Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2560: Hesitation

Before taking action, Meng Zhang just wanted to provoke a conflict between the dragon clan and them and cause them some trouble.

The effect is now so good, it is a bit beyond Meng Zhang’s expectation.

This shows that the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor really hates Jiuxuan True Immortal and his gang.

Meng Zhang was filled with gloating about what happened to Jiuxuan True Immortal and Tian Chenzi.

The Sea Swallowing Dragon King is the great enemy of the Taiyi Realm, and being entangled now is a good thing.

Both sides are fighting for life and death. It is best for both sides to be injured and all to die.

Although the Sea Swallowing Dragon King had the upper hand in the battle, it was still not easy to completely defeat these two old rivals.

The strong men of the Dragon Clan are far inferior to those excellent cultivators in terms of mental cultivation.

Guys like Tunhai Dragon King often do whatever they want and willfully.

However, after some venting, he slowly calmed down.

While the Sea Swallowing Dragon King was fighting with the two true immortals, Taiyi Realm never stopped moving.

With the passage of time, the ruins of Taiyi Realm and Junchen Realm have opened a certain distance.

The Sea Swallowing Dragon King looked at the moving Taiyi Realm and began to hesitate in his heart.

Without his intervention, the power of the Dragon Clan alone would never be able to stop Taiyi Realm.

The extraterritorial intruders are another bunch of unreliable guys.

If Taiyi Realm really breaks through and stays away from here completely, then the plan of the Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor will come to nothing.

The Dragon King of Swallowing Sea wants to seize Taiyi Realm and expand the living space of the dragon clan.

But now he finally caught two life-and-death enemies, and he was unwilling to let them go.

If you miss this time, who knows when you will have a chance for revenge?

Tunhai Dragon King, who has always been arbitrary and rude, is really in trouble.

On one side is the future of the ethnic group, on the other side is the wish of thousands of years. How should he choose?

From a rational perspective, the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor should definitely put the interests of the ethnic group first.

However, most of the powerful dragon clan, including the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor, are not rational enough and are easily driven by personal emotions.

Just like now, the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor clearly knows which is more important, but he is unwilling to let go of these two enemies and turns to deal with Taiyi Realm.

He knew that even if he captured two enemies, his family would definitely suffer a lot, which would greatly affect the subsequent attack on Taiyi Realm, but he still refused to let them go.

Actually, Meng Zhang has not yet made up his mind whether he should take this opportunity to break out and stay away from here completely.

He asked Taiyi Realm to move, just to stay as far away from the ruins of Junchen Realm as possible.

The demonic aura in the ruins of Junchen Realm has disappeared, but the sense of crisis in Meng Zhang’s heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Logically speaking, even if one or two demon gods were born in the ruins of Junchen Realm, they would not pose much of a threat to the current Taiyi Realm.

Can the Taiyi Sect’s four true immortal-level combat powers not be able to deal with one or two new demon gods?

But for some reason, Meng Zhang’s keen spiritual sense began to warn him again.

His spiritual sense was constantly urging him to stay away from here immediately and not to stay nearby.

Of course Meng Zhang will not leave alone, he must leave with Taiyijie.

The Taiyi Realm is too large. Without the help of other forces, the Taiyi Realm moves very slowly.

According to Meng Zhang’s estimation, even if there is no external obstruction, it will take at least two or three years for Taiyi Realm to completely leave the vicinity of the ruins of Junchen Realm.

It was precisely because the Taiyi Realm moved too slowly that it gave the Sea-Dunning Dragon King enough time to think.

The Dragon Emperor of Tunhai thought that Meng Zhang intended to break out of the encirclement, so of course he would not let him succeed easily.

However, he saw that Junchen Realm was moving slowly, so he continued to tangle with Jiuxuan True Immortal and the others for the time being.

Perhaps, if you wait a little longer, there may be a way to get the best of both worlds, which can not only capture Taiyi Realm, but also deal with these two big enemies.

Some unrealistic fantasies arose in the heart of the Dragon King Tunhai.

The high-level leaders of the extraterritorial invaders have long discovered the movement of Taiyi Realm.

They and the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor have reached an agreement long ago. Their opponents are Ban Xue Jianjun and his army of cultivators, and the Taiyi Realm is the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor’s target.

Therefore, they will not easily attack the Taiyi Realm without the permission of the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor.

They had been very concerned when they saw the battle between the Sea Swallowing Dragon King and the two True Immortals.

There is also a deep hatred between Jiuxuan True Immortal and the invaders from outside the territory.

Some true immortal-level extraterrestrial invaders began to consider whether to join the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor and besiege the two true immortals together.

In the end, the idea of ​​sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between tigers prevailed among them.

They continued to watch the battle, hoping that the Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor would spend more time, and it would be best to completely kill these two true immortals.

As for whether Taiyijie will be spared because of this, they are not too worried.

The movement speed of Taiyi Realm is too slow, not to mention compared with void battleships, even many ordinary flying boats cannot compare.

Even if Meng Zhang leaves here with Taiyijie, they can easily catch up with their target as long as they slow down.

No one is attacking Taiyi Realm directly for the time being, and Meng Zhang is happy to relax for a while.

Meng Zhang’s cultivation has progressed rapidly, and he can get feedback from Taiyi World from time to time.

As I said before, with each passing day, Taiyi Sect will become stronger, and Meng Zhang will become stronger.

Tai Miao’s injury is almost healed.

The conditions of Fairy Yue’e and True Fairy Xianyun are getting better and better after adjustments in the Taiyi Realm.

Even the Moon God, who had just returned to the realm of True God, was making rapid progress in his cultivation when he was sitting in the Origin Sea.

After several months, Taiyi Realm has passed the big water ball and is quite a distance away from the ruins of Junchen Realm.

The army of extraterrestrial invaders is huge and the battle lines are wide open.

A long time ago, the army of extraterrestrial invaders separated into a partial division and opened up a huge encirclement circle with the original Junchen Realm as the center.

Anyone who wants to completely stay away from the Junchen Realm must break through this encirclement.

Of course, because the power is too dispersed, this encirclement appears to be very thin.

After discovering the movement of Taiyi Realm, the extraterrestrial invaders from other directions quickly gathered here, trying to block the direction of Taiyi Realm’s movement.

Seeing that Taiyi Realm is about to come into contact with the team of extraterritorial invaders. Find Shuyuan

However, the top leaders of the extraterritorial invaders are still debating whether to intercept Taiyi Realm directly.

If they intercept Taiyi Realm, they will start a war with Taiyi Realm in front of the Dragon Clan.

But by taking the initiative to get out of the way, they were worried that their momentum would be weakened.

If Banxue Jianjun’s subordinates follow immediately, they will be even more disadvantaged.

Ban Xue Jianjun had already discovered it when he was moving in the Taiyi Realm.

Meng Zhang acted suddenly without communicating with him beforehand, which made Ban Xue Jianjun very dissatisfied.

But no matter what, she still has to fulfill her duties as an ally.

Banxue Jianjun ordered his void battleships, floating cities, etc. to also start moving towards the Taiyi Realm in order to coordinate the actions of the Taiyi Realm.

Please remember the first domain name of this book:. :

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