Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2872: Fierce fighting

In the minds of most senior leaders of the Spiritual Clan in the Spiritual Transformation World, the battle between the Spiritual Transformation Bottle Artifact Spirit and the Four Elephant Tablet Artifact Spirit is a family matter of the Spirit Clan and an internal matter of the Spiritual Transformation World, and others have no right to do so. put one’s oar in.

No matter who wins or loses, it has nothing to do with outsiders.

No matter how actively Meng Zhang tries to make friends with the Spiritual Clan of the Transforming World, even if he does successfully form an alliance with the Spiritual Clan of the Transforming World, he will always be an outsider.

The top leaders of the Eldar clan are the most closed and conservative. Blindly xenophobic.

Only the Eldar themselves can handle the family affairs of the Eldar.

If an outsider like Meng Zhang tries to get involved, it would be disrespectful to the entire spiritual race.

Therefore, before Meng Zhang could take action, the Holy Spirit tried to stop him.

A towering giant tree blocked Meng Zhang’s way. Countless branches covered the sky and the earth, seeming to completely wrap Meng Zhang.

Thunder rumbled in the sky, and lightning flashed rapidly…

A wood spirit and a thunder spirit took action almost at the same time to prevent him from interfering with the battle between the four elephant monument artifact spirits and the spirit bottle artifact spirit.

Since coming to the spirit world, Meng Zhang has devoted himself to making good friends with the spirit clan, but instead he has a warm face but a cold butt, which makes him accumulate a lot of anger.

Considering the overall situation being the most important thing, he has been patient.

Now these two reckless guys dared to take the initiative to attack him, which finally aroused his anger.

For the sake of the spirit bottle, Meng Zhang would not take their lives, but he would not let them go easily either.

The two holy spirits, let alone defeat Meng Zhang, are not even qualified to stop Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang not only wants to defeat them, but also wants to win beautifully.

Meng Zhang sacrificed the wind and fire yin and yang fan, creating almost endless power of wind and fire.

A heavy wind and fire fell from the sky, almost everywhere, surrounding the wood spirit blocking the front.

The branches that had been dancing so arrogantly before were withered by the burning power of wind and fire, and the remaining branches shrank back desperately.

The power of wind and fire kept pouring into the body of the wood spirit, forcing it to deal with it with all its strength.

The two qi of yin and yang turned into a streak and rushed up into the sky, trapping the thunder and lightning transformed by the thunder spirit.

The thunder spirit mobilized its power and rushed left and right, but it was unable to break through the siege of yin and yang.

As soon as Meng Zhang took action, he showed extremely strong fighting power and easily suppressed the two Holy Spirits.

There are less than half of the remaining Holy Spirits, and one or two of them are supporters of the Spirit Transformation Bottle.

It’s just that the Four Elephant Monuments had great spiritual power before, so they hid their thoughts and positions and did not dare to express their opinions at will.

Now the Spirit Bottle Artifact Spirit has returned and is fighting endlessly with the Four Elephant Stele Artifact Spirit.

Especially the two helpers brought back by the spirit bottle spirit, they are really powerful.

Meng Zhang and Yueshen are just two people, but they can easily suppress more than half of the top combat power of the Spirit Clan.

The Holy Spirits who have not yet taken action are not firm supporters of the Four Elephant Stele Artifact Spirits.

They saw how powerful Meng Zhang and Yueshen were, and with the persuasion of the supporters of the spirit bottle, they remained neutral for the time being and were unwilling to take further action.

After Meng Zhang easily suppressed the two holy spirits, he still had some energy left to help transform the spirit bottle spirit.

Several rays of sword energy appeared out of thin air and slashed at the four stone tablets surrounding the spirit bottle spirit.

The sharp sword energy struck the body of the Four Elephants Monument, causing ripples, and then broke the outer protective light shield.

The Four-Elephant Monument Artifact Spirit, which had almost completely controlled the upper echelons of the Spirit Clan, did not expect the situation to change so quickly.

