Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2939: Intriguing

The four brothers of the He family have been vigilantly observing the situation around them.

Judging from the current situation, God Xinda seems to be the most vulnerable party.

But the four brothers had dealt with Lord Xinda and knew that this guy was very scheming and always liked to have a back-up plan when doing things.

Maybe, there are other true gods hidden in that pyramid.

Not to mention, in terms of personal strength alone, if they fight alone, none of the four brothers of the He family may be able to defeat the God Xinda.

God Xinda dared to appear alone in front of Meng Zhang and the others because he had enough confidence to protect himself.

Although like most immortals, the four brothers of the He family do not look down on Shinto people.

But they still have to admit that God Xinda is qualified to cooperate with them, and is the only possible partner at present.

Fairy Hongyu and Meng Zhang secretly communicated through messages. Naturally, the four brothers of the He family did not know the content of their discussion.

But they looked at their words and had vaguely guessed that something was wrong.

Those three girls, who have always been arrogant and arrogant, actually had a passionate fight with that pretty boy. There must be adultery involved.

Perhaps, this gang of adulterers and adulterers have already begun to discuss how to join forces.

As for the target they will deal with after joining forces, is there any need to say?

Sindar God, who was anxiously waiting for reinforcements and considering whether to invest the last seed power to continue stalling for time, suddenly received a secret message from the four brothers of the He family.

The content of the message is nothing more than exaggerating the threat of the three female immortals of the Yuzhen Sect and Meng Zhang, trying to persuade the God Xinda to join forces with their four brothers.

God Xinda was secretly disdainful. No matter when this group of cultivators arrived, they would inevitably have internal strife.

In the world of cultivation, **** fights for profit and killings to seize treasures are common. Disputes between major cultivation forces are constant, and wars occur from time to time.

Of course, it is precisely because of the disunity and even internal fighting within the Taoist sect that gives Shinto more room for survival.

Some forces outside the Taoist sect can take advantage of the contradictions within the Taoist sect and profit from it.

Although he despises the four brothers of the He family, it does not prevent God Xinda from cooperating with them.

Under the current circumstances, Lord Sindar indeed needs allies.

The four brothers of the He family seemed to be his only choice.

The two sides discussed it hypocritically, agreed on how to distribute the spoils afterwards, and then discussed how to join forces to fight the enemy.

For God Zinda, everything he did was to delay time and wait for the arrival of his own reinforcements.

In this way, the four families began to engage in intrigues and began to look for allies.

After such a long time, the Taiyi Army has almost eliminated all resistance on that continent.

Part of the army continues to penetrate into the deepest part of the continent, and even marches towards the bottom of the continent. They want to figure out all the secrets of this continent and ensure that there are no other hidden killers hidden in the corpse of the God.

Another part of the army, mainly monks from the Taiyi world, began to select sites in various places on the mainland and began to arrange various magic formations.

Especially in places where the power of earth veins is strong, they are the focus of the Taiyi world monks.

After the successful deployment of these magic circles, the connection between Taiyi Realm and this continent can be deepened, which will be beneficial to Meng Zhang and the others’ next actions.

Although Meng Zhang was making excuses with the Ruby Fairy, he also did not relax his attention to his surroundings.

The strange silence between the four brothers of the He family and Lord Xinda made him speculate.

The Ruby Fairy thought she had made a big concession and promised Meng Zhang a lot of benefits.

The situation in the Yuzhen Sect is tense and they need the fighting power of the three female fairies, Red Jade Fairy. They should not stay outside for too long.

Meng Zhang gave some unclear promises, which made Fairy Hongyu think that the two sides had reached an agreement and Meng Zhang had agreed to join forces to fight.

She was unwilling to continue waiting like this, and began to urge Meng Zhang to take action. Together, they would drive away or even eliminate the four annoying He family brothers and Xinda Zunshen.

No matter what means Meng Zhang used to investigate, he could not find the existence of the mastermind around.

If it were another person, he might think that he was wrong and that he was being suspicious.

But Meng Zhang became more and more determined in his suspicions.

Since the mastermind behind the scenes can successfully lure so many forces here, he must have great supernatural powers.

Once the other party deliberately hides it, it will not be so easy for Meng Zhang to discover it.

Taking a step back, even if Meng Zhang guesses wrong, it doesn’t matter.

For many things, it is better to believe that they are true than to believe that they are not true.

It is always a good idea to think a little more about everything and make more preparations.

The void is dangerous and you cannot let down your guard at all times.

Since the man behind the scenes never showed up, Meng Zhang couldn’t continue to wait like this. It was best to make some changes and take some actions to see if there were any new changes in the situation.

Now the Ruby Fairy wants him to take action, which is exactly what Meng Zhang wants.

After receiving the reply from Meng Zhang that he agreed to take action, Fairy Hongyu seemed to be unable to wait any longer.

She gave a squeak and went towards the Lord Xinda to kill him.

Among all the people present, God Xinda is the target she is most wary of, and looking for Shuyuan is also the one she wants to get rid of most.

Fairy Yuxi and Fairy Ruizhen did not take any action, and just stood aside to prepare for her.

Although Ruby Fairy is a little arrogant and self-righteous, she is not a complete fool.

She did not completely trust Meng Zhang, let alone go into battle without reservation.

Fairy Yuxi and Fairy Ruizhen are her back-ups, ensuring that she has a safe way out and dealing with possible unexpected situations.

The Ruby Fairy’s sudden attack did not go beyond the expectations of Lord Xinda.

As temporary allies, the four brothers of the He family did not help. They also wanted to see how God Xinda responded and see if he had any hidden power.

God Sindar did not disappoint them.

Two true gods appeared in front of God Xinda, and together they blocked the Ruby Fairy.

These two true gods are the followers of God Sindar, and they follow him most of the time.

These two true gods are not weak among all the true gods.

They have a special ability to join forces. After joining forces, they were able to temporarily block the Ruby Fairy.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Ruby Fairy had some reservations and did not take action with all her strength.

It seems that even the stupid female cultivator in Meng Zhang’s eyes still retains the suspicious nature of a cultivator. She likes to keep everything secret and hopes that her allies will put more effort into it.

Now that the Ruby Fairy has taken action, Meng Zhang also takes action.

Under his order, Gu Yue Lingqing, Fairy Yue’e, Fairy Yueying and Man Shen Shake killed the four brothers of the He family again.

As allies of God Xinda, the four brothers of the He family could not sit back and watch.

The four of them, Gu Yue Lingqing, came over to kill them, and they were in agreement with their wishes.

They rushed forward without showing any signs of weakness and fought fiercely with each other.

Old rivals are fighting again, but the situation has not changed much from before.

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