taiyi Realm too far, and at most it can only be fought nearby.

After all, Meng Zhang had not completely refined this magical weapon, and he was very helpless about it.

He is going to a foreign star region this time, so naturally he cannot take him with him.

After Meng Zhang confessed to the top management of Taiyi Realm, he secretly left Taiyi Realm.

Meng Zhang hurried to the foreign star area. The journey was smooth and he encountered no obstacles.

It is a pity that among the monks monitoring Taiyi Realm from a distance, there are no true immortals from Qingxu Sect.

Otherwise, Meng Zhang can save a lot of things.

After Meng Zhang secretly entered the foreign star area, the battle situation here still did not change much. Qingxu Sect and other cultivation forces were still fighting with the Black Flag Star bandits.

The Blood Cloud Pirates’ fleet was wandering around the edge of the foreign star region, with no intention of joining the battle.

The Black Flag Star Pirates Group has discovered the Blood Cloud Pirates’ fleet.

For the Blood Cloud Thieves whose enemies and friends were unknown, the Black Flag Star Thief Group showed a certain degree of vigilance, but did not take many actions.

Meng Zhang felt a little strange. The Fahua Sect secretly sent a team to the foreign star area this time, probably because they wanted to catch the Xu Sect and others by surprise.

After Gu Yue Lingqing was rescued by Meng Zhang and the others, the capable Arhat should have known that their whereabouts and purpose had been exposed.

Isn’t their best option to start immediately?

It is best before the news is leaked and the Qingxu Sect and other cultivation forces react.

But they still made no movement, and the entire team has been hiding until now, which made Meng Zhang very confused.

Meng Zhang temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart and secretly approached the foreign world, hoping to contact the true immortal of Qingxu Sect and then meet the leader of Qingxu Sect through him.

Outside the foreign world, the Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces have organized a defense line and are fighting endlessly against the invading Black Flag Star Bandits.

Although the Black Flag Star Thieves were on the offensive side, they didn’t take much advantage, and the scene wasn’t very nice.

The vanguard of the Black Flag Star Thief Group has long entered the foreign world, which has involved a large part of the energy of the Qingxu Sect and other spiritual forces. In addition, there are some problems within the Qingxu Sect and other spiritual forces.

If this were not the case, Qingxu Sect and other cultivation forces should have launched a full-scale counterattack long ago.

Many powerful men of the True Immortal level were fighting there, and it was quite earth-shattering. Meng Zhang couldn’t get too close.

Many of the Qingxu Sect’s true immortals were famous, and Mu Xingtong had already told Meng Zhang about their names and characteristics.

Qingxu Sect has a close relationship with Lingkong Immortal World. It is said that its inheritance comes from Lingkong Immortal World.

When the Qingxu Sect was in the Four-Pointed Star District, it had been trying to establish a system for the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

Gu Yue Lingqing also confirmed this after seeing the Qingxu Sect True Immortal take action with his own eyes.

Not to mention that the Qingxu Sect’s inheritance comes from the Lingkong Immortal Realm, just the fact that it can cultivate heavenly immortals shows that its inheritance is extraordinary.

Meng Zhang watched from a distance for a while and then noticed several well-known Qingxu Sect true immortals taking action.

They have extraordinary bearing, are very methodical in their attacks, and show strong combat effectiveness.

There are many powerful people from all sides around, but Meng Zhang has never been able to contact them directly.

Although he needed to contact Qingxuzong as soon as possible, Meng Zhang did not act rashly.

His contact with the Qingxu Sect this time must be kept strictly confidential to ensure that it will not be exposed to other cultivating forces.

Meng Zhang avoided both sides in the battle and secretly observed from a certain distance.

Meng Zhang waited for several days and finally got an opportunity.

After the Qingjing True Immortal of the Qingxu Sect who had dealt with Meng Zhang left the area around the Taiyi Realm, he quickly returned to the foreign star area.

It was at a time when the Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces were short of manpower. Shortly after the Qingjing True Immortal returned, he reported to the sect’s senior officials and then went into battle again, entering a battlefield outside the foreign world.

After Meng Zhang discovered the Pure Immortal in the distance, he focused his attention on him.

After Immortal Qingjing forced away an opponent of the same level, Meng Zhang saw the opportunity and secretly passed on a piece of information.

When dealing with Meng Zhang, Qingjing Zhenxian seemed a bit pedantic, a bit clumsy, and lacked the ability to adapt to changes.

But in fact, as a true immortal of the Qingxu Sect, he is by no means an incompetent person.

Although he has shortcomings such as saving face, he is definitely not an idiot.

He is a very typical Taoist true immortal who is psychologically close to fellow Taoists and rejects outsiders.

Because the situation was urgent, the message Meng Zhang sent was very short. He only announced his identity and said that he had to secretly meet with the leaders of the Qingxu Sect because of important matters.

The last time the two parties met, Qingjing Zhenxian did not take advantage. Instead, he was caught by Meng Zhang’s words and seemed very passive.

But in his heart, he didn’t have much resentment towards Meng Zhang.

Both sides have their own positions, and there is no way around it.

At least the Taoist spirit shown by Meng Zhang is genuine and quite a bit of an immortal spirit.

As both true immortals of the Taoist sect, True Immortal Qingjing somewhat agrees with Meng Zhang.

Now that he received the secret summons from Meng Zhang, he showed no signs of neglect or carelessness.

With the magnanimity shown by Meng Zhang, he is not the kind of person who lets things go without hesitation and looks for trouble when nothing happens.

He said that there was a big event and he asked to see the leader of the Qingxu Sect, so he should try his best to cooperate.

The True Immortal Qingjing doesn’t know where Meng Zhang is hiding, so it’s hard to convey the message to him.

He forced his opponent back with a few moves, then took the initiative to withdraw from the battle and fly away from the battlefield.

He explained a few words to his comrades, saying that the sect was summoned by something.

Anyway, in such a battle, both sides dispatched many True Immortal-level experts, and the absence of a pure True Immortal would not affect the battle situation in a short period of time.

Meng Zhang understood the intentions of the Pure Immortal and followed him secretly.

The Pure Immortal flew for a long time, until he was far away from the battlefield and confirmed that the other side would not sense the slightest movement here, and then he took the initiative to stop.

Meng Zhang, who was hiding in the dark, looked around carefully and made sure that there were no hidden peepers around, then he took the initiative to appear in front of the Pure Immortal.

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