Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2737: Infiltrate

It’s not that the consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Shenchang Realm doesn’t want to kill the Dao thief Kongyu and completely solve this scourge.

But first of all, the Taoist thief Kongyu is extremely tough and very difficult to kill completely.

Secondly, the consciousness of heaven in the Shenchang Realm covets the precious knowledge and power that the Taoist thief has spare time.

He had an instinctive understanding that he could get what he needed for further evolution from the Taoist emptiness.

He tried to slowly refine the emptiness of the Taoist thief and absorb everything he needed from it.

When the battle between the consciousness of heaven and the Taoist thief Kongyu in the Shenchang Realm, True God Chongyue knew that he was unable to intervene, so he had no choice but to let the Taoist thief Kongyu be suppressed.

Fortunately, after being suppressed, the Taoist thief did not betray True God Chongyue in his spare time, and the collusion between them was not revealed at all.

After the Taoist thief Qingyu was suppressed, he did not just accept his fate. Instead, he struggled from time to time in an attempt to break free from the suppression.

Every time a Taoist thief struggles with all his strength, it takes a lot of energy from Shenchangjie’s Tiandao consciousness to suppress him again.

True God Chongyue doesn’t know the current situation of Taoist thief Qingli, how much strength he still has left to struggle, and he doesn’t know the progress of refining the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

Not long ago, the Taoist thief Kongxing came to my door.

Tao thief Kongxing has always been in contact with Tao thief Kongyu and knows about his sneaking into the Shenchang world.

Because I have learned the lessons of emptiness, emptiness has become more cautious.

He did not directly sneak into Shenchang Realm, but hid in the body of a true immortal, and then deliberately let a true **** from Shenchang Realm pick it up.

If Meng Zhang hadn’t accidentally discovered his whereabouts, he might have patiently hidden himself.

The Taoist thief Kong Xing failed to capture Meng Zhang and withdrew in time.

Then he started walking around in Shenchang Realm.

He deceived and used the Lava Fire God, and also contacted the True God Chongyue.

He stayed in Chongyue True God’s Kingdom for a period of time and learned in detail the details of Kong Yu’s suppression.

It was also at that time that Meng Zhang came to pay homage to the True God Chongyue and happened to bump into him.

Shortly after Meng Zhang left here, he also left quickly.

The True God Chongyue does not know the specific plan of the Taoist thief Kongxing.

The army of ghosts and gods invaded the Yangshi in a large scale, but the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm did not respond for a long time.

According to True God Chongyue’s guess, it was probably the Taoist thief Kongxing who made some move, which restrained Shenchang Realm’s consciousness of heaven.

Even during the suppression of the Taoist thief Qianzi, he has caused chaos to the consciousness of the way of heaven in Shenchang Realm in recent years.

With the help of Taoist emptiness, the commotion will only be greater.

After listening to True God Chongyue’s narration, Meng Zhang solved many questions in his mind and had a preliminary understanding of the situation regarding Tao thieves.

Meng Zhang had guessed correctly before that there was more than one Taoist thief who had sneaked into Shenchang Realm.

He just didn’t know that the Taoist thief Kongyu had been suppressed by the heavenly consciousness of the Shenchang Realm long ago.

This also explains why, after Meng Zhang reported the Taoist emptiness to the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm, the other party looked like he was facing a formidable enemy.

I don’t know what’s so good about Shenchang Realm. The Hunling God, the Demon God of Disaster, and the Taoist thieves have all taken a liking to this place.

Meng Zhang thought to himself.

He also repeatedly asked True God Chongyue several questions.

True God Chongyue was very cooperative, knowing almost everything and saying everything.

Although True God Chongyue has received many benefits from the Taoist thief Kongyu, he has always been deeply wary of him.

Not only has he worked hard to collect information about Tao thieves, he has also been trying to monitor Kong Yi’s activities in the Shenchang world.

Although the harvest was not great, Meng Zhang still felt his unwillingness to be controlled by others.

Finally, Meng Zhang asked where the Taoist thief Qing Yu was suppressed.

True God Chongyue does not know the exact location, but only knows a general area.

Because he was worried about alerting the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm, he did not dare to sneak in and investigate carefully.

After Meng Zhang got the answer from him, he was quite satisfied.

Meng Zhang’s visit this time was not in vain, and he obtained a lot of useful information from him.

Meng Zhang now feels that it may be more beneficial to him to let True God Chongyue persist for a longer period of time under the impact of the army of ghosts and gods.

He said before that he could provide some help to True God Chongyue. It was originally said casually, but now he actually has some thoughts in this regard.

