Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2756: The threat of ghosts and gods

The side of the Shenchang Realm’s heavenly consciousness that governs the Yang world is regarded as a natural enemy by ghosts and gods.

Therefore, the ghosts and gods in the underworld not only have no respect or affinity for the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm, but are also full of resentment in their hearts.

In the past, the ghosts and gods in the underworld were attracted by the strong consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm. They dared to be angry but dared not speak out. They only dared to obey and did not dare to resist directly.

Now that the consciousness of heaven in the Shenchang Realm has fallen, they have removed a big mountain that was pressing on their heads.

After the initial shock, they felt unprecedentedly relaxed, as if all restraints had been removed.

Without the suppression of the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm, this group of originally lawless ghosts and gods in the underworld are even more uncontrollable and can act arbitrarily and do whatever they want.

In addition, the world of Shenchang Realm is out of order, and the rules of Yin and Yang are in chaos. In many places, it is beneficial to the ghosts and gods of the underworld.

Soon, many ghosts and gods in the underworld strengthened their determination to invade the Yang world.

Different from the past, this time without the suppression of Shenchang Realm’s heavenly consciousness, they believed that their actions would be unstoppable.

As for the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm Yangshi, they did not take them seriously at all.

What’s more, after a series of events, the indigenous gods of Yang Shi suffered heavy losses, their vitality was severely damaged, and even the leaders of the major camps were all wiped out.

In fact, the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm Yangshi have long been in a state of panic.

The Lord of Wangui Kingdom originally led an army of ghosts and gods to occupy the territory of True God Chongyue.

Due to the fall of Shenchang Realm’s consciousness of heaven in the Lianyue Mountains, which includes a large area around it, the rules of heaven and earth are extremely disordered, and the environment has become extremely harsh. Even ghosts and gods from the underworld cannot live here.

After experiencing the initial panic, the Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts quickly calmed down and led the army of ghosts and gods to expand towards the surrounding areas.

Tongguang Jiangshen’s territory bore the brunt and became its first target for expansion.

The God of Tongguang River was killed by Meng Zhang and others, leaving the indigenous gods under his command without a leader.

Although preparations had been made early and a careful defense line had been built, they were still unable to withstand the attack of the army of ghosts and gods, and were quickly defeated.

Behind the Tongguang River is the original territory of the True God Shengyang.

The territory of Shengyang True God went through a lot of troubles at the hands of the Hunling Lord, and then the chaos was brought back to order. After a lot of troubles, most of the strength was lost.

After the fall of True God Shengyang, his territory immediately fell into civil strife.

If no accident occurs, the army of ghosts and gods will soon cross the Tongguang River, enter the territory of Shengyang True God, and then quickly occupy it.

At that time, the entire Eastern Continent will fall into the hands of ghosts and gods and be transformed into a ghost realm on earth.

Although Luna has left the Eastern Continent, the intelligence system she left behind is still functioning normally.

Furthermore, Yin Jiu, who is beside Lord Wangui, also regularly reports various intelligence to Tai Miao.

Various news about Donglu quickly spread back to the senior officials of Taiyi Realm.

After the fall of the consciousness of heaven in the Shenchang Realm, the scene that caused the sky to collapse and the earth to collapse did not last long.

Especially on the Western Continent, with the efforts of the Taiyi Realm monks and the Dragon Clan, various abnormal conditions were quickly calmed down.

Of course, the many far-reaching impacts caused by the fall of Shenchang Realm’s consciousness of heaven, including some less obvious consequences, will not disappear so easily.

After stabilizing the situation in the Western Continent, Meng Zhang and the others were temporarily free.

Meng Zhang’s primary target is the escaped Taoist thief and the God of Disaster, but he has no clue yet.

The army of ghosts and gods is about to dominate the Eastern Continent, and the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan cannot ignore it.

If the ghosts and gods are allowed to transform the Eastern Continent into a ghost realm on earth, it will definitely bring about a series of adverse consequences.

With the virtues of the ghosts and gods, they will definitely not be satisfied with stopping at the Eastern Continent, but will also expand to other places in the Shenchang Realm.

If no one stops it, the final result will be that the Yin and Yang of the entire Shenchang Realm are out of order and become the underworld.

What these ghosts and gods are doing is equivalent to competing with the dragons for living space.

For the Dragon Clan, this is absolutely unacceptable.

According to the opinions of the senior leaders of the Dragon Clan, the actions of the ghosts and gods must be stopped in time, and they cannot be allowed to grow in the Yangshi.

Although the Dragon Clan is powerful, except for the Sea-Swallowing Dragon King, there is no other true immortal-level combat power.

Among the ghosts and gods from the underworld, there are many strong ones at the level of true gods.

In fact, after years of accumulation, the overall strength of the ghosts and gods in the underworld of Shenchang Realm far exceeds that of the indigenous gods in the Yang World.

Because of the guidance and even persecution from the underworld side of Shenchang Realm’s heavenly consciousness, cruel internal fights often break out among the ghosts and gods in the underworld.

In the fierce and **** battle, the ghosts and gods got enough training.

Many ghosts and gods have rich combat experience, are brave and fierce, and are extremely aggressive.

In contrast, the indigenous gods of the Yang world indulge in pleasure, and their fighting power is far inferior to that of ghosts and gods.

In the past, if it weren’t for the suppression of the heavenly consciousness in Shenchang Realm, which is in charge of the Yangshi, the army of ghosts and gods in the underworld would have occupied the Yangshi long ago.

The dragon clan roams the void and has no lack of experience in fighting ghosts and gods.

It’s just that this branch of the dragon clan under the command of the Dragon Emperor Tunhai is still a little immature in all aspects and lacks strength.

Whether it is Taiyi Realm’s own interests or its obligations as an ally, Taiyi Realm has to work with the Dragon Clan to try its best to stop the ghosts and gods in the underworld.

After discussions between the top leaders of Taiyi Realm and Dragon Clan, they quickly made a decision.

The Moon God and Fairy Yue’e will rush to the Eastern Continent as quickly as possible.

They will make use of the power that Moon God has established before, and the situation in the Eastern Continent, to try their best to unite the remaining indigenous gods in the Eastern Continent, occupy a territory, and organize a force to fight against the army of ghosts and gods.

The Taiyi Realm monks and the Dragon Clan will organize an army as soon as possible and prepare for the expedition to the Eastern Continent.

Of course, because the chaos in the rules of heaven and earth in the Shenchang Realm is far from subsided, the space in many places between the Eastern Continent and the Western Continent is unstable, and many natural dangers have arisen.

Until the situation improves, the expeditionary army will not be dispatched easily to avoid wasting troops and generals along the way.

As more and more ghosts and gods come from the underworld to the Yang world, the power of ghosts and gods continues to grow.

Yin Jiu has stayed with the Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghosts for so long, and gained his trust. He has obtained more information about the underworld, especially the top ghosts and gods in the underworld, and has a deeper understanding of the powerful ghosts and gods.

As more and more information about ghosts and gods was transmitted back to the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan senior officials, they all began to feel that they had previously ignored the ghosts and gods in the underworld of the Shenchang Realm and underestimated their threat.

The indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm Yangshi are not worthy opponents at all, and they can be defeated without much effort.

The situation of ghosts and gods in the underworld is quite different. They are powerful enemies and require a lot of effort.

But now that the whereabouts of the Taoist thieves and the God of Disaster are unknown, the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan need to be particularly vigilant. This has greatly attracted the attention of top powerhouses such as Meng Zhang.

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