Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2989: Playing dumb

When it comes to playing dumb, Meng Zhang is an experienced veteran.

He pretended not to know the relationship between the Xueyun Pirates and the Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces, and looked like a warm-hearted and righteous person.

Meng Zhang kept saying that the Blood Cloud Bandits and the Black Flag Star Bandits were a group. When he dealt with the Blood Cloud Bandits, he was dealing with the Black Flag Star Bandits, and he was helping Qingxu Sect and the others.

Zhenjing Zhenxian opened his mouth several times, but he didn’t know what to say.

The Qingxu Sect is a Taoist sect with a well-established roots. It was originally a small and well-known cultivation force in the area near the Four-Pointed Star Area.

There are many hypocrites in the righteous sect, but there are very few true villains.

No matter how despicable and despicable the Righteous Sect may be behind the scenes, they still need to be shameless in public.

At the very least, try to maintain the righteous skin on the surface.

The True Immortal Qingjing is really not thick-skinned and is unwilling to openly admit that the Qingxu Sect and the Blood Cloud Pirates have colluded.

In fact, the relationship between the Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces and the Blood Cloud Thieves is not just a day or two.

For a righteous sect like them, there are always many times when it is inconvenient to take action directly, and evil people like the Blood Cloud Thieves are needed to do the dirty work.

Star thief gangs like the Blood Cloud Pirates have been facing pursuit and suppression by many cultivating forces and the big world.

If you want to continue to survive and live a better life, you must secretly collude with those righteous sects.

The relationship between the two parties is mutually beneficial.

This time the Black Flag Star Bandits took advantage of the situation and invaded the foreign star area on a large scale, causing huge losses.

Qingxu Sect and other major cultivating forces hated the Black Flag Star Bandits to death.

They need to expel the Black Flag Star Thief Group as soon as possible and cannot allow the current situation to continue.

When they were in the Four-Pointed Star area, they had no reliable allies.

After moving to a foreign star region, there are even fewer forces to rely on.

There is a consensus among the top leaders of the major cultivation forces that their current predicament cannot be made known to those too powerful cultivation forces.

In the void, all kinds of struggles for resources are very cruel.

Once you show weakness, your former allies may turn against you and become new enemies.

In the end, they selected the Blood Cloud Thieves and decided to invite this star thief gang to help deal with the Black Flag Star Thief Group.

There is also competition among the many star thief gangs in the void, and there are even many grievances.

The Blood Cloud Pirates once suffered great losses at the hands of the Black Flag Star Thieves Group and suffered great losses.

The leader of the Blood Cloud Thieves hates the Black Flag Star Thieves and wants to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Although the Blood Cloud Pirates are no match for the Black Flag Star Thieves, they have always been enemies of the Black Flag Star Thieves and tried every means to oppose them.

When the Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces notified the Blood Cloud Pirates that they were willing to pay a high price to hire them to deal with the Black Flag Star Thief Group, the two parties hit it off immediately.

For Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces, they can claim to the outside world that the Blood Cloud Bandits and the Black Flag Star Bandits have always had a grudge. The Blood Cloud Bandits came to avenge their enemies and add insult to injury. Their behavior has nothing to do with the Qingxu Sect and others. .

Whether others believe it or not, this is a reliable statement.

At least on the surface, there is no collusion between the Qingxu Sect and the Blood Cloud Thieves.

More importantly, the Blood Cloud Thieves have limited strength, and there is a big gap between them and the Black Flag Star Bandits, let alone the Qingxu Sect.

It is not that easy for the Blood Cloud Thief to sit on a mountain and watch the fight between tigers and reap the benefits.

Even if the worst happens, if the Blood Cloud Thieves and the Black Flag Star Thieves join forces, Qingxu Sect and others will at least be able to fight and be able to temporarily stop them.

When that time came, Qingxu Sect and the others had no choice but to seek help from the powerful forces of Taoism and Confucianism at all costs.

After the Blood Cloud Pirates received the information from Qingxu Sect and the others, they quickly rushed to the foreign star area.

Encountering Taiyi Realm on the way, the two sides clashed, and the Blood Cloud Pirates’ fleet had to stop temporarily.

If Taiyi Realm is not strong enough, the Blood Cloud Thieves would certainly not mind robbing or even destroying them.

Seeing that Taiyi Realm showed strong combat effectiveness, the Blood Cloud Pirates temporarily stopped their efforts.

Before committing a robbery, thieves must collect as much information as possible about the target.

Faced with a powerful and unfamiliar opponent that he suddenly encountered, the Blood Cloud Thief would certainly not bet all his money on him and fight to the death.

The leader of the Blood Cloud Thieves secretly informed the Qingxu Sect and others.

Although the leader of the Blood Cloud Thieves hated the Black Flag Star Thief Group, he never lost his mind because of it.

He is in no rush to join the war on either side.

It is best to delay for a while and let the Qingxu Sect and the Black Flag Star Thief Group suffer greater losses before the Blood Cloud Thieves appear.

Revenge has never been the most important goal, but gaining benefits is.

Now that the Blood Cloud Pirates are blocked by Taiyi Realm, it is the best excuse to delay time.

The senior leaders of the Qingxu Sect and other cultivation forces were very surprised after receiving the message from the leader of the Blood Cloud Thieves.

When did a world large enough to stop the Blood Cloud Thieves appear near the Foreign Star Region?

Beside the bed, a powerful force with unknown enemies and friends suddenly appeared. How could the senior leaders of the Qingxu Sect and other spiritual forces not pay attention to it?

Although the fierce battle with the Black Flag Star Pirates is ongoing, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Qingxu Sect and other cultivation forces dispatched such a team of true immortals to investigate the specific situation.

After the Qingjing Zhenxian and others came into contact with Meng Zhang and others, they had a preliminary understanding of them.

Meng Zhang looked anxious for justice and seemed to be on the side of the Qingxu Sect and others. This is exactly what a Zhengdao Sect should do.

But in fact, the Taiyi Realm led by Meng Zhang happened to ruin their big event.

The Qingjing Zhenxian, who was not good at words, did not know what to say when faced with such a warm-hearted and good man like Meng Zhang.

Huang Bai, the eminent scholar of Siming Sect next to him, remained silent. He originally wanted to see the joke of Zhenjing Jingxian.

Now that Meng Zhang, who is pretending to be stupid, has affected the interests of the foreign star sector and blocked everyone’s way, he can no longer continue to watch.

Huang Bai spoke slowly.

He first thanked Meng Zhang for his kind help, and then looked like he was thinking about Meng Zhang and was unwilling to let such a powerful enemy as the Blood Cloud Thief under the Taiyi Realm tree.

If Taiyi Realm suffered heavy losses as a result, he would really not feel at ease.

He asked Meng Zhang to get out of the way and not continue to entangle with the Blood Cloud Thief. Their major cultivation forces would take care of the Blood Cloud Thief.

Huang Bai’s persuasion not only failed to impress Meng Zhang, but instead made him even more excited.

Meng Zhang said that the monks in the Taiyi Realm all came from the Lingkong Immortal Realm, and were members of the same Taoist sect as the Qingxu Sect, so they should help each other.

Since everyone is a Taoist monk, we shouldn’t worry about it.

Taoist monks have always been in the same spirit, and their friendship is so deep that those heretics cannot understand it.

Monks from the Taiyi Realm are willing to fight for their comrades, even if they suffer losses.

When Meng Zhang said these words, he did not look at Huang Bai, but deliberately said it to the Pure Immortal.

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