Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2484: raid

What the Taoist from the ancient capital and others did was not to show off their power randomly, but had a deeper meaning.

Firstly, it is to identify yourself, gain the upper hand, and frighten the other party.

The reputation of Tiangong still has enough power to intimidate the monks in Junchen Realm.

The influence accumulated over thousands of years cannot be eliminated in a short time.

Even if Tiangong has fallen, the Tiangong monks have become bereaved dogs.

Under the remaining power, not many people dared to go against Tiangong.

Secondly, this ceremony of the Dark Alliance has the support of many forces. Exposing the crimes of the Dark Alliance can divide them and prevent these forces from continuing to help the Dark Alliance.

It would be better if these forces could switch sides and attack.

Although there is no evidence from Tiangong, the words of Tiangong monks are the best evidence.

Although Tiangong has its shortcomings, it has made mistakes during its thousands of years of ruling the Junchen world, offending many people and causing widespread resentment.

But compared with the Dark Alliance, Tiangong is obviously more reputable and credible.

Tiangong is the vanguard in fighting against evil.

All forces supported the Dark Alliance this time, but they were seeking medical treatment in a hurry.

When it comes to trust in the Dark Alliance, there really isn’t much.

Suddenly I saw a large group of Tiangong monks coming out, and the place below fell into chaos.

The Dark Alliance has been preparing for this ceremony for a long time, and naturally has various plans to deal with unexpected situations in advance.

Tiangong and Taiyimen jointly attacked. Although it was a big surprise, the Dark Alliance still responded in time.

In the eyes of established cultivation forces like the Dark Alliance, the aloof Tiangong is just like that, nothing special.

During the heyday of Tiangong, the dark alliances often fought with Tiangong, and various overt and covert struggles continued.

The Dark Alliance colluded with outside invaders and expanded aggressively in Junchen Realm, thinking that it had become the overlord of Junchen Realm.

The gang of bereaved dogs from Tiangong actually dare to come and cause trouble, and the Dark Alliance will not let them.

As for the Taiyimen group of idiots who can’t understand the situation, the Dark Alliance will have no scruples.

A powerful Void Returner from the Dark Alliance soared into the sky and took the initiative to meet the invading enemy.

Many floating cities began to move, and various restrictions on them were activated one by one, and beams of light were fired at the invading enemies.

Most of the void-returning powers dodge and actively avoid the floating city’s attack.

The floating city, a huge war tool, is best suited for large-scale battlefields.

If you deal with a few void-returning powers alone, it will feel like a cannon hitting mosquitoes.

Of course, the Void Returning Powers can easily avoid attacks from the Floating City, but it is also difficult to penetrate the Floating City’s defense.

The main task of the team of monks attacking here this time is to destroy the ceremony held by Lord Fengqing. There is no need to get entangled with these turtle shells.

In the high altitude, many void-returning powers were caught in a melee.

Everywhere is the brilliance of the Taoist magical power being stimulated, and the power of heaven and earth is constantly colliding.

The space shook violently, and the rules of heaven and earth began to become chaotic, as if the entire sky was about to collapse.

Even when the Junchen Realm was intact, battles involving multiple void-returning powers were strictly prohibited, for fear that doing so would cause serious damage to the Junchen Realm.

Now that the Junchen world is entering destruction, the space has become very fragile and cannot withstand such a war.

No matter who wins or loses in this battle, it will accelerate the destruction of Junchen Realm.

When a battle broke out in the sky, Niu Dawei, who was watching the ceremony below, led several of his fellow disciples to suddenly rise up and quickly rush towards the altar in front.

The Dark Alliance is not completely wary of visitors from all sides.

Although Niu Dawei and the others launched a surprise attack, they were stopped in time by a group of Dark Alliance monks.

The Dark Alliance even had enough energy to set up a group of monks to monitor the crowd watching the ceremony.

People from all walks of life who took the initiative to come to watch the ceremony originally believed the words of Lord Fengqing and held the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. They hoped that the ceremony of Lord Fengqing could stabilize the Junchen world and slow down the Junchen world. of destruction.

But after the commotion between Tiangong and Taiyimen, everyone began to hesitate.

Not to mention Tiangong, Taiyi Sect is also a top sect with excellent reputation.

The Taiyi Sect’s daily principles of dealing with things and the behavior of its disciples are all upright and can be regarded as a model of righteousness.

And I heard that Taiyi Sect and the Dark Alliance have always had a good relationship, and they were once allies.

Now that Tiangong and Taiyimen are joining forces to launch an attack, it will definitely not be without reason.

Could it be that, as the Tiangong monk said, the ceremony held by the Dark Alliance this time is to contaminate the Junchen world with demons?

If this is the case, these monks who are watching the ceremony are not willing to see the Dark Alliance misbehave.

