Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2587: Communication

The ego demon must have discovered something.

The reason why he refused to say it clearly was because he knew that his reputation was too bad to win the trust of others.

Even if he tells the truth, Sanshan Zhenxian and the others will probably think that he is deliberately provoking them to attack the Sky-breaking Immortal Vine.

In addition, he did not say it clearly in public, but also intended to guard against the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine.

He deliberately stirred up trouble several times, which must have meant something.

Meng Zhang believed that he was sober and rational enough that he would not be confused by the demon of ego, and that he had the ability to judge whether what he said was a lie.

Meng Zhang thought for a moment, then used a secret communication technique to convey what he wanted to communicate to the egotistical demon.

During this process, Meng Zhang has always maintained a high degree of vigilance against the egoistic demon.

He guarded his mind closely and restrained his spiritual thoughts to avoid giving the other party an opportunity to take advantage of him, and to prevent the other party from casting spells to confuse or even demonize him.

A moment later, the voice of the egotistical demon sounded in Meng Zhang’s ears, but no one else noticed it at all.

When the Ego Demon communicated with Meng Zhang in private, he changed his previous frivolous attitude and his tone was very serious and serious.

According to what he said, when Junchen Immortal came to this void, he made many arrangements in order to break through to the Golden Immortal realm.

At that time, there was no name for the Sky Star Area. It was just an unknown small star area in a remote area in the void.

There are several large worlds within this nameless star area, and several races have been produced respectively, but none of them have given birth to particularly powerful people.

A true immortal level expert is the strongest person in the Sky Star Region.

With Junchen Immortal Master’s perfect cultivation, it can be said that he is unstoppable.

Fortunately, Junchen Immortal Master was only thinking about how to break through the Golden Immortal, and had no intention of playing a game of hegemony here, let alone going on a killing spree.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications, many of his actions were kept strictly confidential and did not alert anyone.

Initially, he had left secret arrangements in various big worlds, preparing to drain away the origins of heaven and earth in various nearby big worlds and use them as materials for his breakthrough to the Golden Immortal Realm.

Later, he gave up the idea, but failed to deal with the secret arrangements in time.

The reason why Skybreaking Immortal Teng dares to call itself Junchen Immortal Lord is that it has some capital.

He inherited some spiritual ideas and imprints of Immortal Junchen, and learned some memories of Immortal Junchen.

He was also informed of the arrangements left by Immortal Junchen in various big worlds in the Dengtian Star Region.

The Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine itself is an immortal treasure with the power of an immortal, but it is not a real immortal after all.

He regards himself as Junchen Immortal Lord, so he naturally wants to restore Junchen Immortal Lord’s previous cultivation.

The first step he has to do is to activate the arrangements left by Junchen Immortal Lord back then, and take the time to ascend to the origin of heaven and earth in each big world in the Sky Star Region.

Once he succeeds, not only will all the big worlds be completely destroyed like the Junchen Realm, but a terrifying storm will sweep across the entire Dengtian Star Region in the void.

At that time, all living beings in the Dengtian Star Area will face catastrophe, and there will be nowhere to hide.

The Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine itself has made great progress in cultivation and can easily overwhelm the self-grasping demon.

As for Meng Zhang and others who are powerful at the True Immortal level, I am afraid that they will not be able to control their own life or death by then, and will have no choice but to let the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine take over.

These scenes described in the theory of ego-grasping demons made Meng Zhang shudder.

He suspected that there was exaggeration in the words of the ego-grasping demon and was deliberately trying to scare himself.

Meng Zhang really didn’t want to believe everything the egotistical devil said, but judging from the situation at the scene, everything he said was not entirely baseless fabrication.

If nothing else, Meng Zhang and the others have never understood the purpose of the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine to create a space passage to connect the Shenchang Realm and other big worlds.

Now comparing it with what the Ego Demon said, the purpose of the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine is obvious.

From a rational perspective, Meng Zhang felt that he should believe in the egotistical demon.

But emotionally and from past experiences, he doubted what the egotistical demon said.

Perhaps most of what the ego demon says is true, but it only takes one or two lies in key parts to cause very serious consequences.

To take a step back, even if the egotistical devil did not lie, he had bad intentions and was trying to instigate Meng Zhang and the others to deal with the Sky-breaking Immortal Teng and sabotage the opponent’s plan.

In front of Meng Zhang, the Ego Demon’s attitude was very sincere, and he did not have that condescending attitude.

He warned Meng Zhang that if he allowed the Sky Breaking Immortal Teng to act freely without stopping him, everything would be irreversible when he succeeded.

There is not much time left for everyone now. If the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine creates a space channel that connects the various big worlds, then he can activate it.

The Egoic Demon is manipulating the power of the Demon Realm to stop the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine, but it cannot delay him for too long.

After the Ego Demon said this, he took the initiative to end contact with Meng Zhang, without urging Meng Zhang endlessly.

After listening to the words of the egotistical demon, Meng Zhang fell into deep thought.

The reason why everyone, including Meng Zhang, has been waiting and watching is because they hope that the Egoic Demon and the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine will consume each other, preferably both sides will suffer losses.

But if the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine will become more powerful, find Shuyuan www. If overwhelms the demon of ego, then they absolutely cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

In addition to worrying about his own fate, Meng Zhang is also worried about the fate of Taiyi Realm.

Although the Taiyi Realm has accelerated away from the vicinity of the Junchen Realm, without the True Immortal in charge, the progress of the entire world must be limited.

According to Meng Zhang’s estimation, the current Taiyi Realm has probably not yet left the original sphere of influence of the Junchen Realm, even if it has left the Dengtian Star District.

If the Dengtian Star Area really rolls up a terrifying void storm as the Demon of Ego said, then the Taiyi Realm will not be spared either.

When he thought of this, Meng Zhang felt a little anxious.

But there are still many doubts in his heart.

If these are all lies from the egotistical demon, and their purpose is just to force Meng Zhang and the others to attack the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine, then once Meng Zhang and the others take action, there will be no room for change.

Being used by the egotistical demon broke the balance between him and the Sky-breaking Immortal Vine, which was also something Meng Zhang didn’t want to see.

Although Meng Zhang was more inclined to believe in the egotistical demon, he could not make up his mind.

He also reflected on whether he had a prejudice against the egotistical demon because of his reputation as a demon.

From this aspect, the egoistic demon’s approach is quite cautious.

He did not try to directly convince everyone present, but deliberately exposed some doubts so that Meng Zhang and others would be inclined to take the initiative to communicate with him.

Persuade Meng Zhang first, and then let Meng Zhang help convince others.

Meng Zhangdu felt that he was about to be convinced by the egotistical demon.

Looking in the direction of Sanshan True Immortal and Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor, Meng Zhang used his secret communication technique to establish a secret connection with them.

Meng Zhang objectively recited everything the egotistical demon said without adding any of his own opinions, trying not to affect Sanshan True Immortal and the others.

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