Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2571: Breaking in

There is a veteran demon god, the God of Disaster, sitting in the team. Logically speaking, as a high-level monster, he should have enough deterrence and even control over these lower-level monsters.

Under normal circumstances, the God of Disaster can easily scare or even subdue the army of monsters in front of him.

However, the army of monsters in front of them turned a blind eye to the aura of the God of Disaster, and their actions were not affected in the slightest. They continued to attack him crazily.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood that the monsters in the ruins of Junchen Realm had been completely controlled by the demon.

Under the drive of the demon, they can go against their nature and are not bound by their nature.

Fortunately, although the demon has mastered these monsters, these monsters have not been blessed by the demon’s power.

I don’t know whether it’s because the control time is too short, or because the power of the demon has not completely penetrated the demon realm.

This team, composed entirely of true immortal level experts, is truly unstoppable along the way.

As this team rapidly deepens, more and more monsters appear and become stronger and stronger.

The army of monsters in the ruins of Junchen Realm, if placed in the Junchen Realm back then, could easily destroy any sect in the Holy Land.

Even if Tiangong comes forward to organize the entire power of Junchen Realm cultivators, it may not be able to defeat them.

If some true immortals rush deep into the cave, they might actually fall into it.

The strong men in this team come from all walks of life, and their practice systems are very different.

However, with their rich combat experience, they can still manage to cooperate tacitly and enhance each other.

As the leader, Sanshan Zhenxian and others are sitting in the middle of the team, but they have not made any move so far.

In terms of team arrangements, Sanshan Zhenxian and others have no selfish motives and can generally be fair.

Meng Zhang and his five powerful men from the Taiyi world were arranged together and were responsible for charging forward.

Meng Zhang and the other five formed a simple formation, attacking and advancing all the way.

Neither Meng Zhang nor Tai Miao used any powerful killing moves, they just used conventional means to deal with the enemy.

On both sides of Meng Zhang and the others, there are strong men at the level of true immortals to support them.

Faced with such a powerful enemy as the Demon, although everyone is still bound to fight against each other, they can at least achieve unity and not be held back on the battlefield.

Many demons at the level of returning to the void rushed towards Meng Zhang and the others, trying to block their progress.

Meng Zhang sacrificed the wind and fire yin and yang fan, and the wind and fire spread all around, burning groups of monsters to ashes.

The monsters in the ruins of Junchen Realm did not stop them for long.

This team quickly broke through the siege of the monster army and rushed to the huge gap.

According to Meng Zhang’s previous induction, at least two demon gods were born in the ruins of Junchen Realm.

But they all fought their way here without encountering the Demon God’s obstruction.

It is impossible for a demon **** under the control of a demon to escape.

The most likely possibility is that the demon **** in the ruins of Junchen Realm has entered the demon realm.

Whether these demons are helping the demons deal with the strange roots of heaven and earth, or using the power of the demon realm to block outsiders, they are a huge trouble.

What Meng Zhang can think of, Sanshan Zhenxian and other team leaders can naturally also think of.

Sanshan Zhenxian and others who had not taken action not only urged everyone to move forward quickly, but also provided timely help.

Countless monsters gathered in front, surrounding the crack in layers.

The strong men in the team took action together and cleared the front, revealing a large blank area.

Everyone in the team had no intention of entangled with the monster. They seized the opportunity, worked together, and jumped into the huge gap without hesitation.

Everyone felt a spin and space transformation, and then appeared in the original immortal relic, now in the demon realm.

This is an independent small world that has been completely demonized at this moment.

In the sky, a blood moon hung high, emitting a dark red light downwards.

On the ground, there is a thick carpet of bacteria everywhere.

The carpet is purple-brown in color and is still flowing.

This small world originally had a stable ecology, with forests, grasslands, rivers, etc., and many creatures thriving in it.

But now, because the entire small world has been demonized, the original creatures have either become the nourishment of the demon realm, or have been completely demonized and turned into new monsters.

This foreign team has just entered the Demon Realm, and everyone is observing the surrounding situation.

The entire Demon Realm seemed to come alive all of a sudden.

Countless thick purple-brown liquid on the ground kept twisting and turning into countless strange monsters.

There are monsters rushing towards here from all directions in the Demon Realm.

According to the information provided by the eight escapees, the Heavenly Demon and the Heaven and Earth Qigan are fighting at the core of the Demon Realm.

Now is not the time to purify the demonic realm, and we don’t want to get entangled with monsters.

The entire team began to move quickly, heading towards the core of the Demon Realm.

Due to the influence of that heavenly demon, the rules of the entire demonic realm were changed.

In fact, the Demon Realm itself has rules of heaven and earth that are very different from those of the ordinary world.

The Sea Swallowing Dragon King initially planned to forcefully break through the space barrier and teleport to the core of the Demon Realm as soon as possible. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

But he tried several times without success.

Everyone has discovered that the magical power of space is greatly restricted in the Demon Realm.

This is not over yet.

The entire team had not flown far forward when everyone felt tremendous pressure on their bodies, and there seemed to be huge forces on the ground that were constantly pulling them.

It is true that the team is full of true immortal level experts, but everyone’s cultivation levels are still different.

Even, this gap is not small.

The weakest ones are just at the level of ordinary true immortals, while the strongest ones are almost at the top of the true immortal realm.

It is not uncommon for someone like Meng Zhang whose combat prowess exceeds the realm of cultivation.

Soon, those with weaker cultivation were the first to be unable to hold on and had to land on the ground.

According to the previous plan, it is best not to disperse easily and to act together as much as possible.

Facing the devil, only by concentrating everyone’s strength can we make a difference.

Under the organization of Sanshan Zhenxian, everyone landed on the ground together, still maintaining a loose formation.

After landing, everyone started cleaning up the surrounding carpet.

Meng Zhang descended with the power of wind and fire, burning all the fungi on the ground around him.

He looked around.

I don’t know whether this small world is like this originally, or whether it has changed after it became a demonic realm.

The terrain of the small world is extremely complex, with huge bottomless cracks everywhere, some ravines more than a hundred feet wide, undulating mountains twisting and turning, purple and blood-colored giant trees standing tall…

Not far ahead, there is a large area of ​​unstable space, with dense space cracks everywhere.

Ways of space storms blew away from the space cracks, turning into waves of hurricanes in the Demon Realm.

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