Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2885: Escape

If the Spirit Bottle Spirit is smart enough, after receiving Meng Zhang’s message, he should immediately drop everything and escape from the Dengtian Star Area as quickly as possible.

If he was really so decisive, he might still have some chance of survival.

As long as there is a slight delay, he will probably be doomed.

At the same time, Meng Zhang was also thinking seriously about whether the external incarnation of Juechen Immortal Lord had told the whole truth and whether he had any reservations in the previous conversation.

If what Immortal Lord Juechen said is true, then after Immortal Junjun’s past body completely fell, there will be no interest entanglement between him and the Dengtian Star District.

Everything he did after that, whether it was revenge or anger, was essentially just a battle of wills.

An immortal who can practice to his level will not be easily confused by the battle of wills.

According to common sense, he will not pay too much for the battle of emotions, nor will he get too entangled in it.

In fact, the fact that he sent an external incarnation at this time, and it was not the real person, is enough to explain many problems.

He will never go against Jinxian’s will because of this matter, and he will not even make Jinxian feel unhappy at all.

Next, Juechen Immortal Lord really can’t be counted on, and everything has to depend on himself.

Under Meng Zhang’s urging, the dynamic array on Taiyi Realm began to activate, and Taiyi Realm was about to start moving.

Meng Zhang has supreme majesty in the minds of the monks in the Taiyi world.

Although he was reluctant to give up the rich resources of the Spiritual Realm, and although he might have some dissatisfaction in his heart, in the face of Meng Zhang’s strict order, no monk from the Taiyi Realm dared to resist the order head-on.

The Taiyi Realm monks who were originally in the Spirit Transformation Realm immediately rushed back to the Taiyi Realm as quickly as possible.

Many monks gave up the resources they were about to obtain with great regret, and reluctantly looked around the spirit world.

After receiving the message from Meng Zhang, the spirit bottle spirit came to Taiyi Realm in person not long after.

We have only formally formed an alliance not long ago, and Meng Zhang can’t help but stay behind closed doors.

He asked Tai Miao and the many gods of Taiyi Realm to control the movement of Taiyi Realm and at the same time strengthen the defense of Taiyi Realm.

He came to the sky above Taiyi Realm and saw the anxious Bottle Spirit.

As soon as he saw Meng Zhang, the spirit bottle spirit ignored the red tape and got to the point.

After being summoned by Meng Zhang, the spirit bottle spirit knew that the situation was serious.

If the immortals of the Lingkong Immortal Realm intervene in this matter so quickly, there will no longer be any possibility of resistance on our side, and our original arrangements will be in vain.

Previously, Meng Zhang presented two void battleships to the spirit tribe in the spirit world.

The senior leaders of the Eldar clan have also made preparations long ago to move some of the Eldar clan to the void battleship, ready to leave the spirit world at any time.

The spirit bottle spirit immediately ordered the two void battleships to set off and leave the spirit world and the Dengtian star area as quickly as possible.

The two void battleships have limited carrying capacity and can only accommodate a small number of Eldar.

Previously, the Spiritual Bottle Spirit had arranged for some of the Spiritual Races to begin migrating to the Taiyi Realm.

But firstly, time is limited, and secondly, the crisis has not yet reached, so not many Eldar have moved there.

The Spirit Bottle Spirit came over to meet with Meng Zhang, hoping to persuade Meng Zhang to stay in Taiyi Realm for a little longer and allow more spirits to migrate to Taiyi Realm.

The request of the spirit bottle spirit made Meng Zhang very embarrassed.

The two parties reached an alliance not long ago and worked together to fight Fengyuan Zhenxian.

Meng Zhang has to give up everything in the Dengtian Star District now and let the Taiyi Realm run away. It is indeed a bit unkind.

But there is no other way. The general trend is such that Meng Zhang must not disobey it.

The spirit bottle spirit saw Meng Zhang in trouble and had learned from Meng Zhang what Immortal Juechen said before.

He tentatively proposed to Meng Zhang that since Juechen Immortal Lord has secretly reached an agreement with Qu Lan Tianxian, Qu Lan Tianxian will not attack Taiyi Realm directly, and Taiyi Realm only needs to face Fengyuan True Immortal. They, why don’t Meng Zhang let Taiyi Realm stay a little longer.

During this period of time, the spirit bottle spirit will lead all the forces of the spirit clan in the spirit world to help Taiyi Realm fight against Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others.

After hearing the words of the spirit bottle spirit, Meng Zhang smiled bitterly.

The spirit bottle spirit is already so old, why is it still so naive?

Qu Lan Tianxian is willing to reach an agreement with Juechen Xianzun. He does not attack Taiyi Realm directly because he wants to take care of the other party’s face.

Juechen Immortal Lord also believes that he is not a fool. If he insists on seizing this point, he must stay in the Dengtian Star Area.

If Meng Zhang is ignorant and doesn’t give Qu Lan Tianxian face, the other party has many ways to deal with himself and Taiyijie.

Among other things, immortals like Qulan Tianxian have the ability to change the laws of heaven and earth in an area.

She does not need to take action against the Taiyi Realm. She only needs to change the surrounding laws of heaven and earth to make them extremely unfavorable to the Taiyi Realm monks. Then Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others can easily eliminate the power of the Taiyi Realm.

The reason why she didn’t take advantage of the situation was because she didn’t want to offend Juechen Immortal Lord.

Since she has bought the face of Juechen Immortal Lord, she will naturally not be smart or self-defeating. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

Meng Zhang quickly explained his difficulties to the spirit bottle spirit.

Looking at the miserable look of the Spirit Transformation Bottle Spirit and seeing many monks from the Taiyi Realm rushing towards the Taiyi Realm from the Spirit Transformation Realm, Meng Zhang hesitated and said something.

If a big world like Taiyi Realm is to carry out a great shift in the void, it will usually try to stay as far away from the other big world as possible to avoid being disturbed by it.

The Taiyi Realm is now very close to the Spirit Transformation Realm and is orbiting the Spirit Transformation Realm.

The Taiyi Realm needs to be far enough away from the Spirit Transformation Realm in order to carry out the Great Void Movement.

Prior to this, Taiyi Realm could only move in conventional ways.

In the process of Taiyi Realm leaving the Dengtian Star Area, it is very likely to encounter strong enemy interception.

All the powerful men in Taiyi Realm need to conserve their strength as much as possible in order to cope with the next battle.

The main force for movement in the Taiyi Realm should be provided by the power array above, rather than letting the strong ones spend too much power to drive it.

For the sake of the overall stability of Taiyi Realm, after the power array on Taiyi Realm is activated, it will generally accelerate slowly and will not cause Taiyi Realm to move at high speed all of a sudden.

Therefore, it will take some time for Taiyi Realm to completely stay away from the Spirit Realm.

Although the spirit world does not have the ability to build void battleships, there are still many ordinary flying boats and warships.

Many of them move fast enough.

In addition, there are also many members of the Eldar clan who have the ability to fly.

High-level members of the Spirit Tribe, especially the Holy Spirits, can take away a large number of Spirit Tribes in a short period of time as long as they take action.

The spirit bottle spirit understood what Meng Zhang meant and immediately started to take action.

Next, scenes of fleeing almost appeared throughout the entire spirit world.

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