Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2881: Crisis

As a true immortal with a great background, Fengyuan True Immortal naturally has a way to bypass various restrictions and directly contact the headquarters of the Lingkong Immortal World.

After he made up his mind to file a complaint, he quickly took action.

He avoided other people and found a secluded place in the void.

He first took a bath and changed clothes, clearing his mind, leaving his whole body and mind in an ethereal and peaceful state.

Then he began to burn incense and pray.

He took out a piece of spiritual incense full of fairy energy, put it in front of him and lit it according to a special technique, injecting his own unique fairy power.

He prayed devoutly to the incense stick.

I saw the smoke of the incense rising into the air, manifesting into billowing fairy clouds.

After a while, Fengyuan Zhenxian, who was praying quietly, finally felt something.

He immediately fell to the ground, and after saluting respectfully, he told everything about what happened after he left the spiritual world.

Finally, he told the truth clearly.

Because some senior immortals were playing tricks behind his back, he was unable to complete the tasks he shouldered and was unable to bring the entire Dengtian Star District under the control of the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

After the report, Fengyuan Zhenxian calmed down and waited silently.

After a while, a majestic voice appeared in his mind.

“I know everything you said. I will report the matter to my ancestor. You just need to wait for the good news.”

After this voice disappeared, the connection between Fengyuan Zhenxian and the Lingkong Immortal World Headquarters also ended.

After getting the promise he wanted, Fengyuan Zhenxian was determined.

After that, he led his monks back to the Fearless Realm without any action, just waiting silently.

Many immortals in the team were very dissatisfied and urged Fengyuan True Immortal to act as soon as possible and not to give the enemy a chance to breathe.

Especially Tianguang True Immortal of Guantian Pavilion and Xuanyang True Immortal of Sanyang Immortal Sect originally thought that Meng Zhang had obtained the inheritance of Junchen Immortal Lord and wanted to seize it.

They participated in the battle this time and intercepted Taiyijie on the way. They were seriously injured by Meng Zhang, which almost affected the foundation of their practice.

New grudges coupled with old grudges made them hate Meng Zhang to the extreme, and they wanted to attack Taiyi Realm immediately.

Fengyuan Zhenxian, who was confident in his heart, ignored the urging of his subordinates, and did not explain anything to them.

Fengyuan Zhenxian didn’t wait long before he got the result he wanted.

A huge idea came to the Dengtian Star Area.

Ordinary practitioners are simply not qualified to feel and come into contact with such vast thoughts. They have no idea what is happening.

The powerful people at the level of true immortals seem to be aware of it, but they don’t know what is going on.

Only this group of true immortals from the Lingkong Immortal Realm were shocked, their whole body and mind were shocked, and it took a long time for them to recover.

Some guys with smart minds, thinking of Fengyuan Zhenxian’s previous reaction, have already guessed what is going on.

At this time, all the immortals near the Dengtian Star Area sensed this idea very clearly.

This idea contains supreme majesty, which does not allow these immortals to resist at all.

The Celestial Immortal is considered to be the number one figure in all realms of the void, capable of dominating one side.

But at this moment, while sensing this idea, these immortals had no idea of ​​resistance in their minds except obediently obeying.

This vast idea did not stay in the Dengtian Star Area. It disappeared just as quickly as it came.

After conveying his will, this vast idea disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

However, the consequences of the emergence of this idea completely changed the situation in the Dengtian Star Region, and dominated the fate of countless powerful people, with extremely far-reaching influence.

When that idea came to the Dengtian Star Area, ecstasy enveloped the body and mind of True Immortal Fengyuan.

He knew that his prayers were effective and he got the results he wanted.

Fengyuan Zhenxian did not take action immediately, but continued to wait in the fearless world.

Only this time, the true immortals in the team no longer dared to come over and urge him to take action immediately.

The shock brought by the arrival of the vast idea in the Dengtian Star Region has not completely disappeared from the hearts of these true immortals.

When that huge idea came to the Dengtian Star District, Meng Zhang, a Tianji master, relied on his keen spiritual sense to vaguely notice it.

Although he didn’t know what was going on, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and then a huge sense of crisis enveloped his soul.

Meng Zhang knew that this was his spiritual sense warning that a great danger was about to befall him.

But Meng Zhang is still not sure where the danger comes from.

His biggest enemy at present is the team led by Fengyuan Zhenxian.

But the power he has here is not weak, enough to compete with it.

Taking a step back, even if he is defeated in the end, he is still very confident that he can escape from the Dengtian Star Area with Taiyi Realm.

Although he didn’t know what kind of danger it would be, Meng Zhang definitely didn’t dare to despise it in the slightest.

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Since the Dengtian Star Area is about to become very dangerous, then simply give up everything here and escape from the Dengtian Star Area as soon as possible.

Anyway, there is no undying blood feud between him and Fengyuan Zhenxian.

As for the covenant with the Ten Thousand Monster Realm and the Spiritual Transformation Realm, they don’t care about it at all.

At most, Meng Zhang should inform them in time before escaping from the Dengtian Star Area.

Anyway, they are not the kind of hard-core allies. Their trust in each other is limited, and the constraints of the covenant are not very strong.

The only thing that gave Meng Zhang a headache was that he violated the instructions of the senior immortal and failed to stop Fengyuan Zhenxian and his companions.

However, compared with the safety of one’s own family, it seems acceptable to offend a strange senior immortal.

The reason why Meng Zhang was preparing to escape from the Dengtian Star District was because he had no choice but to do so.

Of course, even though Meng Zhang already wanted to escape from the Dengtian Star Area, he couldn’t do it so quickly.

There are still a lot of things involved in the spirit world.

In recent times, in order to win over the Taiyi World, the spirit bottle spirit has opened up almost all the resources of the spirit world to it.

The Spirit Clan not only allows monks from the Taiyi Realm to go to the Spiritual Realm to exploit various resources, but they also try their best to provide all kinds of convenience and help.

The monks in the Taiyi Realm enjoyed this so much that they were reluctant to leave the Spiritual Realm, wishing that this good thing could continue forever.

With Meng Zhang’s supreme prestige in the Taiyi world, he could forcefully subdue all the monks and force them to leave immediately.

However, Meng Zhang did not want to appear too unkind and decided to give everyone a little more time.

The spiritual awareness warns that a crisis is about to come, but it may not come immediately. There should be some time to react.

And the crisis cannot appear out of thin air, most of it is related to the current enemies of Taiyi Realm.

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