Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2675: Clear

The larger continent is called the Eastern Continent, or Eastern Continent for short.

The territories of True God Shengyang, True God Chongyue and God Tongguangjiang are all located on this continent.

The smaller continent is called the Western Continent, or Xilu for short.

The Lava Vulcan occupies a large part of this continent.

The Western Continent is far more desolate than the Eastern Continent. There are fewer creatures living here, and the indigenous gods they support are far inferior.

The Western Continent is generally divided into two parts.

A larger part of the terrain is dominated by the Gobi Desert, with some oases in between.

Deep in the Gobi desert, there are huge volcanoes.

There is really no grass growing there, the ground fire is rising, and the magma is flowing…

This part is the territory of the Lava Vulcan, controlled by him and his indigenous gods.

In the other smaller part, the terrain is mainly grassland and desert, with many rivers and lakes in between. There are also many indigenous gods scattered here.

Although these indigenous gods nominally bow to the lava god, they actually go their own way.

In the past, due to the support of the True God of the Rising Sun and the God of the Azure Sea, the indigenous gods in this area had strong autonomy and did not obey the Lava God of Fire.

Between the indigenous gods of the Shenchang Realm, especially between the various camps, there has always been open and covert fighting.

Although the Lava Vulcan has a hot temper, his desire for expansion is actually not very strong.

The Lava Vulcan and his main subordinates prefer places like volcanic lava rather than places with too much water vapor.

Due to the constraints of the Sheng Yang True God and the Azure Sea God, the Lava Fire God failed to unify the Western Continent.

There are no very powerful indigenous gods in this area, and they do not entirely belong to a certain camp.

Before the invasion, Meng Zhang worked out a detailed invasion plan with the senior officials of Taiyi Realm based on the actual situation of Shenchang Realm.

This area is the first target of the Taiyi Realm and Dragon Clan coalition forces.

They successfully invaded this area and established an advance base here.

After this great victory, they expanded to the surrounding areas and finally completely controlled this area.

This area borders the Lava Vulcan territory on one side, and the sea on the other three sides.

The Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan Alliance formed multiple teams, some of which fought all the way to the edge of the lava fire god’s territory, and some of them fought to the seaside…

Next, the Taiyi Realm and Dragon Clan coalition rested while consolidating their rule over the occupied area.

All the indigenous gods, gods, and the like who dared to resist have been eliminated in this area.

No matter whether they are sincerely surrendering or not, at least they dare not show any resistance on the surface.

The Lava Fire God finally managed to organize a large army with the help of the Azure Sea God, but was destroyed in one battle.

The territory of the Lava Vulcan is now very empty and does not have enough garrison strength.

The Azure Sea God protected a group of indigenous true gods from retreating all the way to the sea.

Most of the army under the Blue Sea God is at sea, and a small number occupy parts of the Eastern Continent.

The Azure Seagod knew that the fall of the Western Continent was inevitable.

He now does not have the ability to organize another large army to cross the sea for an expedition to aid the Lava Vulcan.

The Lava Vulcan can only seek happiness for himself and rely on his own strength to protect his territory.

After experiencing this battle, Azure Sea God finally truly saw the power of the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition, and almost regarded it as a threat no less than the Hunling Lord God.

Although he still regarded the Hunling Lord as the number one threat, the Azure Sea God had to devote more energy to paying attention to the Western Continent.

For him at this time, it turned out to be a good thing to make peace with the Hunling Lord God.

The Azure Sea God is not only unwilling to break the peace agreement easily, but also hopes that the peace between the two parties can continue to be maintained.

If it weren’t for his extreme distrust of the Hunling Lord, the Azure Sea God would have really planned to join forces with him to deal with the Taiyi Realm and the dragon alliance first.

At present, the strength is insufficient, and the Azure Seagod can only continue to accumulate strength.

He wants to squeeze out every ounce of potential in Shenchang Realm, recruit more indigenous gods as soon as possible, and reorganize an army.

Since leaving the Cathode Jedi, the Lava Fire God has not had any contact with the Azure Sea God.

To this day, many indigenous gods have no idea of ​​their life, death or whereabouts.

If a top true **** like the Lava God of Fire dies in the Shenchang Realm, the Azure Sea God will be somewhat sensitive to it.

The Azure Seagod did not sense his death and knew that he was still alive.

But he never contacted him and hid somewhere, which made him very annoyed.

The performance of Lava Vulcan completely disappointed Azure Sea God.

He no longer had any illusions about the Lava Vulcan.

As a result, the Azure Sea God is somewhat helpless.

Although the second-tier indigenous gods, such as Tongguangjiang God and Rising Sun God, can barely replace the Lava Vulcan God, they are far inferior to the Lava Vulcan God in all aspects.

If the Azure Poseidon wants to fight and expel foreign enemies, he needs more assistance.

The Azure Seagod took advantage of the rare peace time to work hard to enhance his own strength.

He tried his best to persuade True God Chongyue to join the war.

As one of the few established true gods in the Shenchang world, he knows many secrets of the Shenchang world.

He must find a way to make the profound foundation of Shenchang Realm work.

The results of the battle on the Western Continent were gradually spread to the territory of Shengyang True God.

The Shengyang True God was successful in this peace negotiation, which fully proved his loyalty and greatly satisfied the Hunling God.

On the surface, Hunglingzunshen has given him more trust and allowed him to be responsible for more aspects of affairs.

After receiving the results of the war in the Western Continent, Hunglingzunshen’s good mood was completely ruined.

Now it seems that the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition have established a firm foothold in the Shenchang Realm, fully showing their fangs.

Hun Ling Zun Shen is well aware of the dangers of these two families, but it is impossible for him to organize a large army expedition to directly deal with these two families when the Azure Sea God is watching eagerly.

Hunling Zunshen has strengthened his surveillance on the Western Continent, trying to grasp the latest trends of the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan Alliance.

At the same time, he also asked the True God of Shengyang to come forward and contact the Azure Sea God again to see if the two sides could temporarily join forces to fight against the Taiyi Realm and the dragon alliance.

The Azure Sea God is extremely hostile to the Hunling Lord.

In his mind, the existence of the Hun Ling Zun Shen is shaking the foundation of the indigenous gods’ rule over the Shenchang Realm, and is a real serious problem.

But under the current circumstances, Azure Poseidon is simply unable to fight on two fronts.

The Azure Poseidon hesitated in his heart and was not clear about the next step of the battle.

He did not easily agree to Shengyang True God’s proposal to join forces, nor did he reject it outright. Instead, he continued to keep in touch with the other party and kept dragging him.

Now the situation in Shenchang Realm is generally beginning to become clearer.

Except for the reclusive guy like True God Chongyue, there are mainly three parties fighting.

Due to various reasons, the three parties have no intention of launching a war for the time being, and the Shenchang Realm has generally entered a short period of peace.

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