However, the Dark Alliance is now powerful, and many people have the idea of ​​​​protecting themselves wisely and are unwilling to stand out easily.

Most people are waiting and watching, waiting for the two sides to decide the winner.

The Dark Alliance deployed manpower to monitor these spectators, clearly showing their distrust of them.

The Dark Alliance probably knows that the ceremony is still going on and it is not appropriate to make too many enemies.

Shangzun Fengyu, a well-respected veteran in the Dark Alliance, did not participate in the war, but came here to explain to everyone.

Feng Yu Shangzun is very eloquent and bluntly said that the remnant forces of Tiangong and Taiyi Sect were jealous of the secret alliance, so they planned to frame him.

The two families have long colluded with outside forces, and since they have a way out, they naturally don’t care about the destruction of Junchen Realm. They even want Junchen Realm to be destroyed as soon as possible.

The Dark Alliance has put in so much effort to prevent the destruction of the Junchen Realm, all out of public interest.

Shangzun Feng Yu’s words tempted many people.

From the bottom of their hearts, the cultivators of Junchen Realm still hope that the rituals of the Dark Alliance can really work and delay the destruction of Junchen Realm.

Some of the older people were dubious about Shangzun Fengyu’s words, but they didn’t say much.

Anyway, neither side has evidence, they are just talking.

The people led by the Dragon Clan to watch the ceremony this time were the Gang Dragon King and the Jade Dragon King, two powerful men in the late stage of returning to the void.

With the strength of the True Dragon Clan, there is no need to worry about the Dark Alliance.

The main reason why the True Dragon Clan supported the Dark Alliance this time was because King Ganglong believed the words of Lord Fengqing.

Now Ganglong King has new ideas in his mind.

He knows that the Taiyi Sect and the Demonic Way are incompatible. He has dealt with Meng Zhang, the leader of the Taiyi Sect, and knows his character well.

He also has a deep understanding of Tiangong.

The collusion between the Dark Alliance and the Demonic Way is no secret.

With the reputation and style of the Dark Alliance, it is completely possible for the devil to stain the world of Junchen.

At this time, Ganglong King had begun to regret in his heart, whether he had been too trusting in Fengqing Shangzun.

In the final analysis, the True Dragon Clan, which has always had ambitions for the Junchen Realm, is also unwilling to see the Junchen Realm completely destroyed. This is why the senior leaders of the clan have unrealistic illusions.

For the True Dragon clan, they absolutely do not want to see the entire Junchen world being contaminated by demons.

Using the magic method, after the demon infects the Junchen world, it will never let go of all the creatures in the Junchen world.

Although the True Dragon Clan is strong, they cannot scare those daring devil cubs.

In fact, the more powerful the true dragon clan is, the greater the benefits it will bring to the devil after being infected by the devil.

Although King Ganglong was suspicious of the Dark Alliance’s intentions, he did not act rashly.

He also had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Perhaps, maybe, the Dark Alliance really wants to prevent the destruction of Junchen Realm this time?

Although the Dark Alliance has a bad reputation, they may be able to do some good things in the face of the crisis of world destruction.

King Ganglong and King Yulong carefully observed the process of the ceremony, especially the tall altars.

The sky and the earth have already turned into a pot of porridge.

In a battle between multiple void-returning powers, ordinary monks cannot even get a little closer, let alone participate.

Although the Dark Alliance has deployed many defensive formations and restrictions on this great plain.

But the aftermath of the battle spread to all directions, easily destroying all these things.

What’s more, the Void Returning Masters on the side of the Tiangong and Taiyi Sect alliance intentionally or unintentionally amplified the damage caused by the aftermath of the battle, and even directly attacked various facilities on the Dark Alliance side.

I saw a bright sword light swimming around in the sky, transforming into sword shadows all over the sky, accompanied by bursts of thunderous sounds.

Sword Qi Leiyin and other advanced kendo techniques were easily displayed by Ban Xue Jianjun.

Banxue Jianjun is indeed the best master among the true immortals in the Junchen Realm.

She was able to contain many powerful Void Returners by herself with her sword.

There are even guys with insufficient cultivation and lack of combat experience who have been killed by her sword.

For this ceremony, the Dark Alliance also took great pains to make detailed arrangements early, and most of the high-level monks from the sect gathered here.

From the overall strength point of view, the Dark Alliance is still above the coalition forces of Tiangong and Taiyi Sect.

Especially because there are many floating cities in the sky to rely on.

Once the void-returning masters of the Dark Alliance encounter an unfavorable situation, they can seek shelter within the firepower of the floating city.

They used the floating city as a defensive fulcrum and relied on the floating city to attack the enemy.

In addition to having a slight advantage in the initial raid, the combined forces of Tiangong and Taiyi Sect soon fell into a disadvantage due to the gap in strength.

