Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2996: Constraints

If Gu Yue Lingqing’s thoughts were followed, he would have wanted to immediately tell the Qingxu Sect and other cultivation forces about the Fahua Sect’s conspiracy, and let them fight to the death with the Fahua Sect.

After listening to his report, Meng Zhang thought even deeper.

A large sect like the Fahua Sect is extremely powerful. Once it directly intervenes in the battle in the foreign star area, it will never be able to resist local cultivation forces such as the Qingxu Sect or outsiders like the Taiyi Realm.

If nothing else, the Fahua Sect sending a Bodhisattva at random would be enough to sweep across the foreign star region and suppress all dissent.

When encountering this kind of thing, Taiyi Realm may have only one option: escape early.

Meng Zhang is not afraid of trouble, but he definitely does not want to get involved in events that are far beyond his abilities.

Meng Zhang told Gu Yue Lingqing about his worries.

Gu Yue Lingqing smiled slightly after hearing Meng Zhang’s words.

After all, Meng Zhang was not a monk from the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

The Junchen Realm he was born in is only nominally a subordinate of the Lingkong Immortal Realm. In fact, it has been cut off from the Lingkong Immortal Realm for too long, resulting in the loss of a lot of information.

Gu Yue Lingqing came from a famous Celestial Family in the Lingkong Immortal World, and was far more familiar with the unspoken rules of various high-level battles than Meng Zhang.

The Qingxu Sect, the most powerful cultivation force in the Four-Pointed Star Region, has its inheritance from the Lingkong Immortal World.

Gu Yue Lingqing also secretly watched the battle in the foreign star area this time, and saw the Qingxu Sect True Immortal taking action, and then confirmed this matter.

The ancestors of the Qingxu Sect opened up the Four-Pointed Star District and established a ruling order in one of the big worlds, which was equivalent to expanding the system of the Lingkong Immortal World.

If there is only one big world in the Four-Pointed Star Region, then the entire star region may be brought under the rule of the Qingxu Sect.

But there are four big worlds in the Four-Pointed Star Region.

When the Qing Xu Sect opened up one of the big worlds, other cultivating forces, such as the Confucian Siming Sect and the Buddhist Xiji Temple, followed closely and began to open up other big worlds and establish their own ruling order.

Many cultivating forces arrived in the Four-Pointed Star District one after another. After repeated battles and compromises, the subsequent situation in the Four-Pointed Star District was finally formed.

Originally, the Qingxu Sect with its Celestial Immortals should have the ability to drive out other cultivation forces and dominate the Four-Pointed Star Region.

However, due to some unknown reasons, Qingxu Sect chose to coexist with other cultivation forces.

After the immortals of their own sect disappeared one after another, the Qingxu Sect had no way to expel other cultivation forces.

After the cultivation forces headed by the Qingxu Sect came to the Foreign Star District, the situation in the original Four-Pointed Star District roughly continued.

As an outsider, the Fahua Sect needs to abide by some unspoken rules if it wants to participate in the battle in the foreign star region.

Because the cultivation forces such as Qingxu Sect are not without foundation, and they involve many major forces such as Taoism and Confucianism.

If the Fahua Sect does not abide by the unspoken rules and forcibly sends out existences such as Bodhisattva, even if it wins temporarily, it will not stabilize the situation.

That will only escalate the fight and become more involved.

Judging from the current lineup sent by the Fahua Sect, the Fahua Sect still has scruples and wants to limit all battles to the foreign star region.

Gu Yue Lingqing not only heard about many similar battles, but also participated in some personally.

According to its usual routine, the Fahua Sect will create chaos in the target area and destroy the originally stable situation.

For example, the Black Flag Star Thieves’ large-scale invasion of the foreign star sector is the first step in the action.

Buddhist sects like the Fahua Sect also regard themselves as righteous forces and will not openly join forces with the Black Flag Star Bandits.

Next, due to the plundering of star thieves in the foreign star sector, the situation was chaotic and all life was in ruins.

The Fahua Sect will send out monks to do justice for heaven, expel the star thieves, save all living beings, and restore peace in the foreign star area.

As for the original cultivation forces in the foreign star region, they were naturally slowly eliminated during this process.

Whether others believe it or not, at least on the surface, the Fahua Sect will never admit that it has colluded with the Black Flag Star Bandits.

If the level of fighting is limited to true immortals and below, then after the success of the Fahua Sect, the Taoist sect, Confucian sect and other spiritual forces may temporarily accept this result and wait for the opportunity in the future to find ways to come back.

If the Lotus Sect breaks the rules and rashly dispatches powerful men of the Bodhisattva level to bully the small, then certain Taoist cultivating forces will take the opportunity to intervene, making the battle in the foreign star region never end. .

The Fahua Sect has rich experience in fighting and is good at handling similar problems. It can well grasp the bottom line of all parties and maximize its benefits.

After listening to Gu Yue Lingqing’s detailed account, Meng Zhangcai breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Lotus Sect does not send out powerful men of the Bodhisattva level, then there is still room for improvement in the situation in the foreign star region.

The senior leaders of large sects such as the Fahua Sect are generally very rational and will not let their efforts outweigh their gains.

The Foreign Star Region is not worthy of the Fahua Sect’s full force. At most, it will send out a team of people.

If the Fahua Sect really sends out dozens or even hundreds of Arhats, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Even if there is no Bodhisattva to suppress the formation, Taiyi Realm has only one way to escape.

Since the Fahua Sect will be restrained and the power invested in the foreign star region is limited, Meng Zhang will not retreat easily.

Taoism and Buddhism have many conflicts and disputes. As a true immortal of Taoism, Meng Zhang has always disliked the behavior of Buddhist monks.

For Taiyi Realm, if it cannot plunder the resources of foreign star regions and obtain sufficient supplies, it will be difficult to continue wandering in the void.

If it is not really powerless, Taiyi Realm cannot give up the resources of the foreign star sector.

The local cultivation forces in the foreign star region are complicated enough. The Black Flag Star Bandits who later joined made the foreign star region a mess.

After the Blood Cloud Pirates arrived in the Foreign Star Region, they had not yet made a move, and were probably waiting for a price.

Now I know that the Fahua Sect also has a mantis stalking the cicada and an oriole behind it.

Since Taiyijie has decided to participate, it is best to be the last fisherman.

After listening to Gu Yue Lingqing’s report, Meng Zhang summoned the senior officials of Taiyi World to discuss how to deal with the next situation.

The entry of the Fahua Sect did not scare everyone, but instead inspired everyone’s fighting spirit.

Over the years, Taiyijie has faced many powerful enemies, almost winning every battle, going from one victory to another.

The monks in Taiyi Realm became very energetic and were happy to hear the battle.

Even the powerful Fahua Sect cannot dampen everyone’s fighting spirit.

Of course, even if Taiyi Realm wants to participate in the chaos in the foreign star area, it will not intervene hastily. It must make plans in advance and make all kinds of preparations.

With so many forces concentrated in the foreign star region, it is impossible for the Taiyi Realm to be enemies with everyone at the same time.

The first thing everyone needs to do is to clarify which forces are winnable and which are completely hostile.

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