Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2972: Get it

Battles in the void, especially large-scale battles, often rely on the surrounding environment.

Special celestial phenomena such as black holes, if used properly, can often play an important role and even have the final say.

The so-called geographical advantage is also very important in the void war.

The four brothers of the He family have never been here before, so naturally they don’t know the specific conditions here. They don’t know that the black hole hidden here is so special.

They make judgments based on past experience and inevitably fall into traps.

The four brothers of the He family didn’t know the true situation in Taiyi Realm, but when they faced the siege, they also knew that they had a trick in their hands.

Although Taiyi Realm was well prepared and took advantage of the special celestial phenomena surrounding it to set up an ambush, it would still pay a high price after such chaos.

Meng Zhang and the others took such a big risk just to completely solve the problem of the four brothers of the He family.

The four brothers of the He family sensed the danger of the situation and did not care about anything else. They risked their lives to break out and escape.

They tried their best to break through Meng Zhang’s interception.

For a while, all kinds of lights were flashing in the sky above Gaeyang Continent, thunder rumbled, and various strange phenomena continued…

The four brothers of the He family are worthy of being veteran true immortals. Although there is no big power behind them, the four brothers can still come up with two immortal weapons.

Coupled with the fact that the four brothers worked together and cooperated tacitly, they were able to give full play to all their fighting power. It was really not an easy opponent to deal with.

If they were replaced by ordinary True Immortal Sects, they might not be able to defeat them.

Although Gaiyang Continent has not yet been completely integrated into the Taiyi Realm, it is already within the Taiyi Realm after all, and it is the home ground of Meng Zhang and the others.

As the founder of Taiyi Realm, Meng Zhang can still freely mobilize all the power of Taiyi Realm even though he is not a god.

The true **** Tai Miao has given full play to all his advantages. At this moment, he seems to be transformed into the consciousness of heaven in the Taiyi world, and all the forces in the entire Taiyi world are under his flexible control.

The four brothers of the He family seemed to be facing not Tai Miao, but the entire Taiyi world itself.

They couldn’t help but feel a sense of powerlessness, feeling that their strength was nowhere to be used, and that the movement of their immortal power had become stagnant.

No matter how brilliant their escape skills were, they could not escape the siege of Meng Zhang and the others.

After a fierce battle, the four brothers of the He family failed many times in their efforts to break out, and they were completely at a disadvantage, with almost no power to fight back.

The four brothers of the He family continued to struggle while trying to communicate with Meng Zhang and the others.

They sometimes threatened Meng Zhang and the others in a strong tone, claiming that they had a strong background and had the support of experts behind them.

If they had not left Taiyi Realm, there would have been experts to avenge them.

After shouting for a long time, they saw that they could not scare Meng Zhang and the others, so they shamelessly begged for mercy.

They kept begging, expressing their surrender and willingness to serve Taiyi Realm in the future…

It must be said that their begging for mercy is still somewhat tempting.

If these four true immortals are willing to serve Taiyi Realm, the strength of Taiyi Realm will be greatly improved.

While intensifying his offensive against them, Meng Zhang asked the four brothers to give up their resistance and let him plant restrictions on them.

After hearing Meng Zhang’s request, the four brothers began to make excuses to evade.

They are willing to surrender, but they must retain a certain degree of autonomy.

Worried that Meng Zhang would not keep his promise, they hoped that Meng Zhang and the others would stop the attack first so that they could take a breath before talking.


Hearing this, Meng Zhang knew that they had no sincerity in surrendering at all, they were just delaying time and looking for opportunities to escape.

The Taiyi Realm does need more powerful combat power, but it does not mean that it cannot do without these four true immortals.

Keeping them is tantamount to leaving behind troubles. It is better to capture them and completely control them before talking about anything else.

Meng Zhang and others continued to intensify their attack, not only blocking their escape route, but also pressing them harder and harder, leaving their room for maneuver and parry shrinking.

The four brothers of the He family began to be injured, and their injuries were not serious.

If things continue like this, it will not be easy for them to successfully escape or continue to resist.

The youngest of the four brothers in the He family, he is also the one with the most bad temper.

Seeing that his brothers’ hope of escaping was getting slimmer and slimmer, and that they were about to be forced into a desperate situation, he roared angrily, refusing to admit defeat, and threw himself at Meng Zhang and the others, trying to stop them at the risk of his own life.

In this kind of battle at the level of true immortals, it is impossible for Meng Zhang and the others to hold back.

If you are merciful, you will only be exploited by the enemy.

Although the intention was to capture the four He brothers alive, the situation on the battlefield could not develop as expected.

Faced with opponents who wanted to fight tooth and nail, Meng Zhang and the others continued their offensive without stopping.

The immortal body of the youngest of the four brothers was blown to pieces, and the immortal soul did not escape, but was also scattered.

Seeing that the younger brother who was the most cared for and loved by everyone died on the spot, his soul was shattered and nothing was left behind.

The remaining three brothers were greatly stimulated and looked for Shuyuan www. seemed to go crazy all of a sudden, and rushed over with all his strength, hoping that both Meng Zhang and the others would be injured and die together.

The three true immortals are still very powerful even if they fight hard.

As victors, Meng Zhang and the others naturally do not want to be used as backing by their enemies.

Of course, since the two sides have already engaged in a blood feud, Meng Zhang and the others are even less likely to give the enemy a chance to escape.

With several shrill screams, all four brothers of the He family died on the spot.

Three of them were dead. Only the immortal soul of the boss of the He family was rescued by Meng Zhang in time.

Meng Zhang and the others suffered a lot of losses, and Wen Qiansuan and Gu Yue Lingqing were both more or less injured.

After killing the four brothers of the He family, this matter is not over yet.

Meng Zhang and the others dare not forget that Taiyi Realm is still in danger, and they have not escaped from the gravitational range of the black hole.

Meng Zhang casually sealed the immortal soul of the boss of the He family, and then took everyone outside the Taiyi Realm to help the Taiyi Realm resist the attraction of the black hole.

After some time, the attraction of the black hole began to weaken rapidly, as Meng Zhang had calculated before.

This was the last chance to escape. Regardless of their fatigue, Meng Zhang and the others mustered up their courage one by one and tried their best to push Taiyijie out of here.

The gods who were in charge of the Taiyi Realm began to go all out, even if they damaged their own foundations, they had to use all their strength.

Between these gods and the Taiyi Realm, there is a community of destiny in which both prosper and suffer.

Meng Zhang and the others were tired and almost died for half their lives before they finally pushed the Taiyi Realm out of the gravitational range of the hidden black hole.

For the sake of safety, Meng Zhang and the others did not simply let Taiyi Realm stay outside the range of gravity, but continued to exert force to make Taiyi Realm as far away from the hidden black hole as possible.

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