Except for Banxue Sword Lord, who was able to unleash his might and kill everyone, most of the others were stuck in a bitter battle.

Of course, although the coalition forces of Taiyimen and Tiangong have been at a disadvantage, they have already caused great damage to the ceremony.

Those seemingly indestructible altars have been destroyed a lot.

Only the main altar where Lord Fengqing is located was not harmed due to the full protection of the Dark Alliance.

At this time, Shangzun Fengqing’s face was ashen, and his face was filled with murderous intent.

He felt very regretful. When he broke with Taiyi Sect, he should not have let Taiyi Sect go.

If Taiyi Sect had been wiped out earlier, instead of trying to use Taiyi Sect, today’s trouble would not have occurred.

Those guys in the Dark Alliance who claim to be friends with the Taiyi Sect should all die.

The ceremony has not been completely destroyed, but due to the excessive damage, it is somewhat unsustainable.

The only solution for now is to simplify various tedious processes as much as possible and speed up the process of the ceremony.

Although in this way, the effect of the ceremony will definitely be greatly reduced, affecting the layout of Fengqing Shangzun.

But that’s it, that’s all.

As for interrupting the ceremony, Master Fengqing has never thought about it.

There is no turning back when the bow is fired. From the moment the ceremony began, there was no turning back for Fengqing Shangzun.

Under the order of Lord Fengqing, a Dark Alliance monk came to the camp where the sacrifices were located.

They killed them without hesitation and began to kill these sacrifices.

Large tracts of sacrifices fell down, and the flowing blood gathered into a river, and countless unwilling souls could be vaguely howled.

Seeing this scene, the cultivators who were watching the ceremony could not help but frown.

There are many among these cultivators who have **** hands, but like slaughtering pigs and dogs, the wanton killing of mortals who have no power to resist still makes many people feel uncomfortable.

Taoist Haiyang from Hailing Sect and Fairy Guanghan from Guanghan Palace were originally among the crowd watching the ceremony.

Seeing their allies Taiyi Sect and the remaining forces of Tiangong suddenly coming to attack them, they were already restless.

Out of fear of the Dark Alliance and their illusions about Lord Fengqing, they failed to fulfill their obligations as allies and join the battle in time.

Now that they saw these scenes of blood sacrifices, they remembered the accusations made by the Tiangong monks against the Dark Alliance, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt it made sense.

Taoist Haiyang and Fairy Guanghan finally couldn’t sit still.

The two of them suddenly rose up and rushed towards the camp where the sacrifice was located, trying to prevent the blood sacrifice from proceeding.

Before Master Feng Yu could take action, the Dark Alliance’s powerful Void Returner guarding the camp easily blocked them.

The Void Returning Masters from Tiangong and Taiyi Sect wanted to stop them, but they were also blocked by the Dark Alliance monks.

Although they may not care about the life and death of these sacrifices, they cannot watch the sacrifices being sacrificed in blood.

The methods they used to deliberately guide the aftermath of the battle and destroy the Dark Alliance facilities during the battle could not be used to rescue these sacrifices.

Even though the most powerful Banxue Sword Lord was able to temporarily break through the blockage of the Dark Alliance monks, she was unable to transfer so many sacrifices in a short period of time without interference.

Before things become clear, the monks who are watching the ceremony will not take the initiative even if they cannot stand it.

Although Meng Zhang has been staying at the Taiyi Gate, he is always paying attention to the progress of the battle through various means.

As the representative of the dark side of Junchen Realm, the Dark Alliance has accumulated too much strength over thousands of years.

In the past, Tiangong and the major Holy Land sects joined forces to completely suppress the Dark Alliance, so that they did not dare to take a step beyond the boundaries and only dared to make some small moves in secret.

Now, the situation in the Junchen world has changed drastically, and the world of cultivation has long been out of balance.

Only relying on the remaining forces of Tiangong and Taiyi Sect, even if they launch a surprise attack, it seems that they cannot stop the actions of the Dark Alliance. Find Shuyuan

Of course Meng Zhang couldn’t just watch like this.

In the midst of a fierce battle high in the sky, a huge door suddenly appeared.

A **** with a height of more than a hundred feet, three heads and six arms, arrived in a swaggering manner.

Taimiao, who was summoned from the underworld to the Yang world, revealed the body of a ghost and **** as soon as he appeared, and appeared in front of everyone in a fighting posture.

The pressure of the True God swept across the entire place, severely intimidating the monks on the Dark Alliance side.

Strong reinforcements arrived in time, and the morale of the Tiangong and Taiyimen coalition forces was greatly boosted.

Taimiao is an important trump card, and Meng Zhang was originally not prepared to let him play so soon.

Since the Dark Alliance’s actions could not be stopped by the return-to-virtual combat power alone, Taimiao had no choice but to appear in advance.


Please remember the first domain name of this book:. :

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