Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2803: Clean up

The Taiyi Realm is of extremely great significance to Meng Zhang. It is his foundation, related to his path of seeking Taoism, and is also the home and shelter of countless monks.

The last time he took a risk and made a desperate move, using the Taiyi Realm as a weapon, he was forced to do so and had no other choice.

He really doesn’t want to do it again, and he doesn’t want to put Taiyi World in danger again.

Moreover, even if he controls the Taiyi Realm to hit the sky again, the top leaders of the ghost and **** army will definitely stop it with all their strength after learning from the last lesson.

In this way, not only will the chance of success be low, but it will also put Taiyi World in an extremely dangerous situation.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Meng Zhang to repeat his old tricks.

If you want to destroy and destroy the enemy’s canopy, you still have to find another way.

According to Meng Zhang’s observation, the army of ghosts and gods are working hard to repair the sky curtain and have no time to pay attention to it for the time being.

The top ghosts and gods such as the Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghosts have to take charge of the restoration work, and basically have little energy to focus on other things.

Meng Zhang also considered whether to dispatch the Taiyi Realm and Dragon Clan coalition forces to launch an all-out counterattack against the army of ghosts and gods.

But after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the idea.

The time is not yet ripe to launch a full-scale counterattack.

First of all, the remaining sky curtain continues to protect the army of ghosts and gods. The rules of heaven and earth in Yangshi have not yet been fully restored. The combat effectiveness of the army of ghosts and gods is still very strong, and the overall strength is far above that of the Taiyi World and the Dragon Clan Alliance.

Secondly, although Lord Hunling was defeated this time, he still has strength and is still a very difficult guy.

If he jumps out to cause trouble when the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition launch a counterattack, then our side must be very passive.

After discussing with several fellow Taoists, Meng Zhang decided to send a team of his own True Immortal-level experts to harass the army of ghosts and gods, preventing them from successfully repairing the sky.

At the same time, a unification of the indigenous gods of the Shenchang Realm is to be carried out.

Get rid of those who appear to be seeking refuge but actually have ulterior motives.

Absorb those valuable indigenous gods and join your own camp to increase your own strength.

After Meng Zhang and the others discussed it, they immediately started taking action.

Including Meng Zhang, the true immortal level experts on our side formed a team and took turns to attack the army of ghosts and gods.

They are not going head-to-head with the strong men in the army of ghosts and gods, but they are going to leave with one blow and continue to destroy the sky and affect the enemy’s repair work.

Not to mention Meng Zhang and Tai Miao, Gu Yue Lingqing and Yueshen are both strong enough to deal with the top enemies. As long as you are not caught in an ambush, you can basically come and go freely.

After being harassed for many times, the senior officials of the ghost army were annoyed, which greatly affected the repair work of the canopy.

Especially after Taimiao completed his training, he took the initiative to join the harassing team, which caused even greater damage to the sky.

Because they were led by their own top warriors, some of the indigenous true gods who had taken refuge dared to follow suit.

While the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition were resting and recuperating, they were also preparing for an attack by the army of ghosts and gods.

On the Eastern Continent, Moon God and Fairy Yue’e had previously occupied the territory of Shengyang True God and recruited many of the original Shengyang True God’s subordinates.

Firstly, the Moon God and Fairy Yue’e are powerful; secondly, due to the threat from the army of ghosts and gods, most of the remaining indigenous gods in the Eastern Continent have taken refuge with them.

After many battles with the army of ghosts and gods, some of these indigenous gods lost some, and many others gave up everything and fled the Eastern Continent.

Meng Zhang and Yueshen took time to select the remaining indigenous gods.

Those indigenous gods who were favored by Meng Zhang and were willing to seek refuge in the Taiyi Realm accepted Meng Zhang’s canonization and left their names on the jade book.

When the situation stabilizes, Meng Zhang will move all their kingdoms and believers to Taiyi Realm.

There are also many indigenous gods who are reluctant to leave their homeland and are unwilling to leave Shenchang Realm, and Meng Zhang did not make things difficult for them.

According to Meng Zhang’s arrangement, when the war in Shenchang Realm ends and Taiyi Realm leaves Shenchang Realm, some Taiyi Sect monks will remain in Shenchang Realm and establish a branch of Taiyi Sect here. A back-up move for the sake of the sect’s survival.

In addition, many cultivation forces in the Taiyi Realm are unwilling to continue wandering in the void and want to take root in the Shenchang Realm, and Meng Zhang will not force them.

There are no true immortals among the monks from Taiyi Realm who stayed in Shenchang Realm and lack high-end combat power.

Meng Zhang will ask the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm who have taken refuge in him to swear allegiance to these cultivators and serve them.

In the future, the monks from Taiyi Realm who stayed in Shenchang Realm can be regarded as having some support.

Meng Zhang will no longer hold back the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm, let alone give them the chance to wait and see half-heartedly.

No matter what choice the indigenous gods make, they must accept the conscription of the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition in the next time to prove their loyalty.

Meng Zhang will use thunderous means to eliminate anyone who is unwilling to accept Meng Zhang’s arrangements and violates the rules.

With the strength of Meng Zhang and Moon God, they can easily crush the resistance of all the indigenous gods.

Under their coercion and inducement, all actions went smoothly.

The indigenous gods who stayed in the Eastern Continent basically accepted Meng Zhang’s arrangement.

Those who are unwilling to accept the arrangement can temporarily save their lives if they seize the opportunity early and flee the Eastern Continent early.

Those who did not escape fast enough were killed by Meng Zhang and Moon God, and their divine bodies were sent back to Taiyi Realm and became the nourishment for the world.

Without outside interference, Meng Zhang and Yueshen quickly completed the cleanup of the indigenous gods of the Eastern Continent.

Now, these remaining indigenous gods are barely usable.

Whether they were willing or not, at least they did not dare to disobey Meng Zhang’s orders.

These remaining indigenous gods were reorganized into an army to serve as an auxiliary to the Taiyi Realm and Dragon Clan coalition forces.

Everything went well on the Eastern Continent. Meng Zhang and Yueshen rushed back to the Western Continent, followed the same pattern, and began to clean up the indigenous gods on the Western Continent.

In addition to the two continents of the Eastern and Western continents, the Shenchang Realm is mainly the sea.

On the sea, there are countless islands, large and small.

On many islands, there are indigenous gods.

The islands are too scattered, and the indigenous gods are also widely distributed.

Previously, many indigenous gods took the initiative to join the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition forces due to the changes in the situation in the Shenchang Realm.

Of course, this kind of surrender is mainly verbal, not sincere.

The last time the top leaders of Taiyi Realm recruited these indigenous gods and asked them to go to the Western Continent to participate in the war, it did not go well.

Many indigenous gods found excuses to delay or even refuse.

What’s more, they simply ignored the recruitment order.

Even among those who responded to the call-up orders, many did so in disobedience and randomly sent subordinates with low combat effectiveness to deal with them.

It can be said that there are very few people who sincerely surrender to Taiyi Realm, actively respond to the call-up order, and go to the Western Continent to participate in the war.

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