Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2794: Impact

Having learned the lesson from last time, Lord Wangui and the others will not let Meng Zhang use the method of upper Si against lower Si again to attack their own army and cause wanton casualties.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts and four other top ghosts and gods went directly towards Meng Zhang and the others to kill them.

Meng Zhang and the other four did not separate, but fought together, cooperated with each other, and jointly shared the pressure of the enemy.

Meng Zhang, Gu Yue Lingqing, Yueshen and Fairy Yue’e set up a simple four-image formation. The four of them occupied one corner, forming a solid battle group.

Ghost Mother Granny and the others believe that their overall strength is far superior to Meng Zhang and the others, so they have no scruples.

The four top ghosts and gods, the Lord of the Wangui Kingdom, the Ghost Mother, the Sanjue Ghosts and the Ghost Bone Master, came from all directions, and the battle group surrounding Meng Zhang and the others launched a fierce attack.

Meng Zhang and the others used their best to block the enemy’s advance.

For a moment, there was a rumbling explosion in the sky, and the two sides fell into a fierce battle.

When Meng Zhang and the others started fighting, the armies from both sides below also started fighting.

The army of ghosts and gods swarmed forward, immediately putting Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition forces under tremendous pressure.

As the commander-in-chief, the Lord of Wangui made a battle plan before personally participating in the war, and put a few close men in charge of commanding the army.

The army of ghosts and gods detached part of their forces to suppress the Taiyi Realm monk army and the Dragon Clan coalition.

More armies of ghosts and gods, led by a group of true god-level ghosts and gods, pounced directly on the army of indigenous gods nearby.

This is the enemy’s weakness that Lord Wangui has long been optimistic about.

As soon as the war started, the main force of the army of ghosts and gods headed straight for this weak point, trying to defeat this army of indigenous gods in one fell swoop.

This army of indigenous gods gathered many indigenous gods, including many indigenous true gods, who looked decent.

If it were a civil war between the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm, they might still be able to dominate for a while.

But faced with the full impact of the army of ghosts and gods, the weaknesses of this army of indigenous gods were quickly exposed.

Many indigenous gods have little fighting spirit, let alone the courage to persist to the end, especially when the gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves is obviously too large.

Although some of the indigenous gods fought actively and managed to maintain their strength, this army of indigenous gods did not last long and was dispersed by the enemy.

Speaking of which, the indigenous gods in the Yang world of Shenchang Realm and the ghosts and gods in the underworld are irreconcilable and deadly enemies.

The two sides have been hostile for many years and have accumulated deep hatred.

The ferocious ghosts and gods swarmed up and rushed into the enemy army, killing these indigenous gods wantonly.

Some indigenous gods are still resisting, and more indigenous gods have begun to retreat.

The morale of the ghosts and gods was high, and their desire to kill was completely aroused by the enemy’s poor performance.

They worked hard to pursue the enemy and kill with all their strength…

The Taiyi Realm monk army and the Dragon Clan army nearby tried to allocate their strength to support the indigenous gods, but the army of ghosts and gods they faced increased the pressure, leaving them no time to care.

If this continues, it won’t be long before the army of ghosts and gods can completely defeat the army of indigenous gods, and then outflank the army of Taiyi monks and dragons from the side, killing them all in one fell swoop.

At high altitude, the formation formed by Meng Zhang and others only temporarily withstood the enemy’s attack.

Fairy Yue’e, who has the weakest cultivation level, can still persevere under the care of Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing.

The Moon God’s cultivation has improved and he is able to maintain his position unwaveringly.

The Lord Wangui and the others attacked with all their strength, but within a short period of time, they were unable to break the enemy’s formation.

Seeing that their own side had the absolute advantage in the battle below, they were not in a hurry and were willing to take their time with Meng Zhang and the others.

Taimiao, a powerful enemy, did not show up in time this time, which made them a little concerned, but they couldn’t say how afraid they were.

Ghost Mother Granny and the others did not relax their surveillance of the surroundings even during the fierce battle. It was almost impossible for Tai Miao to surprise them.

There are many true god-level ghosts and gods below. Just a few of them can entangle Taimiao.

In fact, the number of true god-level ghosts and gods far exceeds that of the indigenous true gods, which is one of the reasons for the rapid collapse of the army of indigenous gods.

The Taiyi Realm monk army and the Dragon Clan army are well-trained and have the help of formations.

But so what, just a few true god-level ghosts and gods can suppress them to death, making them almost unable to resist.

The war was going on at a time when Tai Miao was not idle.

At this time, Tai Miao was in Taiyi Realm.

All the gods in Taiyi Realm were mobilized.

They each took their positions, and under Tai Miao’s command, began to activate the magic formations that covered almost the entire Taiyi Realm.

The Taiyi Realm started slowly, then suddenly accelerated, slamming into the Shenchang Realm.

I saw a huge thing flying from the void, pointing towards Shenchang Realm with incomparable ferocity.

If this collision is successful, the Taiyi world will inevitably be completely destroyed, and the Shenchang world will be hit harder than ever before. This is a lose-lose outcome.

We haven’t reached the point where we are at the end of our rope yet, so naturally Taimiao will not really die together with the enemy.

This time he is going to use the power of Taiyi Realm to find Shuyuanwww. to destroy the canopy built by the ghosts and gods, instead of directly hitting the Shenchang Realm itself.

Such a behemoth from the Taiyi Realm is rapidly approaching the Shenchang Realm, which will naturally cause various strange phenomena.

There were huge earthquakes and tsunamis in many places in Shenchang Realm…

Ghosts and gods at this level like the Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghosts are very sensitive to changes in the entire world.

Even in the midst of a fierce fight, they quickly discovered that the Taiyi Realm was colliding with the Shenchang Realm.

Soon, other ghosts and indigenous gods also realized that something was wrong.

Many indigenous gods thought that a natural disaster that would destroy the world was about to come, and they were all scared and pale and panicked.

Even the cruel and arrogant ghosts and gods were stunned at this time.

If the Taiyi Realm really collides with the Shenchang Realm, the Shenchang Realm itself may not be completely destroyed, but the creatures above, including the indigenous gods and ghosts, will not be spared.

As the Taiyi world quickly approaches, strange and powerful forces fill the space between the two worlds.

Master Guigu shouted sternly at Meng Zhang and the others: “Are you crazy? Do you really want to lose both sides?”

Sanjue Ghosts and Gods vaguely felt that something was wrong, but did not find the problem.

The Taiyi Realm is much smaller than the Shenchang Realm, and it is impossible to cover the entire Shenchang Realm.

The impact direction chosen by Tai Miao happened to be the Donglu of Shenchang Realm.

Moreover, he had already made arrangements within Taiyi Realm.

The area of ​​Taiyi Realm facing the direction of impact is mainly Gobi and desert.

When Meng Zhang and the others first shaped the Taiyi Realm, they focused on the Taiyi Sect territory, which was the territory in the northern part of the Junchen Realm.

Among them is the desolate land in the north. Coming right next to each other are the Sea of ​​Death Sand and the Endless Sand Sea.

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