Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2706: Ease

For what Hun Ling Zunshen did, the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm is still angry.

He directly issued the order to hunt down the Hunling Lord God to the indigenous gods present, including Meng Zhang.

This guy who dares to offend him will never have a place in the Shenchang world in the future.

Of course, the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm has not forgotten the real major events.

This time, he directly issued a clear order, asking everyone present to go all out to trace the whereabouts of the Taoist thieves and strive to eliminate them.

Out of some dissatisfaction with Meng Zhang and the Azure Sea God’s pleading, he gave the Azure Sea God the power to move freely so that he no longer had to obey Meng Zhang’s orders.

At this time, the indigenous gods finally knew the true goal of the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm and accepted new orders.

Next, they will use their best efforts to track down the whereabouts of the Taoist thief.

Without taking orders from Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang will no longer be able to drive them as before.

The Heavenly Dao Consciousness of Shenchang Realm did not introduce to everyone in detail what Tao thieves are. They only said that thieves are public enemies of all major worlds and pose a great threat to Shenchang Realm. They must not be left alone.

Of course, experienced true gods such as Shengyang True God still have some understanding of Tao thieves.

The consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Shenchang Realm came and went in a hurry, and disappeared soon after explaining the business.

After staring at Meng Zhang with hateful eyes for a while, the Azure Sea God left here with a group of indigenous gods.

The True God Shengyang didn’t say anything more to Meng Zhang, but just exchanged glances.

This time, the two of them deceived the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm together.

But based on their previous relationship, they would not become friends.

Meng Zhang looked at Shengyang True God thoughtfully, thinking about whether there was anything in him that could be exploited.

Although the restrictions on True God Shengyang were lifted, in the process, even though Shenchang Realm’s heavenly consciousness paid great attention to it, he still suffered some damage.

His current condition is not very good and it will take a long time to recover.

During the time when he was controlled by the Hunling God, his territory and everything on it were in chaos.

Hunlingzunshen’s men have penetrated into almost every corner of the territory and have mastered all important things.

His originally loyal subordinates were either deliberately consumed in previous battles, or they were alienated from him…

In order for the True God Shengyang to regain his status and get everything back on track, it will take a huge effort.

Meng Zhang did not stay here long and left quickly.

This time, due to the actions of Azure Sea God, the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm was dissatisfied with Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang lost part of his trust and the power to mobilize the Azure Sea God.

Of course, Meng Zhang’s goal was partially achieved.

Although the Hun Ling Zun Shen was not completely eliminated, he lost everything he already owned and became a homeless dog.

It may be impossible for the Hunling Lord God to once again take over the hegemony of the Shenchang Realm.

Originally, the best outcome that Meng Zhang expected was for the Azure Seagod and his men to fight against the Hunling Lord and the others, with both parties best to suffer losses.

Now it seems that because he underestimated the Azure Sea God, he was careless and did not let this happen.

Meng Zhang still expected the next development of the Shenchang Realm.

The Hunling Lord escaped, the Shengyang True God regained his freedom, and the Azure Sea God had no reason to continue to surround the Eastern Continent.

He was able to free up his hands to face the coalition forces of Taiyi Realm and Dragon Clan.

Of course, due to the warning from the heavenly consciousness of Shenchang Realm, Azure Seagod should not dare to initiate a fight.

If Shengyang True God wants to correct the chaos and restore everything to the original, he may suffer serious damage to his vitality.

This time he sided with Meng Zhang and slandered the Hunling Lord, which had greatly offended the Azure Sea God.

I’m afraid it won’t be that easy for him to cooperate with Azure Poseidon in the future.

As an indigenous **** of the Shenchang Realm, he is naturally hostile to foreign invaders like Meng Zhang.

He knows Meng Zhang’s wild ambitions, so he shouldn’t easily betray Shenchangjie and side with Meng Zhang.

In a word, due to the disturbance caused by the Tao thieves, the current forces in Shenchang Realm should not break out into a war for the time being.

After this incident, it became impossible for Meng Zhang to pretend to be a tiger again and suppress the indigenous gods of the Shenchang Realm in the name of chasing Tao thieves.

Meng Zhang also finally put his mind back on how to find the whereabouts of the Taoist thief.

When he used the help of the heavenly consciousness of the Shenchang Realm to perform calculations using the Heavenly Secret Technique, he got a glimpse of some of the secrets of the Shenchang Realm, and indeed he had some clues.

How to use these secrets and clues to bring the Dao thieves into a fight with the consciousness of Heaven in Shenchang Realm is a question that Meng Zhang needs to think about carefully.

After Meng Zhang returned to Xilu, everything here went very smoothly.

The Taiyi Realm monks and the Dragon Clan have invested great efforts in transforming and constructing this place.

Since there has been no war in a short period of time, the main focus of both sides has been on developing various resources.

Even in the waters near the Western Continent, the situation is slowly easing.

The Hai Clan, driven by the Dragon Clan, looked for Shuyuan and the monks from the Taiyi Realm. After expanding to a certain extent, it stopped and did not continue to expand aggressively.

The purpose of their expansion in the nearby sea this time is to cover the Western Continent and add barriers and moats to the Western Continent.

Although the senior leaders of the Dragon Clan covet the sea of ​​Shenchang Realm, they also know that now is not the time for wanton expansion.

The dragon clan and Taiyi monks suspended their maritime expansion, which relieved the indigenous gods in the surrounding sea areas.

They are unable to fight back, let alone retake the occupied territory. They can only build new lines of defense to defend the current territory.

Although small conflicts would break out from time to time between patrol teams and frontline troops on both sides, the large-scale fighting had basically ended.

After years of cultivation, Fairy Yue’e, who was most seriously injured, finally recovered from her injuries and returned to her best condition.

After learning about the Taoist thief, she has not relaxed and is constantly studying countermeasures.

Although Fairy Yue’e is a veteran true immortal, her cultivation level is mediocre and her fighting ability is average.

In addition, Dao thieves have a certain degree of restraint against most cultivators and have special methods for dealing with immortals.

If she were to face an enemy like Taoist Kongxing, she would definitely not be able to withstand him.

She herself understands this and has never expected to defeat the Taoist thieves through head-on combat.

Fairy Yue’e, like Meng Zhang, hopes to weaken and attack Tao thieves through the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm.

Although the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm is not very smart due to its own reasons, Meng Zhang has also had a precedent of successfully utilizing it.

But if anyone really thinks that the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm is a fool and thinks that they can be fooled at will, they will definitely taste the bitter consequences in the future.

At the level of a true immortal, although Fairy Yue’e is not outstanding in cultivation, she still has enough knowledge.

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