Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2750: Pray

The Demon God of Disaster and Famine is now restrained by the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm, so he has to calm down.

In fact, as a demon, he has never been a law-abiding guy.

Creating disasters in various worlds, damaging the foundation of the world, and demonizing the world are what he is best at.

On the surface, he obeyed Meng Zhang’s arrangements honestly, but in fact, he was ready to take action at any time.

He is also observing this special space, thinking about its mysteries, and looking for any opportunities that can be exploited.

Although Hunling Zunshen was born in the Shinto, he has dealt with many immortals and is not completely ignorant of the methods of the immortals.

He deeply hated Meng Zhang and the Dragon Clan for invading the Shenchang Realm and ruining his family’s affairs.

He had an in-depth understanding of Meng Zhang, and he also had a vague feeling that Meng Zhang had bad intentions.

However, he and the Demon God of Disaster had similar thoughts and remained silent.

If Meng Zhang takes the opportunity to cause chaos, the first thing that cannot spare him is the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

Hunling Zunshen also hopes to see a conflict between Meng Zhang and the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

Under Meng Zhang’s guidance, everyone was quickly in place.

Meng Zhang sacrificed the Wind and Fire Yin and Yang Fan and asked it to turn into a flame giant to take charge of a pillar.

Under Meng Zhang’s command, everyone followed the techniques taught by Meng Zhang, constantly clicking and tapping the eight pillars, injecting their own power into them according to a certain rhythm.

At this time, on the surface, everyone is working together to complete the tasks assigned by the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm.

At this time, the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm is in charge of the Yangshi side, and its power almost envelopes the entire Lianyue Mountains, with the main body located above the eight peaks.

The last bit of consciousness of True God Chongyue hid deep in a mountain peak.

The consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm was not in a hurry to capture him.

He had no way to escape anyway.

As long as he masters the arrangements left by Junchen Immortal Lord, he will have plenty of time to deal with him slowly.

In his eyes, the arrangement left by Immortal Junchen was far more important than a defeated dog.

The free soul of the Taoist thief, the emptiness of the Taoist thief, are all imprisoned in the air.

The consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm mobilized the power of heaven and earth, manifesting thunder, lightning, flames, etc., constantly surrounding them.

For many years, the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm has been trying to refine Dao thief Kongyu, absorbing all its power and knowledge.

Because the Taoist thief Kong was too tenacious and had been resisting with all his strength, he did not let the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm succeed.

The consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Shenchang Realm did not expect that with just a little distraction, the Dao thief almost escaped.

The Taoist thief now only has his soul left, and the effect after refining will probably be greatly reduced.

The consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm will not give him another chance.

The resistance of the Taoist thief Kong Yu, who only has his soul left, is greatly reduced, while the Taoist thief’s emptiness is far inferior to Kong Yu’s cultivation.

Under the means of the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm, they were continuously weakened.

If they continue to develop like this, they will eventually become the nutrients for the development and growth of the heavenly consciousness in Shenchang Realm.

When the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm just arrived, the army of ghosts and gods besieging Chongyue True God Kingdom immediately sensed it.

Faced with such a terrifying aura, these previously arrogant ghosts and gods immediately dispersed and fled here as quickly as possible.

When these ghosts and gods were escaping, some of them did not forget to pass the news back to the rear.

Not long after, the ghosts and gods led by the Lord of the Wangui Kingdom and others arrived near the Lianyue Mountains.

Sensing the aura of the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm, their faces were ashen and even their minds were in confusion.

If the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm directly mobilizes the power of heaven and earth to attack them, they may not be able to sustain it even if they are covered by the sky.

Don’t look at these ghosts and gods, all of them are arrogant because of their previous victories.

But the awe of the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm has penetrated deep into their bones.

On weekdays, many ghosts and gods in the underworld will look for loopholes in the separation between yin and yang and sneak into the yang world to cause trouble.

But once they are noticed by the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm, they will have no choice but to run away.

Those who didn’t escape fast enough would have been wiped out long ago.

In the history of the Shenchang Realm, armies of ghosts and gods from the underworld invaded the Yangshi many times, occupying the vast territory of the Yangshi several times, defeating the indigenous gods of the Yangshi, and gaining a great advantage.

But as long as the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm intervenes, the army of ghosts and gods will eventually be defeated.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts knows that they are unable to resist the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

Their only way is to hold sacrifices to the heaven consciousness and pray for the arrival of the underworld side of the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm.

As long as the underworld side of Shenchang Realm’s heavenly consciousness is willing to provide help, they can continue to gain a foothold in the Yang world.

Even if they are defeated in the end, they can retreat to the underworld, at least there will be a way out.

The Lord of Wangui is a very decisive hero. Once he has made a decision, he immediately begins to implement it without hesitation.

He began to summon ghosts and gods, build altars, and begin the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

This time the army of ghosts and gods invaded Yangshi and occupied a vast territory.

Many of the original creatures here were devoured by ghosts and gods.

Especially flesh and blood creatures are the favorites of ghosts and gods.

The scene of eating the flesh and blood of living creatures is not uncommon around.

Because the surroundings were eroded by the rules of the underworld, the original rules of the world changed drastically. There was a strong Yin energy everywhere, and creatures such as vegetation also died in large tracts.

Those who can continue to survive are swallowed by the Yin Qi, change their attributes, and become ghosts.

Of course, some far-sighted ghosts and gods deliberately preserved some flesh and blood creatures and raised them temporarily.

Now, these flesh and blood creatures are put to use for blood sacrifices to the underworld, which is in charge of the consciousness of heaven in Changjie.

Not only the ghosts and gods who have entered the Yang world, such as the Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts, but also many ghosts and gods in the underworld are beginning the ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, praying for the heavenly consciousness of the Shenchang Realm to be in charge of the underworld, to come to the Yang world, or to restrain the side in charge of the Yang world. one side.

The side of Shenchang Realm’s Heavenly Dao Consciousness in charge of the Yang world did not care about the movements of these little bugs.

In addition to watching Meng Zhang’s movements, he also stepped up his efforts to refine the two Tao thieves.

Something happened that surprised the Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts and many other ghosts and gods.

No matter what scale of sacrificial ceremony they held or how pious they prayed, there was no response from the side of the underworld in charge of the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm.

This situation is very abnormal.

According to past experience, the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm is in charge of the underworld, and has always encouraged and supported the ghosts and gods in the underworld to invade the Yang world.

The larger the scale of the invasion and the more results achieved, the more favor and even rewards you can get.

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghost Kingdom has achieved great results this time, and will continue to expand in the Yang world. More and more ghosts and gods in the underworld will join the war.

For such a large-scale operation, the side of Shenchang Realm’s Heavenly Dao Consciousness in charge of the underworld should have taken the initiative to pay attention to it long ago.

It should be easy to get a response to their heaven-sacrifice ceremony.

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