For a while, he really couldn’t find a way to effectively help True God Chongyue.

After all, everyone now knows that the defeat of True God Chongyue is imminent.

Even if Shengyang True God, Tongguangjiang God and others have the idea of ​​losing their lips and teeth, they will not waste their strength on the side of True God Chongyue.

No matter how much you invest here, you will eventually be completely overwhelmed by the army of ghosts and gods.

It is also impossible for Meng Zhang to waste the power of Taiyi Realm monks and Dragon Clan here.

How to give True God Chongyue a certain amount of help without consuming his own strength? Meng Zhang was thinking about this problem until he left.

Since Meng Zhang got the information he wanted from True God Chongyue, he would not embarrass him and left there quickly.

After leaving, the first thing Meng Zhang had to do was to find out the specific location where the Taoist thief Qingyu was suppressed.

The Tao thieves currently known to have infiltrated the Shenchang Realm include Kongyu and Kongxing, but I don’t know if there are others.

However, the number of Dao thieves themselves is limited. Generally, one would not invest too much power into a big world like Shenchang Realm.

Meng Zhang has never seen the Taoist thief Kongyu, so he doesn’t know his strength.

As long as he has the same strength as Kongxing, it is still very possible for the two Tao thieves to join forces and completely subvert a big world like Shenchangjie.

Of course, the current Shenchang Realm is being targeted by many forces, and the situation has become very complicated.

No one can say what the final outcome will be.

According to the information provided by True God Chongyue, Meng Zhang left the Eastern Continent and came to the sea.

He kept flying towards the depths of the sea without any stop on the way.

The Azure Goddess of the Sea has always regarded himself as the ruler of the sea.

But because the sea area of ​​Shenchang Realm is too vast, he cannot effectively control every sea area.

Especially in the deepest part of the sea, in remote areas near the edge of the world, the Blue Sea God himself is not willing to approach easily.

As for other indigenous gods, they cannot approach them at will.

Meng Zhang experienced many natural dangers along the way.

Tsunami, storm, space rift…

These natural dangers that could easily bury the void-returning power did not cause any trouble to him and could not slow down his pace.

Meng Zhang arrived at his destination quickly.

In front of him, strange scenes appeared.

The seawater broke away from the sea and hung upside down in the air, forming scenes of thick water walls.

The seawater in the water wall seems to be freed from the constraints of gravity, flowing from bottom to top.

Above the wall of water, the flash of thunder can be faintly seen.

Between the water walls, there are strange beasts wandering around.

In the ancient times of the Shenchang Realm, before the rise of the indigenous gods, the rulers of the Shenchang Realm were various ancient ferocious beasts.

It seems that these ferocious beasts can never be civilized or possess wisdom.

At that time, the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm began to form and had independent ideas.

The ancient ferocious beast, which was rough, stupid, acted wantonly, and was driven only by instinct, was quickly rejected by the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

With the support of the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm, the indigenous gods rose.

The indigenous gods defeated the ancient beasts, either killing them or suppressing them and sealing them…

Since then, the ancient ferocious beasts have become extinct in most places in Shenchang Realm.

Ordinary ferocious beasts are far less powerful than their ancestors, and may even be subdued and driven by indigenous gods.

Before Meng Zhang became a True Immortal, he had sneaked into the Shenchang Realm and released suppressed ancient ferocious beasts to create chaos in the territory of the True God Shengyang.

What appeared in front of Meng Zhang was not an ordinary ferocious beast, but an out-and-out ancient ferocious beast.

According to Meng Zhang’s guess, the ancient ferocious beast was so powerful that the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm was reluctant to completely exterminate it.

It should be that some ancient ferocious beasts have been preserved in some hidden places in Shenchang Realm.

The indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm are unable to subdue and raise the ancient ferocious beasts.

With its powerful power, the consciousness of heaven in the Shenchang Realm should be able to subdue the ancient beasts.

Although the ancient ferocious beasts are too ferocious to be controlled, there are still ways to utilize them.

Just like now, the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm trapped a group of ancient ferocious beasts in the sea ahead.

There is no need to command these ancient ferocious beasts. As long as any living being comes close to here, these ancient ferocious beasts will act on instinct and tear them into pieces.

Meng Zhang looked ahead carefully, thinking about how to sneak in.

This scene covers the wall of water in front, which is a line of defense.

The ancient ferocious beasts swimming among them are the best guardians.

Most of the ancient ferocious beasts on the periphery have the strength to return to the void level.

The closer you get to the inner layer, the stronger the ancient beast becomes.

At the inner level, there is more than one ancient ferocious beast at the level of a true immortal.

