Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2742: Fall

Almost all creatures in the world have their own atmosphere.

Either it is powerful enough to shake the world, or it is as weak as a firefly.

The consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm can also be regarded as a special kind of creature, and it naturally has its own atmosphere.

In addition, he does not know the art of restraint, and his appearance is obvious.

When Meng Zhang uses the art of looking forward to Qi, he is not only looking at the Shenchang Realm itself, but mainly the consciousness of the way of heaven in the Shenchang Realm.

He wants to observe the weather of the heavenly consciousness in Shenchang Realm, peek into its past and present, and try to guess its future.

Although every time he does this, it will bring him tremendous pressure and cause him a lot of losses.

But these pressures can still be withstood, and this level of loss can be recovered in time.

The consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm is a huge aggregate of pan-consciousness. In Meng Zhang’s eyes, it is a colorful and dazzling behemoth.

On the surface, the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm is still so powerful and impressive.

However, if Meng Zhang looked carefully and deeply, he could find that there were many internal disorders.

The consciousness of heaven in the Shenchang Realm is one and multi-faceted. The side in charge of the Yang world seems to be normal, but the side in charge of the underworld is beginning to reveal some weaknesses.

It seems that the Taoist thief Kongxing sneaked into the underworld. Although he was hit by heaven’s punishment, he not only did not die, but also gave a big blow to the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

Although it is only the side of Shenchang Realm’s heavenly consciousness that governs the underworld that is hurt now, sooner or later it will affect the entire heavenly consciousness.

The Taoist thief Kongxing has begun to attack the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

If Meng Zhang ignores it, the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm may not be able to withstand the attack of the Tao thieves.

After Meng Zhang saw everything he wanted to see, he stopped casting spells and began to sit cross-legged in the void, slowly recovering his energy.

He has seen through some of the Dao thieves’ plans, but he needs to think carefully about when to reveal these plans to the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

While Meng Zhang was thinking quietly in the void, the fighting on the Eastern Continent of Shenchang Realm became more and more intense.

After stabilizing his position, the Lord of the Ghost Kingdom began to summon an army of ghosts and gods to eliminate the raging ancient beasts.

These ancient ferocious beasts do not have enough wisdom, and their attacks are completely unorganized, and they are completely driven by their temper.

Although they caused a lot of damage to the army of ghosts and gods, they did not damage its roots.

As time goes by, in addition to the ghosts and gods transferred back from all sides, more and more ghosts and gods come from the underworld to the Yang world, including many powerful ghosts and gods.

The ghosts and gods in the underworld are more lethal than the indigenous gods in the Yang world, and they have mastered more sinister and strange secrets.

Even the ancient ferocious beasts with strong vitality that are difficult to kill completely are still surrounded and killed by ghosts and gods.

There are also many ancient ferocious beasts that have been temporarily sealed by ghosts and gods.

Wait until your hands are free, then slowly process them.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts spent a lot of time and energy to calm down the chaos caused by the ancient beast.

Most of the ancient ferocious beasts were either killed or sealed. Only a small number of ancient ferocious beasts escaped the siege and are being hunted by numerous ghosts and gods.

As the Lord of the Ten Thousand Ghost Kingdom has completely established himself in the Yang World and achieved fruitful results, some of the top ghosts and gods in the underworld who had been waiting and watching could no longer hold back and began to try to interfere in the Yang World.

These top ghosts and gods come here with the intention of picking peaches.

Although they cannot directly rob the Lord of Wangui’s loot, they will not obey the command of the Lord of Wangui.

A true god-level ghost girl under the command of the ghost mother-in-law, and a true god-level bone puppet under the command of Mr. Ghost Bone, both took a fancy to the area where the Chongyue True God Kingdom is located.

After a fierce argument, they decided to join forces to capture the place first, and then slowly discuss how to distribute the spoils.

The ghost girl and the bone puppet each led an army of ghosts and gods, and attacked from different directions towards the last territory held by True God Chongyue.

The ghost mother-in-law and the ghost bone master are the top ghosts and gods in the underworld, who are as famous as the king of ghosts. They fight with each other a lot on weekdays.

The Wangui Kingdom cannot take charge of the subordinates of the Ghost Mother and the Ghost Bone Master, and it does not want to expose the discord within the ghosts and gods at this time.

He allowed the ghost girl and the bone puppet to attack the territory of True God Chongyue.

The army of ghosts and gods led by these two men quickly defeated True God Chongyue’s men and retreated, all the way to a place not far from the Kingdom of True God Chongyue.

Many of True God Chongyue’s subordinates still look to Meng Zhang for help.

Although Meng Zhang just said it casually last time, it was really regarded as a life-saving straw by many indigenous gods.

Meng Zhang, who originally wanted to help True God Chongyue, changed his mind long ago and was unwilling to waste his strength in vain.

Without external reinforcements, True God Chongyue’s men did not hold out for long before they completely collapsed.

After the two armies of ghosts and gods joined forces, they began to join forces to attack the kingdom of God Chongyue.

Due to cultivation, the true body of True God Chongyue is entering a rather strange state and cannot be moved lightly.

His stone giant incarnation first led the indigenous gods under his command to fight fiercely with the army of ghosts and gods. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

After the defeat, almost all the indigenous gods were lost, and the seriously injured incarnation of the stone giant retreated into the Kingdom of God.

In order to keep his actions secret, True God Chongyue sent away most of the divine attendants and servants in the Kingdom of God many years ago.

Although the Kingdom of God has accumulated a lot of divine power and has solid defense facilities, its garrison strength is seriously insufficient.

A cunning guy like True God Chongyue had left a way out for himself many years ago.

If there is an accident and the Kingdom of God is lost, he will completely abandon the Kingdom of God, burn his true body, and do his best to strengthen his consciousness.

Then, his consciousness will hide in the arrangement left by Junchen Immortal Lord and use this place to hide.

When the danger passes, his consciousness can still continue to practice and continue to absorb the origin of heaven and earth in Shenchang Realm.

One day, maybe he can really use his own consciousness to completely replace the consciousness of Heaven in the Shenchang Realm, making himself a brand new Heaven.

Of course, to do this, the most basic thing is not to let the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm discover his plans.

Fortunately, the consciousness of Heaven in the Shenchang Realm has not paid much attention to this area for some unknown reason. They have just released a group of ancient ferocious beasts in an attempt to let them bear the firepower and attract attention.

In this case, as long as True God Chongyue hides well, it is unlikely that he will be exposed.

Seeing the incarnation of the stone giant fall, the Kingdom of God could no longer hold on, and True God Chongyue began to burn his true body to strengthen his consciousness.

Suddenly, he was horrified to discover that inexplicable changes had occurred in his own Kingdom of God.

Powerful forces came from all directions in the Kingdom of God, trying to tightly bind his consciousness.

If consciousness is bound to the Kingdom of God and cannot escape from here, then all his plans will be scrapped.

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