Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2811: Patch

Meng Zhang decided to follow his intuition and was not going to stay in Shenchang Realm for a long time.

He wants to end everything in Shenchang Realm as soon as possible, and then step into the void again.

He hopes to determine the outcome in one battle, completely defeat the army of ghosts and gods, defeat its main force, and completely establish the next situation in Shenchang Realm.

As for the remaining finishing work, we can leave it to the Dragon Clan.

As the rulers of Shenchang Realm in the future, the Dragon Clan should maintain the order of Shenchang Realm and suppress the ghosts and gods in the underworld. It should be their responsibility, and they have the ability to do this.

According to Yin Jiu’s report, the top brass of the army of ghosts and gods will make big moves in the near future, and he does not need to wait too long.

Before the war began, Meng Zhang tried his best to strengthen his combat effectiveness.

After the death of Junchen Immortal Lord, the mirror fragment obtained from the ruins of Junchen Realm has undergone some gratifying changes after absorbing the divine power contained in the divine sword last time.

Before, Meng Zhang could not figure out the mystery at all.

No matter how much he stimulated the refining, this fragment did not give him any response.

Now, Meng Zhang continued to use his immortal power to stimulate, and there were some weak reactions.

Although it is still far away from understanding the secrets, and it is not possible to obtain combat power from it for the time being, this is a welcome change after all.

Meng Zhang discovered that after absorbing the power of the gods, the mirror fragment slowly and spontaneously recovered.

For the current Meng Zhang, power at this level of the divine power is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought.

And the divine power contained in that divine sword was not given by ordinary gods.

In addition to carefully searching for this kind of power in the future, Meng Zhang can only use his own fairy power to slowly nurture it.

The immortal power of the real immortal Meng Zhang is definitely far inferior to the divine power of the gods. The only advantage is that it can be eaten in large quantities.

The divine power absorbed this time was like an introduction, stimulating the subsequent changes in the mirror fragment.

After that, the mirror fragment absorbed Meng Zhang’s immortal power faster.

It wasn’t until he started preparing for the battle with the army of ghosts and gods that Meng Zhang temporarily stopped releasing his immortal power and focused on the battle first.

Due to the existence of traitors such as Yin Jiu, Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Alliance are almost aware of every move of the army of ghosts and gods.

When the three unique ghosts and gods completed their work in the underworld and prepared to go to the Yangshi to repair the sky, Meng Zhang, who received the news, knew that the time had come to launch an attack on the army of ghosts and gods.

The Taiyi Realm and Dragon Clan coalition forces have long been ready for battle and have concentrated almost all their strength.

Even the Sea Swallowing Dragon King, who had not recovered from his injuries, temporarily left the Source Sea in the Shenchang Realm.

In his current state, he is really not suitable to fight on the battlefield.

You probably also know that this is the last battle that will decide the fate of the Shenchang Realm, and the Sea Swallowing Dragon King will not miss it no matter what.

Under the persuasion of Emperor Jinlong and Emperor Sulong, he promised not to directly participate in the battle, but would only use his own experience to give them some guidance during the battle. At most, he would cast spells to support the powerful dragons.

Amid everyone’s waiting and expectations, the day of the decisive battle has arrived.

On this day, in accordance with the agreement with other top ghosts and gods, the Sanjue ghosts and gods led several true god-level ghosts and gods, carrying everything needed to repair the sky, from the underworld to the Yang world.

Probably because they were worried about the long nights and many dreams, after arriving in the Yangshi world, the Three Jue Ghosts and Gods took action immediately without any delay.

This group of top ghosts and gods were also worried about being destroyed by the enemy, and had done a lot of precautions in advance.

The time when the three magic ghosts and gods take action is strictly kept secret, and most ghosts and gods don’t know it.

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghost Kingdom and the others also made preparations early to protect the three unique ghosts and gods.

I saw the Sanjue ghosts and gods carefully taking out a few curtain-like treasures and throwing them into the sky with all their strength.

He and the ghosts and gods behind him used all their strength, and the curtains began to grow rapidly in the air, and they were about to cover the original sky curtain.

This is the final result obtained after the Sanjue ghosts and gods spent their efforts in the underworld to plunder all facilities similar to the canopy, spent a lot of time and resources, and carefully refined it.

As long as these curtain-shaped treasures are successfully combined with the canopy, the canopy can be quickly repaired and its various functions can be slowly restored.

During this period, the negative consequences of the severe shattering of the sky are emerging one by one.

The area covered by the sky curtain is constantly shrinking, and the protection and blessing for ghosts and gods are getting weaker and weaker.

The rules of heaven and earth of Yangshi, which were originally suppressed, seem to have begun to counterattack and have a tendency to overwhelm Tianmu.

The activities of ghosts and gods in the Yangshi are increasingly restricted.

Most of the time, the ghosts and gods have to retreat towards the core area covered by the sky, giving up more and more territory to the enemy.

The higher-ups of the army of ghosts and gods don’t want this either.

But faced with the rejection of the rules of the Yangshi world, ghosts and gods, especially low-level ghosts and gods, will instinctively retreat and avoid.

Now, the Three Jue Ghosts and Gods are finally going to completely reverse the previous passive situation.

Seeing that the curtains were about to be successfully integrated with the sky, a group of ghosts and gods who were on guard nearby could not help but show joy on their faces.

At this moment, accompanied by several shocking dragon roars, looking for Shuyuanwww. Sulong Emperor and Jinlong Emperor killed each other from a distance.

The roar of the real dragon has a great suppressive effect on ghosts and gods.

Many ghosts and gods with weak cultivation felt that their minds had been taken away, and they could hardly move.

The ghost mother-in-law let out several ghostly cries that were as unpleasant as the cries of night owls, temporarily suppressing the dragon’s roar.

The ghosts and gods have been prepared for a long time and have made various preparations.

A group of true god-level ghosts and gods took the initiative to pounce on the two Dragon Kings, trying to block them.

Accompanied by bursts of howling, Gu Yue Lingqing, Moon God and Fairy Yue’e appeared on the horizon one by one, heading towards this side.

The ghost mother-in-law screamed strangely, and the ghosts and gods with the ghost bone master and other true **** levels took the initiative to greet her.

Although preparations had been made in advance, the enemy’s appearance at this time still made the ghosts and gods confused.

The timing of the enemy’s appearance is too coincidental. Could it be that our secrets have been leaked?

Many ghosts and gods, including the Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts, had similar questions in their minds.

Until the sky is completely repaired, Lord Wangui and the others have been avoiding an all-out war with the enemy.

Seeing that the sky was about to be repaired, the enemy seized the opportunity to launch an attack, hitting the ghosts and gods’ weak spot.

The three powerful ghosts and gods are working hard to repair the sky curtain with several of their subordinates, but they can’t be distracted.

At this time, it was all up to other ghosts and gods to cover his actions and prevent the repair work from being destroyed.

The enemies that appeared one after another restrained most of the ghosts and gods and attracted their main attention.

Meng Zhang, who had been lurking nearby for a long time, suddenly appeared, not far from where the curtains merged with the sky.

Meng Zhang started taking action without saying any nonsense.

One after another, the yin and yang annihilating divine thunder blasted towards the curtains and the canopy like crazy.

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