Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2815: Retreat

Meng Zhang, who was blessed by the power of heaven and earth in the Taiyi Realm, showed great power and skillfully displayed various magical powers.

In particular, the two qi of yin and yang, which had just been upgraded to magical powers, shone brightly in this war.

The long river formed by the two qi of yin and yang was so vast and almost unstoppable that it easily broke up the joint efforts of the ghost mother-in-law and the six ghost girls, making it impossible for them to use the secret skills they had practiced for many years.

Several ghost girls who were unable to dodge were drawn into the river and began to encounter many disasters.

The long river formed by the two qi of yin and yang seems to be a maze, and it seems to have great attraction.

The ghost girl who was involved in it fought left and right, and tried all methods to escape.

After a period of struggle, these ghost girls slowly lost the power to resist and were completely swallowed by the long river and became the nourishment in it.

The ghost mother-in-law is mentally connected to these ghost girls and can sense their life, death, misfortunes and blessings.

The ghost girl who had been cultivating her for many years died at the hands of Meng Zhang. The ghost mother-in-law was shocked and almost went completely crazy.

On the battlefield, strength always speaks.

No matter how angry or crazy the ghost mother-in-law is, she can’t erase the strength gap between her and Meng Zhang.

As the battle progressed, the six ghost girls were killed one by one by Meng Zhang, and the crazy ghost mother-in-law was also completely suppressed by him.

As the war progressed, the three ghosts and gods slowly woke up from their initial anger.

During the battle, he kept paying attention to what was going on around him.

In terms of top-level combat power, the enemy already has a huge advantage.

Due to the heavy damage to the sky curtain, the army of ghosts and gods was greatly weakened and could no longer withstand the enemy army.

Emergency news continues to come from the rear, and the Yin and Yang channels continue to be destroyed.

After thinking about it for a long time, the Three Jue Ghosts and Gods secretly communicated with the Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts.

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Kingdom can be called the most strategic and overall visionary among the ghosts and gods in the underworld.

He realized that the situation was not good earlier than the Three Jue Ghosts and Gods.

After some discussion, they decided to retreat temporarily and first withdraw the army to the vicinity of the Lianyue Mountains.

First of all, there are the most Yin and Yang channels over there.

When nothing can be done, they can safely lead the army back to the underworld, saving their own lives and the main force of the army.

Secondly, the retreat of the army of ghosts and gods can temporarily avoid the enemy’s attack.

The sky curtain has suffered heavy losses, and its coverage area is constantly shrinking, and the power of protection given to the army of ghosts and gods is also constantly weakening.

The army of ghosts and gods retreated back to the Lianyue Mountains, trying to reduce the territory they occupied as much as possible.

Three Jue Ghosts and Gods can try to adjust the canopy and actively reduce its coverage area to see if they can shrink all the remaining power of the canopy to a small area to see if they can enhance the protection of the army of ghosts and gods.

After the Sanjue Ghosts and the Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghosts discussed it, they began to make arrangements for their retreat.

The army of ghosts and gods is far less well-trained than the enemy army.

In the past, brute force was used to suppress the enemy army.

Now that the war situation is unfavorable, the shortcomings of the ghost and **** army are beginning to be exposed, and a certain amount of chaos has occurred in many places.

As the retreat order of the King of Ghosts was issued, the chaos in the army of ghosts and gods intensified, and the battle lines in many places collapsed completely.

For these situations, the Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts and the Three Jue Ghosts and Gods have long expected it.

Their response is that these true god-level ghosts and gods are responsible for breaking up the rear and covering the retreat of their own army.

What the Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghosts and the Three Jue Ghosts and Gods did not expect was that the army of ghosts and gods, which had always gone smoothly, would collapse so quickly after encountering a major setback.

Of course, a large part of this was due to the fact that the sky was severely damaged, which dealt a major blow to the army of ghosts and gods, both physically and psychologically.

In particular, the previous actions of the Sanjue Ghosts and Gods to repair the sky curtain failed completely, which made many ghosts and gods despair about the prospect of war.

In the subsequent war, the Taiyi Realm and Dragon Clan coalition showed far greater combat effectiveness than before.

Before the war began, Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan mobilized almost all available forces to reinforce the Eastern Continent.

Both sides opened their respective treasure troves and fully armed this army, using almost all possible means to suppress the enemy.

In addition, after the indigenous gods were reorganized and organized into an army, they exerted far greater power than imagined.

In previous battles, Moon God has repeatedly organized indigenous gods to fight as servant armies.

Most of the indigenous gods have low morale and their will to fight is not firm.

On the battlefield, when these indigenous gods faced the army of ghosts and gods, they were helpless and almost vulnerable.

The situation this time has fundamentally changed from the past.

Meng Zhang had previously used ruthless tactics to rectify the indigenous gods, killing chickens to scare monkeys, and killed many dishonest people.

The Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan’s senior leaders also have more time to train the indigenous gods through various means such as coercion and inducement.

Whether it is a monk from the Taiyi Realm or a dragon clan, they all have rich means and experience in training their servants.

However, in the past, the army of ghosts and gods attacked too quickly, and the moon **** did not get enough time, so these methods were of no use. Find the book garden

The top brass of the ghost army wasted too much time in repairing the canopy, allowing the enemy to be fully prepared.

Now, the top brass of the army of ghosts and gods will suffer the consequences of their own mistakes.

The Dragon King Swallowing the Sea caused trouble near the Lianyue Mountains and effectively mobilized the strong men in the army of ghosts and gods.

When several true god-level ghosts and gods were mobilized from other directions to intercept him, he teleported away directly and came to the place where the battle was most intense.

Originally, Meng Zhang and the others already had a certain advantage in terms of top-level combat power.

Meng Zhang suppressed the ghost mother-in-law; the Three Jue Ghosts and Gods and the Lord of the Wangui Kingdom were no match for Tai Miao and Gu Yue Lingqing, and the Ghost Bone Master was forced to a disadvantage by the Moon God…

The ghosts and gods must dispatch many true god-level ghosts and gods to help their top ghosts and gods fight.

This time Meng Zhang dispatched eight indigenous true gods to participate in the battle, which has greatly narrowed the numerical gap between the two sides in the true **** level, allowing his side to unleash its top combat power.

A series of strategic and tactical mistakes caused the army of ghosts and gods to disperse their strength.

The Sea Swallowing Dragon King had suffered a lot of wear and tear before, and the injuries on his body tended to get worse.

Although he was very strong, he still didn’t force himself to act recklessly.

He did not directly participate in the battle, but used the secret skills of the dragon clan to bless the two dragon emperors, Emperor Sulong and Emperor Jinlong.

The Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor came to the battlefield with a seriously injured body, making both Dragon Emperors feel a little guilty. They felt that it was their poor performance that made the senior member of the clan have to work hard despite being seriously injured.

After receiving the blessing of the Sea-Swallowing Dragon King, they became very crazy.

The two Dragon Kings charged crazily on the battlefield, and even the ghosts and gods at the level of true gods could not resist them.

They collided wantonly among the army of ghosts and gods, constantly breathing dragon breath, killing and injuring a large number of ghosts and gods…

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