Although the ancient beasts are powerful, they have fatal weaknesses.

That is because his intelligence level is too low and he can be called a complete idiot.

The ancient ferocious beasts that relied on their physical talents and instincts to fight were not able to master many secret arts and magical powers.

If they are true immortals or even true gods of the same level, they can often defeat the ancient ferocious beasts through skill and clumsiness.

Of course, due to the rough skin and rough flesh of ancient ferocious beasts, and extremely strong vitality, it is easy to defeat them, but it is more difficult to kill them completely.

With Meng Zhang’s strength, it would not be difficult even if he had to fight his way through the obstacles ahead.

A few ancient ferocious beasts at the level of true immortals were not very powerful enemies in his eyes.

His biggest concern is that he is worried about making too much noise and alarming the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

Back then True God Chongyue also secretly visited this place.

Because he was not sure that he could sneak through the difficulties ahead, he did not go deeper.

He just knew that the Taoist thief Qingyu should be suppressed in the front area, but the specific situation was unknown.

Meng Zhang’s mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to sneak in.

If the Taoist thief Kongxing were here, it would be too easy to sneak in with the magical power he has displayed.

His magical power, which transcends the current dimension and seems to be in a higher dimension, can not be affected by the water wall in front, let alone alert the ancient ferocious beasts guarding it.

Meng Zhang does not know how to use the Taoist thief’s unique magical power, he can only find another way.

Meng Zhang carefully observed the front and quickly deduced the changes in space.

This is probably because it is located at the edge of the world, and the rules of the surrounding world are not very stable.

Seawater hanging upside down means that the rules of gravity have completely failed.

There are space cracks everywhere, indicating that the space fluctuations are not small.

The consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm took advantage of the unstable rules of heaven and earth and turned them into insurmountable difficulties.

When it comes to understanding the great ways of heaven and earth and utilizing the rules of heaven and earth, Taoist cultivators are second to none among all major cultivation systems.

Excellent Taoist cultivators are often able to make clever use of the rules of heaven and earth, often using techniques such as moving a thousand pounds with four ounces to leverage the rules of heaven and earth in the entire area with a little weak force.

Meng Zhang has attached great importance to Taoism since the beginning of his practice.

After becoming a True Immortal, he never relaxed in his understanding and understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth.

His level of cultivation is not worth mentioning at the level of a true immortal.

But his fighting power, his understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth, his control of the rules of heaven and earth, etc., are among the best among the true immortals.

After observing and thinking for a long time, Meng Zhang thought he had mastered some rules.

He took one step, traveled through space, and came to a wall of water.

The space fluctuated slightly, and his figure quickly disappeared.

When his figure appeared again, he was already behind the water wall.

Meng Zhang’s figure did not stay at the same place at all, but disappeared in a flash and continued to travel through space.

If an ancient ferocious beast that happened to fly by was aware of it, it looked warily at the direction where Meng Zhang’s figure appeared just now. However, because Meng Zhang’s movement was too fast, there was no trace of it. income.

The surrounding space is too fragile, and there are space cracks everywhere.

From time to time, waves of space storms will emerge from it.

Meng Zhang must be extremely careful when traveling through space.

With a little too much force, the space may be torn or even completely shattered.

When the time comes, a powerful space storm will probably erupt and completely submerge Meng Zhang.

If Meng Zhang is not careful, he will get lost in the turbulence of space.

Of course, for a true immortal like him, these dangers are not fatal.

The space storm cannot kill him, and the space turbulence cannot trap him for a long time…

Again, all Meng Zhang’s movements must be silent, so as not to disturb the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

This is the place where the Heavenly Dao consciousness of Shenchang Realm suppresses the Dao thieves, and it must be regarded as a secret place.

Meng Zhang suddenly broke into it for no reason. Once discovered, he would probably think that Meng Zhang was up to no good and arouse hostility towards Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang has never been so cautious before, feeling like he is walking on thin ice.

A few times, when he passed by several ancient ferocious beasts, it happened that these ancient ferocious beasts were the kind of beings that were extremely sensitive to spatial fluctuations.

These ancient ferocious beasts not only sensed abnormal spatial fluctuations, but also followed Meng Zhang’s footsteps into the spatial gap with their innate spatial powers.

While Meng Zhang carefully avoided the pursuit of these ancient ferocious beasts, he also had to use his strength to stabilize the space gap that was about to collapse.

This infiltration gave Meng Zhang the feeling that even if he was besieged by a group of true immortals, he would not be so tired.

Since he entered the Shenchang Realm, it seems that he has never been so hard.

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