Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2701: Framed

Although Meng Zhang deliberately controlled the speed of the team’s advance, they still did not spend much time and arrived above the main city of Shengyang True God.

This main city has been prepared for battle from top to bottom.

Holy God Hun Ling and the True God Shengyang stood above the main city, quietly watching Meng Zhang and the others approach.

Meng Zhang led Azure Seagod and the others to stop opposite Hun Lingzun and the others.

“Meng Zhang, it’s not enough that you invaded the Western Continent, and now you have the idea of ​​​​the Eastern Continent. Do you really think that there is no one in our Shenchang Realm?”

With just one word, Shengyang True God put Meng Zhang on the opposite side of the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm, trying to arouse everyone’s common hatred and hatred.

He looked at Azure Poseidon and the others.

“Everyone, do you want to accompany this kid to fool around?”

God Hun Ling remained silent and allowed True God Shengyang to deal with it.

Meng Zhang did not pay attention to the True God Shengyang, but shouted righteously.

“Little Hun Ling, your conspiracy to collude with the devil, harm the Shenchang Realm, and intend to contaminate the entire world with magic has been exposed.”

“You can still stand a chance of survival if you just stay calm and cooperate with everyone to clean up the devil’s path and eliminate the devil’s disaster.”

“If you persist in your stubbornness, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Meng Zhang pointed a finger at Hun Ling Zun Shen and sternly accused him.

Hun Ling Zun Shen felt confused for a while, when did he collude with the devil and do such a thing.

This guy Meng Zhang doesn’t know how to find a better excuse even if he slanders others.

Hun Ling Zun Shen was too lazy to argue with Meng Zhang and just cursed.

“A slanderous lunatic, too lazy to talk to you.”

The Hunling Lord and the Disaster Demon God had made an agreement before. He did not think that this was colluding with the devil, but that they were just helping each other.

Furthermore, the Hunling Lord is well aware of the dangers of the devil, and has always been wary of the Disaster Devil.

He would rather pay some price than let the God of Disaster make some small moves on his territory.

He has long since solemnly warned the Demon God of Disasters not to allow him to mess around in the Shenchang Realm.

After Sheng Yang True God was forced to take refuge with Hun Ling Zun God, he has always shown loyalty.

Hun Ling Zun Shen felt that Meng Zhang’s slander was nonsense and was too lazy to refute.

The Shengyang True God carefully defended the Hunling Lord.

His purpose was not to convince Meng Zhang, the slanderer, but to influence the onlookers, Azure Poseidon and others.

“Meng Zhang, you are the master of one party after all, how can you talk nonsense and make up things at will?”

“Why, if you can’t take advantage on the battlefield, you can only take advantage verbally.”


Meng Zhang ignored the Shengyang True God and cursed directly at the Hunling Lord.

“As a true god, you actually colluded with the devil. You are simply a scum of the Shinto.”

“You can hide your tricks from others, but you can’t hide them from me.”

“Now, I am going to expose your disguise and let everyone know your true face.”

As Meng Zhang spoke, he activated a sharp sword energy and slashed at the main city below.

The main city of Shengyang True God is well-defended and can withstand True God-level attacks.

But in such a large main city, it is impossible for every place to be so tightly defended. There are always some weakly defended places.

When a true god-level war breaks out, Shengyang True God does not expect to be able to protect every corner of the main city.

As long as the core area and key areas are not damaged, the main defensive force of the main city can continue to function.

As for those less important remote areas, they were originally victims.

The sword energy that Meng Zhang slashed easily broke through a thick layer of defense and reached a street on the edge of the main city.

The various buildings in the street and the restrictions on the buildings were all reduced to nothing under the sword energy.

The earth and rocks on the street floor melted away, revealing a huge hole.

A thick demonic energy spurted out from the entrance of the cave and soared into the sky.

The defenders in the main city were quickly alerted and responded one after another.

Whether it was the Hun Lingzun God’s side or the Azure Sea God’s side, they were all very surprised.

With their knowledge, they quickly determined that it was a magic nest hidden underground.

This is the main city of the Shengyang True God, and was later controlled by the Hunling God.

No matter what, these two gods should not be related to the devil.

Azure Sea God couldn’t help but think, could it be that Meng Zhang was not slandering, and that the Hunling Lord really colluded with the devil?

Hungling Zunshen is also an intruder from the outside world, and he has been targeting the Shenchang Realm for a long time.

If it is said that the Hunling God is colluding with the devil, the Azure Sea God is also willing to believe it.

When the Heavenly Dao Consciousness of the Shenchang Realm gave the order to the Azure Sea God, they did not clearly state that they were dealing with Dao thieves, only that they were the great enemies that were causing harm to the Shenchang Realm.

The powerful demons often infiltrate and erode other big worlds, and are the public enemies of all big worlds.

If a big world falls into the hands of the devil, it will soon be completely demonized and then fall rapidly.

For the consciousness of heaven in Shenchang Realm, being infected by the devil is simply a life worse than death.

For Azure Sea God and the others, if the Hunling Lord really colludes with the devil and seeks Shuyuan to demonize the Shenchang Realm, then they should follow the orders of the Heavenly Dao Consciousness of the Shenchang Realm and cooperate with Meng Zhang fought to eradicate the Hun Ling Zun Shen and his men.

However, Azure Seagod did not completely believe Meng Zhang.

Seeing the sudden appearance of a demon nest in his main city and being exposed by Meng Zhang on the spot, the Shengyang True God’s first reaction was that Meng Zhang had colluded with the devil to frame him.

The Shengyang True God eagerly said to the Azure Sea God and others: “Everyone, if you think about it for a moment, you should know that this is the trick of the boy Meng Zhang. Don’t fall for it.”

The Shengyang True God may not care about Meng Zhang’s frame-up, but he cannot let the Azure Sea God and the others side with Meng Zhang.

Although Azure Poseidon and the others came here with Meng Zhang, their relationship is not close.

According to Shengyang True God’s observation, there is a lot of conflict between them, and there is no sincerity in joining forces at all.

Meng Zhang snorted disdainfully, and instead of arguing with True God Shengyang, he slashed out a few more sword energy.

These sword energies all struck within the area inside the main city. They did not cause much damage to the main city, but exposed the hidden demon nests and demonic strongholds.

Looking at the demonic energy rising into the sky, Meng Zhang shouted categorically: “You colluded with the devil. The evidence is conclusive. You were caught by me, and now you think you can still quibble.”

The Shengyang True God has always had strict control over his main city. With so many things related to the devil appearing in the main city, it is really difficult for him to defend himself.

Hun Lingzun’s face was ashen. He finally knew that Meng Zhang came prepared this time.

These days, he has been sitting in the main city, and everything that happens in the main city is under his nose.

Without any prior signs, the main city was infiltrated by the devil and was exploited by Meng Zhang. Anger arose in his heart.

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