Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 271: Testing

Meng Zhang made a big circle outside before entering Huojingfang City.

Huojingfang City is still prosperous and has not been affected at all by the recent series of events.

Meng Zhang, who had been to Huojingfang City many times, came to the door of a shop with familiarity.

There is a large signboard above the store, engraved with four large gilt characters of Laojia Trading Company.

The waiter in the shop saw Meng Zhang, an acquaintance, and quickly welcomed him in.

The shopkeeper of Lao’s shop is Meng Zhang’s old acquaintance Lao Bubu.

When the white-haired Lao Bubu saw Meng Zhang coming in, he greeted him enthusiastically.

“What kind of wind brought you, the head of Taiyi Sect, here today?”

It has been more than twenty years since Meng Zhang first met Lao Bulu.

Meng Zhang’s face has not changed much since he became a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, but he has become more mature.

He is still walking like a monk in the Qi Refining Stage, but he is already very old.

For a tribesman with mediocre qualifications like Lao Bulu, being arranged by the family to do business and serve the family is considered a better way out.

Not only can he earn cultivation resources for himself, but he can also save a considerable fortune for future generations.

After so many years of dealing with each other, Meng Zhang also has a certain understanding of the details of Lao Buwei.

The Lao family is a vassal family of the Feihong Sect and has a close relationship with the Feihong Sect.

Disciples with outstanding talents from the Lao family usually join the Feihong Sect.

Relying on the resources of Feihong Sect, the Lao family has received many opportunities and has developed well.

A family like the Lao family that is attached to the Feihong Sect can be said to be both prosperous and disadvantaged. Therefore, the Lao family is trusted by the Feihong Sect and has done many things for the Feihong Sect. It can be regarded as the most powerful force of the Feihong Sect.

“Why, can’t I come and see this old friend of yours?” Meng Zhang scolded with a smile.

In order to leave an extra escape route for Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang planned to secretly contact Feihong Sect.

Of course, this kind of thing must be kept extremely confidential and absolutely cannot be leaked at all.

Meng Zhang did not approach Feihong Sect directly because he had no reliable connections and he did not want the matter to be leaked.

So, he approached Lao Yiyi, who had a lot of business dealings with Taiyimen.

To be honest, Lao Bulu was good to Meng Zhang. Even in business, Taiyi Sect has made a lot of profits from the transactions with Labor Action.

Meng Zhang used the name of the transaction with Lao Bing to mine the Baizang soil mine, and then sold most of the minerals to Shuangfenggu, which was regarded as deceiving Lao Bing.

Later, Lao Bulu interrupted his cooperation with Taiyi Sect because of the order of Feihong Sect. In this way, the two sides are evenly matched.

After the relationship between Lin Quanguan and Feihong Sect normalized, Meng Zhang contacted Lao Buwei again and restored the previous cooperative relationship between the two parties.

Over the years, the business between the two parties has grown bigger and bigger, and both parties have made a lot of profits.

Lao Bulu looked at Meng Zhang and felt very emotional.

When I first saw Meng Zhang, he was still a young boy. Lao Bulu was optimistic about Meng Zhang’s future and deliberately made friends with Meng Zhang.

After so many years, Meng Zhang’s style remains the same, and he looks like a respected figure in his sect. On the contrary, he has grown old due to labor.

Lao Bu is over seventy years old, and his own path has long been completely cut off. If the family didn’t still need him, he would have gone home to retire.

Lao Bulu warmly received Meng Zhang, chatting and laughing with him happily.

Personal connections like Meng Zhang’s are Lao Buwei’s most valuable asset.

Meng Zhang did not get into the topic directly, but chatted casually with Lao Bulu.

Lao Bulu was very patient and was not in a hurry. He slowly chatted with Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang made some insidious inquiries into the Lao family’s connections within the Feihong Sect.

Although Lao Buluo’s cultivation level is mediocre, he has been in the business world for many years and is used to all kinds of intrigues. Meng Zhang’s subtlety was seen through at a glance.

Meng Zhang inquired about the Lao family’s connections within the Feihong Sect, and it seemed that he wanted to get in touch with the Feihong Sect.

The Taiyi Sect is a vassal of Lin Quanguan, and it is interesting that Meng Zhang, the leader of the Taiyi Sect, wants to secretly contact the Feihong Sect.

The Feihong Sect wàiwéi forces like the Lao family, in addition to helping the Feihong Sect to find out information and monitor various events happening in the endless sand sea, will also receive some special orders.

Since the Sand Monster Rebellion was put down, Lao Bulu has received orders from his family to use his personal connections to find out information about sects such as Dihuo Sect and Lin Quanguan, and try to contact members of the two sects. If the time is right, try to win over their vassal sects.

Subordinates of Lin Quanguan like Taiyimen were exactly the people Lao Bingli deliberately made friends with.

So in these years, in the business with Taiyi Sect, Lao Bulu would rather suffer a little loss for himself, but he must maintain a good relationship with Taiyi Sect.

Now that Meng Zhang has taken the initiative to come to the door, no matter what his reasons are, he wants to secretly contact Feihong Sect, which is a good thing.

Lao Bulu wrote down Meng Zhang’s attitude and prepared to report to the family afterwards.

At the same time, he also revealed the Lao family’s connections in Taiyi Sect to Meng Zhang.

He even provided a way for Meng Zhang to directly contact the Lao family’s connections in the Feihong Sect.

While talking to Lao Bulu, Meng Zhang secretly used his telepathy to read Lao Bulu’s thoughts.

Feihong Sect’s move was not beyond Meng Zhang’s expectation.

The Lao family’s connections within the Feihong Sect are really strong. He was actually able to convey a message to Master Jin Dan after going around a few times.

Through Lao Bulu’s thoughts, Meng Zhang finally figured out Feihong Sect’s attitude and felt at ease.

It seems that in the eyes of Feihong Sect, a vassal sect like Taiyi Sect is not useless, and it still has value.

Since Taiyi Sect has value for Feihong Sect, Meng Zhang can safely and boldly contact Feihong Sect without worrying about being ignored by the other party.

Meng Zhang chatted with Lao Buwei for a long time before ending the conversation.

Finally, Meng Zhang told Lao Buwei that he had never traveled far away since he established the foundation.

Now that he has rare free time, he is planning to go out and travel.

As the ruler of the endless sand sea, Feihong Sect has always been looking for Shuyuan Meng Zhang has longed for. He planned to go around the territory of Feihong Sect and see the features of Feihong Sect.

Lao Buwei understood and said that the Lao family welcomes distinguished guests like Meng Zhang. If Meng Zhang arrives in Feihong Sect territory, the Lao family will definitely send someone to warmly receive him.

Both of them understood what the other meant.

After Meng Zhang left the Lao family business, he first went to the black market and inquired about some information about Feihong Sect’s current territory.

Originally, he was planning to pay a visit to Shangguan Wen and wanted to inquire about the status of the Dihuo Sect from him.

But since the Dihuo Sect became the Jindan Sect, there has been an endless stream of cultivation forces who want to establish relations with the Dihuo Sect.

As the foreign affairs deacon of the Dihuo Sect, Shangguanwen is the person responsible for dealing with other external forces.

Now, there is a long queue of monks waiting to visit him in front of his home.

Meng Zhang was too lazy to join in the fun, so he gave up his plan to visit.

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