Meng Zhang and Yueshen relied on their strong fighting power to reverse the situation in a few seconds.

The spirit-changing bottle spirit, which was originally at a disadvantage, slowly got out of passivity after Meng Zhang came to help.

If those Holy Spirits who have not yet taken action swarm forward and join the battle together, they may completely block Meng Zhang and the others, or even suppress them in turn.

Unfortunately, these Holy Spirits are not loyal enough to the Four Symbol Monuments.

They are not willing to take risks to get chestnuts out of the fire for the Four Elephant Monuments.

As the enlightenment agent for most of the high-ranking members of the Spirit Clan, Hua Ling Bottle still has some cards to play.

His supreme prestige within the Spirit Clan, with the help of Meng Zhang’s powerful combat power, finally turned into a real influence.

The remaining Holy Spirits who did not take action watched with a neutral attitude, waiting for them to decide the winner.

This situation is much better than the best outcome that Meng Zhang and the spirit bottle spirit expected.

Meng Zhang couldn’t help but laugh in his heart. These Holy Spirits who did not take action thought they were protecting themselves wisely, but in fact they were extremely stupid.

They consider themselves neutral, neither helping nor offending either.

In fact, when the winner is truly determined between the spirit-changing bottle spirit and the four-image tablet spirit, the winner will not believe them, and the loser will resent them. This is really not the best of both worlds.

With the help of Meng Zhang, the spirit bottle spirit finally broke through the suppression and siege of the Sixiang Monument, and in turn forced it to a disadvantage.

Knowing that this battle is of great importance, he is not too pedantic and will not demand a fair fight with his opponent.

Although the Spirit Bottle Artifact Spirit hates the Four Elephant Tablet Artifact Spirit, it has no intention of killing them all and does not want to completely kill the other party. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm

After gaining the upper hand, he thought about his friendship over the years, felt soft, and began to persuade the other party.

As long as the spirit of the Four Symbol Monuments no longer seeks refuge in the spiritual world, everything in the past can be forgotten.

He would not even take it to heart that the Four Elephant Monument Artifact Spirits attacked him and suppressed him.

The two sides have been fighting for so long, and the Four Elephant Tablet Artifact Spirits know that with the help of Meng Zhang and the others, the Spirit Transformation Bottle Artifact Spirit may really be about to make a comeback.

The weapon spirit of the Four Elephants Monument was unwilling to give up, but had no other good ideas.

Now the Spirit Transformation Bottle Spirit was soft-hearted and tried to persuade her, giving her some hope of reversing the situation.

While she acted as if she was persuaded by the spirit bottle spirit, she secretly accumulated strength and prepared for a sneak attack.

The Spirit of the Spirit Bottle was simple-minded and did not notice the duplicity in her words. Instead, he thought that his persuasion was effective.

The true thoughts of the Four Elephant Stele Artifact Spirit can be hidden from the Spirit Transformation Bottle Artifact Spirit, but not from Meng Zhang.

When Meng Zhang saw this, he secretly cursed the spirit bottle spirit as stupid.

At this point, we are still soft-hearted and still harbor illusions about our enemies.

If it weren’t for the need for the spirit bottle spirit to unify the power of the spirit world, Meng Zhang would not be willing to associate with such a fool.

Meng Zhang did not immediately expose the artifact spirit of the Sixiang Stele.

He wants to use the next performance of the Four Elephant Tablet Artifact Spirit to warn the Spirit Transformation Bottle.

In addition, Meng Zhang is also looking for opportunities to kill the four elephant monument weapon spirits with one strike.

When the Four Elephant Tablet Artifact Spirit fought against the Spirit Bottle Artifact Spirit, it did not completely merge with the main body.

Although this does not add much to the power of the body, it can give full play to the magical power of the weapon spirit itself.

Don’t forget, the weapon spirit of the Four Elephants Monument is an out-and-out true immortal.

She lacks almost all the skills and means that a true immortal should have.

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