Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2949: Dou Zhen

Although he was very reluctant, the external incarnation of Taoist emptiness still had to allocate a large part of the power prepared to deal with Meng Zhang to prevent Taiyi Realm from impacting the immortal formation.

I saw almost endless starlight burst out from the immortal formation, and when it rolled up in the air, it would involve the entire Taiyi Realm.

If Taiyi Realm is trapped by the immortal formation on the opposite side, it will definitely fall into a passive state.

Whether it is Tai Miao who is commanding the overall situation, or Wen Qiansuan who is commanding the star formation from the front, they are both people who have experienced hundreds of battles and know how to deal with various situations.

The star formation was activated with all its strength, and bursts of starlight also lit up on the surface of Taiyi Realm.

Two kinds of starlight with similar attributes collided together, stimulating countless sparks and even brighter light.

The Star Formation encountered extremely strong pressure, and the entire formation was shaking violently. The monks in the formation were trembling all over, and their blood was boiling.

With the help of the outer layer of defense laid out by the Nine Heavens fragments of the Junchen Realm, it keeps swaying in front of the huge external force, just like a small boat in the ocean, which seems to be capsized at any time.

When the situation was critical, the power of heaven and earth mobilized by the gods of Taiyi Realm descended on the outer layer of Taiyi Realm.

The constantly shaking outer defense system quickly stabilized.

The monks in the star formation felt a lightness on their bodies, and the force that oppressed them was much reduced.

The starlight emitted by the Tiangang Earthly Evil Star Palace Array has never been able to involve the entire Taiyi Realm.

Tai Miao hasn’t taken action yet, just letting other gods take action.

There are many true gods in the Taiyi Realm’s **** system.

Most of the true gods have been sitting in Taiyi Realm as a trump card for Meng Zhang.

Now is the time to put this trump card into play.

Many true gods worked together, and the mighty light of divine power soared into the sky from within the Taiyi Realm, rising into the sky, directly penetrating the thick starlight, and began to dispel the power of the enemy’s immortal formation.

The situation in Taiyi Realm began to stabilize.

The entire Taiyi Realm moved slowly but firmly towards the opposite direction of the Immortal Formation.

The external incarnation of Taoist emptiness looked in the direction of Taiyi Realm with great annoyance.

When the Taoist thief Kong Xing fought against Meng Zhang in the Shenchang Realm, the strength of the Taiyi Realm was still very limited, especially the lack of true god-level combat effectiveness.

He never expected that in just a few years, Taiyi Realm would be able to cultivate so many true gods.

If we encounter these true gods under other circumstances, this incarnation will still have ways to deal with them.

The fighting power of true gods is generally not as good as that of true immortals.

Most of the group of true gods gathered in Taiyi Realm are the bottom among the true gods.

Especially those indigenous true gods from the Shenchang Realm, whose cultivation is poor and their combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning.

Even after they joined the Taiyi Realm God System, their abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved.

But their overall strength is still very average.

Now that they are guarding Taiyi Realm and making full use of the power of heaven and earth in Taiyi Realm, they have become very difficult to deal with.

With wonderful command, they made full use of these powers.

The crude star formation above the Taiyi Realm also began to play the role of a battle formation.

This star formation is just a small part of the complete star formation, and it exerts less than one percent of its power.

But the external incarnation of Taoist emptiness is also not an immortal master of formation.

Although he used special tricks to bring out most of the power of the Tiangang Earth Evil Star Palace Map, there are still some rigidities in the control.

When it comes to formation attainments alone, he is not as good as Wen Qian, the great void-returning expert.

Wen Qianshuan flexibly controlled the star formation, not only resisting the enemy’s attacks, but also counterattacking from time to time.

Although the external incarnation was very reluctant, it still had to continue to draw more power from the Immortal Formation to fight against Taiyi Realm.

The Taiyi Realm showed great power, and the battle with the Tiangang Earth Evil Star Palace was back and forth, and it was inextricable.

Meng Zhang, who was already at an absolute disadvantage and looked like he could no longer hold on for long, was actually extremely resilient and could still withstand the attacks from the palaces.

The power of the Immortal Formation was restrained by the Taiyi Realm, and the offensive exerted on Meng Zhang did not continue to intensify, but maintained its original intensity.

Meng Zhang seems to have become accustomed to this level of offensive and has become more and more calm.

The external incarnation of Taoist thief Kongxing has the combat power of more than a dozen true immortals in his hands.

There are mechanical creations of the level of fairy puppets; there are true fairy incarnations transformed by the power of fairy talismans; there are even two tamed fairy beasts…

Among them, the one that is most valued by this external incarnation is the puppet transformed by the four true immortals.

The reason why the Taoist thief is regarded as the enemy of the Taoist sect is that, in addition to his rebellious ideas, he targets cultivators and often harms cultivators, including immortals.

The cultivators finally broke through many difficulties and became true immortals, but because of encountering a Taoist thief, they used secret methods to erode their souls, and then completely turned into their puppets.

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Many immortals hate Tao thieves deeply and want to get rid of them quickly.

This external incarnation of Taoist emptiness has long been transformed into a lake, serving as the eye of this immortal formation, thereby controlling the entire immortal formation.

In the immortal formation, there are a total of one hundred and eight palaces, which coincides with the number of Tiangang and Earthly Evils.

Previously, there were hundreds of palaces in the immortal formation attacking Meng Zhang non-stop.

However, there are four palaces that have not moved much and have been guarding near the center of the formation.

Controlling these four palaces are four converted true immortal puppets.

On the surface, it is absolutely impossible to tell that these four true immortals have been turned into puppets by Tao thieves.

They are conscious, speak and behave normally, have their original memories and emotions, and can display almost all their original abilities.

But as long as the Taoist thief who controls them has a thought, they will completely obey the Taoist thief’s orders without knowing it.

In the history of the world of cultivation, there have been Taoist thieves who used this method to control those powerful cultivators and let them sneak inside to carry out various kinds of destruction.

These cultivators controlled by Tao thieves are similar to cultivators who have been demonized. They are completely irreparable, even if the gods take action, it will be useless.

Tao thieves once used these methods to bring chaos to the world of cultivation and caused huge losses to the entire Tao sect.

It was not until later, after the experts within the Taoist sect developed various coping methods, that the situation began to improve.

Meng Zhang encountered this method when he was in Shenchang Realm.

The Taoist thief Kong Xing used this method to control the disciples of the Taiyi Sect, but it inspired Meng Zhang’s strong murderous intention, and he was pursued relentlessly by Meng Zhang.

This incarnation regards these four true immortal puppets as a trump card to save its life, and never lets them leave its side.

When the power of the immortal formation was used to attack Meng Zhang before, these four true immortal puppets were never used.

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