Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2492: Ending

Shangzun Fengqing not only deceived outsiders, but also deceived members of the Dark Alliance.

This ritual does not come from the Dark Alliance books, but is secretly taught by the Buddhist Fangtong Arhat.

Of course, this ritual seems to have little to do with Buddhism, and the way the power operates is closer to Taoism.

Otherwise, you will not be able to deceive the powerful from all sides.

If the ceremony prepared by Lord Fengqing is completed successfully, the entire Junchen world will completely collapse in a short period of time.

But now that the ceremony has not been completed, Lord Fengqing has taken the final step.

The Junchen Realm began to be destroyed at an accelerated pace, but it did not achieve the original effect.

For Meng Zhang, the longer the preparation time left before the Junchen Realm is completely destroyed, the better.

Shangzun Fengqing’s actions are still continuing.

Meng Zhang himself did not take action personally, but ordered the Taiyi Sect monks present to stop Shangzun Fengqing in time and not allow him to continue.

Before the Taiyi Sect monks could take out their hands, the masters of the True Dragon Clan could not bear it any longer.

King Ganglong and the others were first deceived, and then treated as enemies by Shangzun Fengyu.

Now Shangzun Fengqing’s last resort to start the ceremony as if no one else was around made them very angry.

For the True Dragon clan, they are also unwilling to see the Junchen world destroyed so quickly.

The Jade Dragon King suppressed Shangzun Fengyu, and the Ganglong King angrily threw himself at Shangzun Fengqing.

Facing a powerful enemy of the same level, Fengqing Shangzun had to stop his original movements and parry the opponent’s attack first.

Shangzun Fengqing did not continue the ritual, but once the final step of the ritual was initiated, it had an immediate effect and could not be stopped at all.

According to Meng Zhang’s prediction, even if a large world like Junchen Realm has entered the stage of destruction, the process may last for hundreds or even thousands of years.

After the ceremony accelerated by Fengqing Shangzun, this process has been greatly shortened. Maybe within a hundred years, Junchen Realm will completely collapse.

The closer a big world is to complete destruction, the more serious the various disasters that break out will become.

Almost the entire Junchen world is shaking violently. Mountains are collapsing, rivers are drying up, and there are bottomless cracks everywhere on the earth…

As for the sea, tsunamis and earthquakes almost never stop, and countless islands have completely disappeared…

The monks from all walks of life who were originally watching the battle received information one after another and learned about the changes in Junchen Realm.

They could no longer sit still, and left here one after another, returning to their respective mountain gates, trying to stabilize their own territories.

The territory of Taiyi Sect, like other places in Junchen Realm, suffers from constant natural disasters.

The earth is sinking and the plates are cracking, all this seems to be happening right before our eyes.

When the territory of Taiyi Sect was in turmoil, all the gods that Meng Zhang had previously canonized took the initiative to stand up and began to stabilize the various places.

The number of these gods is limited, the canonization time is too short, and their cultivation and accumulation are insufficient.

Even though they tried their best, they still couldn’t completely stabilize Taiyi Sect’s territory.

Since the ceremony held by Lord Fengqing has been destroyed and the consequences are irreversible, there is no need for the Taiyi Sect monks to stay here for a long time.

Taiyi Sect urgently needs these high-level monks to return in time and stabilize their territory by using the magic circles and restrictions that are almost all over the territory.

There are many monks from the Dark Alliance present, and many high-level monks are still paying attention to the surrounding situation even in the middle of the war.

After the true purpose of Lord Fengqing was completely exposed, many Dark Alliance monks were greatly shocked.

Shangzun Fengqing’s collusion with Buddhism is nothing, but deceiving monks from all parties and performing rituals to accelerate the destruction of Junchen Realm is really too much.

Even the monks from the faction of Lord Fengqing, including many of his loyal supporters and cronies, are very dissatisfied with him.

At this time, many people realized that there was no point in continuing to fight.

More and more high-level Dark Alliance monks are fleeing the battlefield, and the Taiyi Sect and Tiangong coalition forces have an even greater advantage.

Ganglong King and Fengqing Shangzun fought fiercely all the way, gradually leaving the vicinity of the main altar and fighting high into the sky.

After receiving the order from Meng Zhang remotely, Niu Dawei rushed to the main altar.

He recorded everything about the main altar and then completely destroyed it.

Although the main altar and the surrounding decorations were useless after the last step of the ceremony was started, Niu Dawei still took caution and leveled everything around him.

Niu Dawei passed the recorded content back to Meng Zhang.

During the preparation stage of the ceremony, the monks from the Taiyi Sect Dark Hall actively went out to explore the relevant information of the ceremony.

Many magic circles and restrictions placed by the Dark Alliance in various places in the Junchen Realm have long been detected by the Dark Hall monks and passed back to the door.

First of all, the intelligence information collected at that time was too little.

Secondly, Meng Zhang fully believed that Shangzun Fengqing was colluding with the devil and was trying to contaminate the world of Junchen with demons through this ritual.

Even with Meng Zhang’s eyesight, he did not understand the true situation of this ceremony.

Now, Meng Zhang combined various circumstances and finally figured out the true situation of the ceremony, but it was too late.

The last step of the ritual has been launched, and the damage to Junchen Realm has been done.

If Meng Zhang wants to stabilize the situation in Junchen Realm and slow down the destruction of Junchen Realm, he must enter the depths of Junchen Realm and take action with all his strength.

Maybe, he might even lose his cultivation and find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyua. com and may not be able to achieve the goal.

Since the situation in Junchen Realm is already so bad, Meng Zhang can’t control it so much.

He knew that his abilities were limited, so he had to take care of the Taiyi Sect first.

Since Lord Fengqing has completed the last step of the ceremony, there is no need to stay here for a long time.

He fought and retreated, and slowly left here.

As soon as Lord Fengqing left, the Dark Alliance monks present no longer had to hold on.

Soon, the Dark Alliance monks fled in all directions and fell into a huge rout.

In addition to the Tiangong monks and the strong men of the True Dragon clan who continued to hunt down the remaining enemies, the monks sent by Taiyi Sect, under Meng Zhang’s order, evacuated the battlefield one after another and began to return to Taiyi Sect.

Tang Yu Xuxian and Feng Shang Xuxian relied on the Secret Treasure of the Dark Alliance to forcibly improve their cultivation, and then they managed to entangle Taimiao.

Now that they saw their own monks fleeing, they began to break away from the battle.

Tai Miao did not pursue them and allowed them to escape successfully.

First of all, as the destruction of Junchen Realm accelerated, the situation on the other side of the underworld became even worse, and he needed to go back in time to stabilize the situation.

Secondly, Tang Yu Xuxian and Feng Shang Xuxian forcibly improved their cultivation this time, and they must pay a huge price afterwards.

Even if they escape this time, it must be very uncomfortable.

Meng Zhang remotely controlled the Wind and Fire Yin-Yang Fan and fought fiercely with the Sky Thunder Arhat for a while, but was slowly losing ground.

Tian Lei Arhat also had no intention of continuing to fight.

As a hidden trump card of Buddhism, it was forced to be exposed this time, but it was far from achieving its goal. He will definitely be in trouble in the future.

In fact, within nine days at this time, many high-level officials of the extraterritorial invaders put pressure on Fangtong Arhat, asking Tianlei Arhat to obey the unified command and immediately join the action against the six true immortals. . To be continued

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