Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2971: Ambush

Before the four brothers of the He family could completely get rid of Tai Miao’s entanglement, Meng Zhang had already arrived on the battlefield again.

The flying sword slashed the sun and the wind and fire yin and yang fan were sacrificed by Meng Zhang and flew towards the four brothers of the He family.

The two qi of yin and yang turned into a long river and fell from the sky.


Before taking action, there were some disputes among the top leaders of Taiyi World.

After they deliberately exposed their flaws and lured the four brothers of the He family into the Taiyi Realm, when should they close the net?

Should we wait until the four brothers of the He family enter the ambush and close the net, or should they wait until they find what they want in Gaiyang Continent and then a mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole behind them?

The former is more reliable.

For the latter, letting the four brothers of the He family take the initiative to expose the secrets of Gaiyang Continent and letting them help everyone from the Taiyi Sect find what they want can save everyone a lot of time.

After some consideration, Meng Zhang chose the former.

Anyway, Gaiyang Continent has fallen into the Taiyi Realm and cannot escape no matter what.

They still have a long life, and there is plenty of time to explore them slowly.

Sooner or later, the secrets of Gaiyang Continent will be grasped by them.

For these true immortals and true gods, time is often the least valuable thing.

If the four brothers of the He family had achieved their goal and obtained the secrets of Gaiyang Continent, the situation might have been different.

They may obtain immortal weapons or the like, or their cultivation may skyrocket…

In a word, if their strength is greatly improved as a result, it will be difficult to capture them.

Maybe there will be unnecessary casualties in Taiyi Realm.

After weighing the pros and cons, Meng Zhangcai decided the time to take action.

As soon as the four brothers of the He family enter Gaiyang Continent and land on the ground, they will immediately launch their attack, leaving them no chance to escape.

After Tai Miao took action, they met Meng Zhang, a powerful enemy.

Meng Zhang’s combat effectiveness far exceeds that of any one of the four of them.

All four of them have seen how powerful Meng Zhang is.

Knowing that Meng Zhang really has the ability to kill them if they are careless.

They had just parried Meng Zhang’s fierce attack when Gu Yue Lingqing, Yueshen and Wen Qiansuan arrived here again.

When the four brothers of the He family saw this, they were going crazy.

What is going on with these guys from the Taiyi Realm? They will trap them regardless of whether the Taiyi Realm is about to be absorbed by the black hole. Do you have such deep hatred?

Taking a step back, even if they don’t care about the fate of Taiyi Realm, don’t they even care about their own life and death?

You must know that, let alone being completely swallowed by a black hole, even being attracted to a certain distance from the black hole is a very dangerous thing for true immortals like them.

If one of them fails, there will be disaster.

Are these guys really going to die with them?

Of course the four brothers of the He family knew that their four brothers were not worthy of the other’s life.

There must be a mystery in what happened today that they have not yet understood.

They no longer care to think about these problems.

They must first get rid of their current enemies and escape from Taiyi Realm first.

Except for Wen Qiansuan, the few people present were the top beings in the Taiyi world.

With their strength, they can easily defeat or even capture ordinary true immortals and true gods.

Even the weakest Wen Qiansuan, after offering the Four Elephants Monument, his combat effectiveness is not too bad.

Although the four brothers of the He family are veteran true immortals, they are not particularly powerful among the group of true immortals. They are at best a little better than average.

From the moment they fell into this ambush circle, they were passive at every step.

Meng Zhang, who had been prepared for a long time, surrounded them, each showed his magical powers, took out his own killing moves, and desperately entangled them.

The void where Taiyi Realm is currently located is actually not too far away from the foreign star region.

At the current moving speed of the Ether Realm, it will take at most thirty to fifty years to reach the foreign star region.

If the real immortal travels alone, the speed is slightly faster, and it is estimated that it can reach the destination in one or two years.

The environment around the Foreign Star District has been carefully explored by the group of immortal-level experts from the Four-Pointed Star District, and a star map has also been drawn.

True Immortal Xianyun of Liuyun Holy Sect was once controlled by Meng Zhang for a period of time.

During that period, Meng Zhang used various means to try to dig out everything he knew.

Due to the extreme resistance of True Immortal Xianyun and restrictions such as oaths, Meng Zhang did not know many of the top secrets about Liuyun Holy Sect.

But regarding the information about the star map around the foreign star region, Immortal Xianyun had no need to hide it, and told Meng Zhang almost all of it.

Through the star map, Meng Zhang knew the situation here before coming here, and knew that there was a secret black hole hidden in the void nearby.

This black hole is very special. The attraction it emits is like a tide, which changes with time.

This change is cyclical, and the attraction will become stronger and weaker.

When the Taiyi Realm just entered here and was firmly attracted by the attraction of the black hole, it was when the attraction of the black hole was the strongest and it was at the peak of the wave.

If this black hole maintains this level of attraction, then the Taiyi world may be really difficult to get rid of. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua. com

But soon, the attraction of this black hole will enter the trough and become much weaker.

At that time, Meng Zhang and the others can control Taiyi Realm to get rid of the attraction of the black hole and escape to a safe place.

Meng Zhang made this plan after learning about the characteristics of this black hole from the star map.

At this time, Taiyi World only needs to use part of its power to resist the attraction of the black hole and prevent Taiyi World from being attracted so quickly.

Meng Zhang and other top combat forces seized this opportunity to ambush the four brothers of the He family, trying to end the battle before the black hole’s attraction changed.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, before taking action, Meng Zhang secretly left the Taiyi Realm and came to the vicinity in person to experience the gravitational changes of the black hole, conduct on-site exploration, and make careful calculations.

According to Meng Zhang’s estimation, the foreign star area is relatively remote and desolate.

Before the immigrants from the Four Points area arrived here, there was no owner here.

And this place is far away from the daily activities of the four brothers of the He family.

Most of the four brothers don’t know what’s going on here.

Of course, if the four brothers knew what was going on here and were not easily fooled, Meng Zhang and the others would have been working in vain at most.

If they miss this time, Meng Zhang and the others can continue to look for opportunities next time.

Anyway, after they were exposed, Meng Zhang was in the light and they were in the dark, and the offensive and defensive momentum had changed.

It will still be some time before Taiyi Realm reaches the foreign star area, and Meng Zhang can slow down his progress again.

All in all, this is a promising attempt.

The result of the attempt was that Meng Zhang and the others succeeded.

The four brothers of the He family did not know the situation here and thought that Taiyi Realm was in an extremely dangerous situation, so they suddenly took action.

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