Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2554: The prototype of Yuanhai

As more and more monster corpses and fragments of the Junchen Realm are pulled back to the Taiyi Realm, the entire Taiyi Realm is plunged into extreme busyness.

The Taiyi Realm was originally a part that peeled off from the Junchen Realm. The fragments of the Junchen Realm have similar properties to the Taiyi Realm, so they are most suitable for the Taiyi Realm.

However, the Taiyi Realm is not yet a complete big world. It does not have a source sea like the Junchen Realm and can easily digest everything from the outside.

After the ruins of Junchen Realm turned into a monster lair, countless monsters appeared everywhere in the ruins. Even those fragments where no monsters were born were inevitably infected by nearby monsters.

To completely purify these fragments is a very huge project.

If by accident, the purification is not thorough enough, and these fragments are allowed to merge with the Taiyi Realm, then the demonic energy will also be integrated into the Taiyi Realm.

Although it will not immediately demonize Taiyi Realm, it will inevitably give rise to monsters within Taiyi Realm in the future.

What’s more, up to now, there are still certain demonic forces lurking within Taiyi Realm, ready to cause trouble at any time.

And those monster corpses from the ruins of Junchen Realm make the senior officials of Taiyi Realm both love and hate them.

These monsters were born after the Junchen Realm was completely destroyed, and they carry a strong aura of destruction and decline.

It is very difficult to completely purify it.

At the same time, these monsters have something related to the original aura of the Junchen Realm.

If Taiyi Realm can completely absorb it, it will slowly strengthen the origin of Taiyi Realm.

Almost the entire Taiyi world was mobilized.

The monks and gods in the Taiyi Realm did not feel the slightest relief because the pressure on the Dragon Clan was relieved.

Everyone must process and purify the Junchen Realm fragments and monster corpses to strengthen the Taiyi Realm.

This is an extremely risky process.

Even if a high-level monk is accidentally infected by the evil spirit, it will take a lot of effort to expel the evil spirit and return to normal.

If you are unlucky, it will damage your foundation and even lead to obsession.

The speed of strengthening in Taiyi Realm made Meng Zhang very dissatisfied.

At this time, the demon souls of the blood-stained demon **** and the black-robed demon **** had completely lost their resistance and were completely suppressed.

It is only a matter of time before they are completely refined.

The thick demonic energy on their bodies was purified bit by bit, and their own power was absorbed bit by bit by Taiyi World.

After discussing with Tai Miao, Meng Zhang decided to create the source sea of ​​Tai Yi Realm in advance.

After this period of cultivation, Meng Zhang has recovered a lot and can barely perform most of his magical powers.

When the Junchen Realm was destroyed, Taimiao used all his strength to seize the Junchen Realm’s Sea of ​​Souls from the underworld of the Junchen Realm.

The Soul Sea in Junchen Realm is connected with the Origin Sea. When the Soul Sea was separated from the Junchen Realm, many fragments of the Origin Sea were attached.

Although the Source Sea had completely dried up at that time and the source of heaven and earth was exhausted, these fragments of the Source Sea were still very valuable.

At this time, the underworld in Taiyi Realm is only beginning to take shape, and it is far from as complete and with so many levels as the underworld in Junchen Realm.

As the founder of Taiyi Realm, Meng Zhang, a living person, is not very suppressed by the rules of the underworld and can enter the underworld freely.

After he reunited with Tai Miao, he arrived at the core of Yindu City.

Underneath Yindu City is where Taimiao placed the Soul Sea.

The soul sea of ​​Junchen Realm has been stably placed here, and has been successfully integrated with Taiyi Realm, becoming part of the underworld of Taiyi Realm.

This is the core and most critical place in the underworld of Taiyi Realm.

When Tai Miao was in the underworld, he spent most of his time guarding here.

Meng Zhang and Tai Miao easily passed through the soul sea and entered the deepest part of the soul sea.

The Junchen Realm Origin Sea fragments carried on the Soul Sea have been stripped off by Taimiao over the years and placed here.

According to Meng Zhang’s arrangement, this will be the source sea of ​​Taiyi Realm in the future.

Based on those Junchen Realm Origin Sea fragments, Meng Zhang continued to invest in various precious materials and carved various restrictions and magic circles around it.

Then, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao cast spells together to establish the source sea of ​​Tai Yi Realm.

Originally, the source sea of ​​a world was naturally formed when the world was born.

In the source sea is the condensed essence of the origin of heaven and earth in this world.

Taiyi World is a man-made world, not a naturally generated world.

Therefore, in many aspects, Taiyi Realm violates the general rules.

With the inheritance left by the Taiyi Golden Immortal as a reference, Meng Zhang established a unique system in the Taiyi world.

When Taiyi World fully grows up in the future, it will not be worse than those naturally generated worlds, and it will also have many unique advantages.

Taimiao has recovered a lot during this period, but his condition is still far from what he was in his prime.

He forced himself to cast spells with Meng Zhang, which seemed very difficult.

After Yuan Hai took initial shape, he finally couldn’t hold on anymore and almost fell down.

Meng Zhang quickly supported her and slowly helped him recover.

The Yuanhai that is initially taking shape at this moment is like a pool.

The origin of heaven and earth contained in it is very thin.

After Taimiao recovered slightly, he and Meng Zhang continued construction. Find Shuyuan

They established a passage directly to the surface of Taiyi Realm through the space array.

In the future, the monks and gods of the Taiyi Realm can throw the processed and purified monster corpses and Junchen Realm fragments into the Source Sea through this passage.

Although the source sea of ​​Taiyi Realm has just been built, it already has a strong digestion ability. It can quickly digest everything from the outside and transform it into the origin of heaven and earth of Taiyi Realm, which can be used to strengthen Taiyi Realm.

Meng Zhang and Tai Miao worked hard for a long time before completing the construction of Yuanhai.

Not only did they use up a lot of precious materials, they almost hollowed out Taiyi Realm’s family fortune, but their own consumption was also huge.

Taimiao stopped many times to rest and adjust his breathing before he could barely keep up with Meng Zhang’s progress.

Fortunately, during this process, Taiyi Realm has not been invaded, and they have not been disturbed, so they can complete all this work smoothly.

Finally, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao together transferred the suppressed blood-stained demon **** and black-robed demon soul to the source sea.

Next, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao will sit in Yuanhai and use the power of Yuanhai to accelerate the refining of these two demon gods.

In their heyday, the blood-stained demon **** and the black-robed demon **** were powerful enough to rival senior true immortals.

Although one of them suffered huge losses, the other only had a demon soul left.

But as long as they are completely absorbed and refined, Taiyi Realm will take a big tonic.

As their origins were stripped away and slowly integrated into the Source Sea, the origin of heaven and earth in the Source Sea grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Those monster corpses and Junchen Realm fragments that were thrown into the Source Sea through special channels were quickly digested and absorbed by the Source Sea.

As Taiyi Realm Yuanhai continues to grow, its ability to digest and absorb is also constantly strengthening. To be continued

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