Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2879: Late

Although intellectually speaking, the spirit-changing bottle spirit knows that the spirit-changing world will be captured by the immortals of the spiritual world sooner or later.

But emotionally, he was reluctant to leave the spirit world and always had some fantasies that he shouldn’t have.

He must stick to the spirit world as much as possible, and he will not give up the spirit world until the last moment.

Being able to stay in the spirit world as long as possible will have many benefits for him and the spirit clan.

He has more time to arrange a retreat for the Spirit Clan and preserve its vitality as much as possible.

He ordered the spirit tribe to speed up the exploitation of various resources in the spirit world, especially those unique and precious resources.

Since the spirit world will not be saved sooner or later, the spirit clan should not think about the long-term future and first meet the current needs.

At the back, not only the Spirit Race, but also many monks and even aliens from the Taiyi Realm came to the Spiritual Realm to help mine resources.

In order to speed up mining and collect as many resources as possible in a short period of time, they even resorted to destructive mining methods.

Meng Zhang told the spirit bottle spirit that a senior immortal entrusted the Taiyi Realm to delay the time for the true immortals of the Lingkong Immortal Realm to unify the sky star area.

The spirit bottle spirit is willing to help Meng Zhang in this aspect, so he actively organizes the spirit army to prepare for the upcoming war.

The Spirit Bottle Spirit believes that Meng Zhang will not forget his ally if he can benefit from that senior immortal.

The preparations for the war in Taiyi Realm have not been relaxed either.

Although many cultivators were sent to the Spirit Realm to exploit resources, the Taiyi Realm still organized a huge army of cultivators to conduct joint exercises with the Spirit Clan army.

Meng Zhang did not hide the fate of the Four Symbol Monuments.

Although the spirit bottle spirit felt very sad and regretful, he did not anger Meng Zhang because of it. Instead, he blamed his end on the temptation and bewitchment of Fengyuan Zhenxian.

Although the spirit bottle spirit did not go into details, Meng Zhang could feel that it had a close relationship with the Lingkong Immortal World and had a special prejudice against the true immortals from the Lingkong Immortal World.

The Hualing Bottle Spirit is determined not to surrender to Fengyuan True Immortal, which is actually beneficial to Meng Zhang.

Of course, Meng Zhang also had some worries.

At this time, the Spirit Bottle Spirit was strong enough, and with the help of Meng Zhang and the others, he was able to overwhelm the top leaders of the Spirit Clan.

If they wait until Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others arrive at the city and their battle situation becomes unfavorable, the spirit tribe may not be so stable.

In addition to reminding the spirit bottle spirit, Meng Zhang also ordered Taiyi Realm to strengthen its defenses.

According to time calculation, Fengyuan Zhenxian should have led the army of cultivators to the spirit world long ago.

But until the spirit world stabilized and they prepared for battle together with the Taiyi world, Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others were still missing, which made Meng Zhangdu a little confused.

Of course Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others could not be kind enough to give Meng Zhang and the others enough time to prepare for the war.

Meng Zhang began to wonder if they had some conspiracy, or that their goal was not the spirit world, but turned around and raided the demon world again?

Judging from Fengyuan Zhenxian’s level of military use, this possibility is not impossible.

After the spirit bottle spirit regained control of the spirit world, Meng Zhang promptly contacted Gu Yue Lingqing and informed him of the situation here.

After learning about the series of changes in the spirit world from Meng Zhang, Gu Yue Lingqing was also filled with sadness.

Fortunately, the final result was not bad. After the spirit-changing bottle spirit brought order to the chaos, the spirit tribe of the spirit-changing world returned to their own camp.

Gu Yue Lingqing selectively reported the latest news received from Meng Zhang to the top management of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm.

I heard that Meng Zhang did not shy away from fighting, but led Taiyi Realm to the Hualing Realm, helped Hualing Bottle eliminate the traitor Sixiang Monument, and stabilized the situation in the Hualing Realm. The attitude of the top management of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm was A little better.

Although they did not fully accept Gu Yue Lingqing’s explanation, at least they no longer regarded Taiyi Realm as an enemy, but as an unreliable ally.

Because of the ambush last time, Ten Thousand Demon Realm still has no intention of taking the initiative.

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Monster Realm strengthened their defenses and stood ready, but the army of cultivators led by Fengyuan Zhenxian never arrived.

Meng Zhang conveyed the latest news and his own speculations.

Gu Yue Lingqing urged the Ten Thousand Demon Realm to expand the scope of the investigation. He also personally left the Ten Thousand Demon Realm and carefully searched the surroundings, but found no whereabouts of Fengyuan Zhenxian and his companions.

Did Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others just disappear, or did they hide themselves deliberately?

What plans do they have and what kind of battle strategy do they have?

The whereabouts of the enemy were unknown, which made Meng Zhang feel confused.

Actually, the situation of Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others is not as complicated as Meng Zhang imagined.

After ambushing the vanguard sent by the Ten Thousand Demon Realm to the Transforming Spirit Realm for reinforcements, Fengyuan Zhenxian knew that the Ten Thousand Demon Realm would definitely step up their guard.

Sure enough, subsequent investigation operations confirmed his suspicions.

Facing the Ten Thousand Monster Realm that is ready for a war, if Fengyuan Zhenxian leads an army to attack forcefully, even if he wins in the end, he will pay a heavy price of casualties.

Don’t forget, in addition to the Ten Thousand Monster Realm, there are also the Spiritual Realm and Taiyi Realm watching covetously.

For the Four Elephants Monument, Fengyuan Zhenxian did not believe it very much.

Fengyuan Zhenxian, who is good at using soldiers, does not like to fight stupid battles, but prefers to win by surprise.

He plans to deal with the Spiritual Realm and Taiyi Realm first.

Due to the existence of the Four Symbol Monuments, it will definitely be difficult for the Spirit Transformation Realm to cooperate with the Taiyi Realm tacitly, which gives him opportunities to defeat each other.

After the Hualing Realm and Taiyi Realm are eliminated, Fengyuan Zhenxian will concentrate his strength and deal with the Ten Thousand Monster Realm with all his heart.

Soldiers are very fast. After a short rest, Fengyuan True Immortal led a group of True Immortals to carry out an ultra-long-distance space movement, preparing to rush directly to the spirit world.

The army of cultivators under him followed the fleet and slowly caught up behind it.

This group of true immortals is not encumbered by the army of cultivators. They come and go like the wind, extremely fast.

But this team of true immortals led by Fengyuan True Immortal is really unlucky.

While carrying out the great movement of the void, they encountered an anti-space storm and were almost completely trapped.

If they had not encountered this counter-space storm and rushed to the Spirit Transformation World as originally planned, Meng Zhang would have been chasing the True Immortal Po Kong and the Four Elephants Monument at that time, and the Spirit Transformation Bottle had not yet been recaptured. When taking control of the spiritual world.

That was also the time when the Spiritual Realm was the weakest and the Taiyi Realm lacked strength.

If Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others had arrived in time, the situation might have been completely different.

The Spiritual Realm cannot organize an effective defense, the Holy Spirits with different ideas have no intention of fighting, and the Taiyi Realm cannot support itself…

But it was this sudden space storm that completely ruined Fengyuan Zhenxian’s surprise attack plan.

The team of true immortals led by Fengyuan True Immortal was late.

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