Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 254: Lair

Looking at Zhao Jiudou’s flying back, Lin Bolin felt a little embarrassed.

Looking at Zhao Jiudou’s appearance, the credibility of this news is not high. He probably hated himself, so he teased himself with false news and wanted to make himself look embarrassed.

Lin Bolin wanted to ignore it, but the matter of the sand monster’s lair was of great importance, and even if it was untrustworthy news, he could not let it go easily. This kind of thing, the attitude of the cultivation world has always been that it is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

But if you just notify others to come here, everyone’s trip will probably be in vain. It’s a small matter for me to lie about the military situation, but it’s a big deal for wasting everyone’s time in vain.

If it interferes with other people’s search for the sand monster’s lair, it will be detrimental to the overall situation.

Lin Bolin thought for a while and decided to investigate first. If the sand monster’s nest is really discovered, it won’t be too late to notify others.

Lin Bolin did what he thought of and immediately used the Earth Escape Technique to escape underground from here.

As soon as Lin Bolin’s body escaped into the ground, Zhao Jiudou’s body fell from the sky.

He didn’t fly far away just now, he just pretended to leave. In fact, he had been hiding in the dark and secretly observing the situation here.

When he discovered that Lin Bolin had escaped underground, he immediately returned to his original position.

A sinister look appeared on Zhao Jiudou’s face, and he stomped heavily on the ground, sending a strong wave directly to the ground.

After Lin Bolin escaped underground, he searched the surroundings very carefully.

Not long after, there was a violent vibration from above.

Lin Bolin was startled, who was using the earthquake technique on the ground? Why cast the earthquake spell at this time?

After this shock, there was no new movement on the ground.

Lin Bolin hesitated for a moment. He had already sneaked in here, so he simply searched the surrounding area before returning to the ground.

Lin Bolin continued to go deep into the ground, searching the surroundings carefully.

This time, it didn’t take him much time to find clues to the sand monster’s lair.

A wide underground passage appeared in his perception.

The presence of such a passage in such a deep underground must have been built by the sand monster to lead to the sand monster’s lair.

Lin Bolin no longer hesitated and immediately released the messenger flying talisman that he had prepared long ago.

The specially made messenger flying talisman turned into a stream of light, penetrated the earth and rock layers, and flew towards the ground.

He was very afraid of the strength of the sand monster, so he did not rush into it alone, or even wanted to stay here.

Lin Bolin is preparing to return to the ground, gather reinforcements, and then re-enter here.

Suddenly, he sensed a sudden and strange attack in his consciousness.

Lin Bolin’s earth escape technique was interrupted, and the thick rocks around him pressed hard against his body.

Lin Bolin tried his best to break away from the pressure around him and rushed into the passage ahead.

Astute as he was, he knew that he had encountered a sneak attack by a second-level sand monster proficient in earth magic, and immediately fled into the passage to obtain a temporary shelter.

Lin Bolin’s body had just entered the passage and his footing was not yet stable. A twisting cloud of sand suddenly pounced on him.

Another second-level sand monster fell into an ambush.

Lin Bolin finally understood the purpose of the earthquake technique just now, which was to alert the sand monsters hiding underground so that they could discover him in time so that they could ambush him.

Needless to say, the one who activated the earthquake technique must be Zhao Jiudou.

For just a few verbal disputes, Zhao Jiudou was so cruel and framed his comrades. He is really a villain through and through.

Lin Bolin no longer cared about scolding Zhao Jiudou. The sand monster proficient in earth magic had also chased into the passage and joined the siege against him.

Being ambushed by two second-order sand monsters, Lin Bolin was in great danger. He must first survive or leave here before he has the opportunity to settle the score with Zhao Jiudou.

Zhao Jiudou, who was on the ground, had been carefully monitoring the movements around him.

Seeing the messenger flying talisman flying out of the ground and preparing to fly high into the sky, Zhao Jiudou immediately drew his sword.

A sword light flashed, and the flying sword smashed the messenger flying talisman into pieces.

Zhao Jiudou used the art of listening to the ground and listened carefully to the movement below.

The news of Lin Bolin’s fight with two second-order sand monsters soon reached his ears.

Zhao Jiudou, who succeeded in his treacherous plot, had a look of satisfaction on his face.

He chose a direction with less movement, used the Earth Escape Technique, and sneaked into the ground.

After Zhao Jiudou’s figure disappeared on the ground, Meng Zhang and Houtu God General came to this place.

Just now, the two of them had been hiding in the dark and witnessed the whole thing.

Everything Zhao Jiudou did fell into the eyes of these two people.

In order to continue to secretly plot against Zhao Jiudou, Meng Zhang did not remind Lin Bolin, an old friend.

Meng Zhang secretly apologized and hoped that his old friend Jiren Tianxiang could escape this disaster.

As a younger disciple of Lin Quanguan, Lin Bolin has a bright future and is highly regarded by the seniors in the sect. He must have some life-saving means hidden in him. Even if he is no match for the sand monster, his life should not be in danger.

If it were in the past, Meng Zhang might still be a little uneasy because his old friend was in danger.

But after seeing through Lin Quanguan’s face, Meng Zhang felt at ease.

Hiding in the dark and following Zhao Jiudou can bring greater benefits and is in line with one’s own interests.

Meng Zhang and Houtu God General also used earth escape techniques and sneaked into the ground.

Houtou God General, who has an amazing talent for earth escape, is here. Even if the two of them are far apart, they don’t have to worry about losing track of Zhao Jiudou, who is one step ahead.

Although each sand monster lair is very different, there are also many things in common.

As a disciple of Feihong Sect, Zhao Jiudou has mastered a lot of knowledge that other cultivators have not mastered. He has a deep understanding of the sand monster’s lair.

Zhao Jiudou skillfully avoided the place where the sand monsters gathered, eluded the eyes and ears of the sand monster guards, and escaped directly to the core of the sand monster’s lair.

On Lin Bolin’s side, it was already stretched thin to deal with two second-order sand monsters at the same time.

Because he entered the sand monster’s lair, he even alerted the sand monster responsible for guarding the lair.

A large number of sand monsters came from all directions and rushed into this passage, trying to completely submerge Lin Bolin.

Exhausted from running for his life, Lin Bolin used all his trump cards and desperately tried to break through.

He knew clearly that if he continued to stay here, he would definitely not be able to withstand the siege of the sand monster, and the only result would be a tragic death on the spot.

As the thunder exploded one after another, the sand monster in front was blown to pieces, and a gap finally appeared.

Lin Bolin attacked with all his strength, and the sand monster behind him was chasing after him.

Especially the two second-level sand monsters, which are like gangrene attached to the bones and cannot be shaken off at all.

In the distance, there is a second-level sand monster leading a large group of first-level sand monsters, rushing here crazily.

Lin Bolin took out a piece of thunder that was given to him by Master Guangzhi back then, and was ready to make a last ditch effort.

If he can’t find a way out, he will be completely helpless.

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