Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2860: Attack

During the exchange with Meng Zhang, Yueshen learned the enemy’s overall layout from Meng Zhang.

The enemy moved smoothly and the plan was successfully implemented, but our own side failed step by step, but was unable to counterattack, which made the moon **** feel depressed.

We clearly know the enemy’s purpose and how to counterattack, but because of these pig teammates from the Spirit Tribe, they can only sit back and watch the enemy do whatever they want. This is really infuriating.

The one who was originally the most offensive among the Eldar clan and was always responsible for the external affairs of the Eldar clan was a Holy Spirit-level wind spirit.

It is a pity that this wind spirit joined the team of extraterrestrial invaders earlier and fell completely after attacking the Junchen Realm.

If this wind spirit was still in charge, the spirit clan in the spirit world would not retreat so passively.

The senior leaders of the Spiritual Tribe who are currently in charge of the Spirit Transformation World are several five-element spirits at the Holy Spirit level.

They act conservatively and have a cowardly character…

If it is nothing during peacetime, in this critical moment when a powerful enemy is approaching, they simply cannot bear the heavy responsibility of leading the Eldar.

As far as the Moon God knows, the true supreme ruler of the spirit clan in the spirit world seems to be the spirit of an immortal weapon.

But this weapon spirit has been in seclusion all year round. No matter what Moon God thinks of, he can’t see him.

The helpless Luna could only wait silently.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang didn’t let her wait long, he solved the troubles encountered on the way and successfully arrived near the spirit world.

The Spirit Transformation World is a huge world. The Immortal Formation of Lin Haibing Peak does not completely surround this big world, and there are still many gaps exposed.

This allows the Moon God to not only successfully establish contact with Meng Zhang, but also pass through these gaps.

Now that he has arrived near the spirit world, Meng Zhang, who was a little anxious at first, has completely calmed down.

He did not rush Taiyijie to move closer, but stopped some distance away from the enemy formation.

He and his fellow Taoists stood above the Taiyi Realm, carefully observing the immortal formation in front of them.

Fengyuan Zhenxian is very strategic, and Yindingxian will use his troops superbly.

After Meng Zhang escaped from the fearless world, they ignored the impact of Zhenhai Zhenhai’s death in the heavenly catastrophe, mobilized almost all the power at hand, and acted as quickly as possible.

Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others were well aware of the enemy’s strength and made arrangements accordingly.

Zhenxian Ge Jinglei fired a feint and trapped the spirit world.

And except for Lin Haibingfeng’s formation, the strength of this group of people is not as strong as the team that intercepted Meng Zhang.

Arranging a team of five true immortals to block Taiyijie’s actions shows that it attaches great importance to Meng Zhang.

Fengyuan Zhenxian and the others ambush their main force between the Ten Thousand Demon Realm and the Spiritual Transformation Realm, and surrounded them for reinforcements. They almost wiped out all the reinforcements sent by the Ten Thousand Demon Realm. This was a stroke of genius.

This move not only greatly reduced the strength of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, but also made the three families, including the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, the Hualing Realm and the Taiyi Realm, become distrustful and even suspicious of each other.

Meng Zhang has guessed the enemy’s plan and is doing his best to deal with it.

Due to the incompetence of the top leaders of the spirit clan in the spirit world, the enemy’s plan was carried out smoothly.

Relying solely on the power of Taiyi Realm, it is absolutely impossible to withstand the main force of the enemy.

What Meng Zhang has to do now is to break the immortal formation in front of him as soon as possible.

First of all, it can alert the senior leaders of the spirit clan in the spirit world and restore their fighting spirit.

Secondly, only when the Taiyi Realm and the Hualing Realm join forces can they have the strength to compete with the enemy’s main force.

Meng Zhang and his comrades carefully analyzed that after the successful reinforcements were encircled, the main force led by Fengyuan Zhenxian had two options.

One option is to take advantage of the situation and press against the Ten Thousand Demon Realm. Whether it is directly attacking the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, or encircling and threatening the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, it can have a great effect.

The second option is to return immediately and rush to the Spirit Transformation World, trying to capture the isolated and helpless Spirit Transformation World.

After the reinforcements sent were eliminated, the top leaders of the demon clan in the Ten Thousand Monster Realm did not bury their heads and act like ostriches like the senior leaders of the spirit clan. Instead, they actively sent out scouts to explore the movements of the enemy’s main force.

So far, the main force led by Fengyuan Zhenxian has not moved near the Ten Thousand Demon Realm.

This made the top management of Ten Thousand Demon Realm breathe a little sigh of relief.

After receiving the news from Gu Yue Lingqing, Meng Zhang also tended to believe that the main force led by Fengyuan Zhenxian was rushing to the spirit world.

Meng Zhang and Tai Miao’s outstanding performance broke the enemy’s interception halfway.

Taiyi Realm has arrived near the Spirit Transformation Realm and can support the Spirit Transformation Realm at any time.

When the immortal formation in front of you is broken, the spirit world and the Taiyi world can successfully join forces.

After Meng Zhang and the others observed, although they had not yet seen all the details of the immortal formation in front of them, they had gained some insights.

Meng Zhang doesn’t want to wait any longer.

Although he doesn’t know the mystery of this immortal formation, he knows some basic principles.

No matter how brilliant the immortal formation is, its operation has certain rules, and its endurance is limited.

They are numerous and powerful, and they are able to use force to overcome skill, relying on absolute power to forcibly break the fairy formation in front of them.

Meng Zhang led Tai Miao, Fairy Yue’e, Fairy Yueying, Barbarian God Shake the Earth, and Giant Shark God together to kill the fairy formation ahead.

Seeing so many powerful men at the True Immortal level coming to kill them, I looked for the Immortal Formation transformed from the Book Garden Lin Haibing Peak Map and immediately started to move quickly.

I saw that the huge forest seemed to come to life. Huge trees began to stand up to respond to the enemy, and armies formed formations in the forest to fight against the enemy.

In this immortal formation, except for the True Immortal Ge Jinglei, the other two True Immortal-level experts are not living people, but two True Immortal-level puppets.

These two puppets have the power of a true immortal, but they do not have the corresponding wisdom and various methods.

Its true combat power is not as good as that of an ordinary true immortal.

Of course, this level of power can still be used to operate the immortal formation.

In addition, there are some monks from various major holy land sects in the immortal formation, who are responsible for checking for gaps in the formation, or using the power of the immortal formation to fight against the enemy.

Not to mention the destruction of Junchen Realm, even the ancestors of their own true immortals fell one by one.

These Holy Land sect monks who have become bereaved dogs are in urgent need of finding a backer.

These survivors from the Junchen Realm actively move closer to the true immortals and serve them wholeheartedly.

These monks from the major holy land sects are not weak in nature. They are hidden in the immortal formation. Using the power of the immortal formation, ordinary true gods cannot ignore them.

Seeing that the immortal formation in front began to change, Meng Zhang led the team at hand, chose a direction and rushed towards the immortal formation.

After learning about the arrival of Taiyi Realm, Yueshen contacted Meng Zhang and made an agreement to cooperate inside and outside to break the formation.

Moon God once again asked to see the senior leaders of the spirit clan in the spirit world, trying to persuade them to attack the enemy’s fairy formation together.

With the reinforcements brought by Meng Zhang this time, they are no longer fighting alone, and they should have the courage to take the initiative to attack.

However, after hesitating for a while, a group of senior leaders of the Spirit Clan once again rejected the Moon God’s proposal and decided to continue to defend the Spirit Realm.

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