Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2464: Mobile base

This vast star area where the Junchen Realm is located was named the Dengtian Star Area by the immortals.

As the most powerful big world in the Dengtian Star Region, Junchen Realm is very strong in every aspect.

Even if other big worlds were reluctant, the name of the Dengtian Star District spread quickly.

Coupled with the reputation of the Lingkong Immortal World, creatures outside the Dengtian Star Area have gradually acquiesced in this name.

In addition to Junchen Realm, within the Dengtian Star Area, there are also some other big worlds.

The direction Meng Zhang is moving now is the direction of the Fearless World.

The Fearless World was ruled by barbarians many years ago.

After the cultivators invaded the Junchen Realm, eliminated the indigenous gods, and established a new ruling order, the barbarians from the Fearless Realm, instigated by certain forces, united with other big worlds in the Dengtian Star Region to attack the Junchen Realm. launched an attack.

These invaders from outside the Junchen Realm are collectively called extraterrestrial invaders by cultivators.

As a member of the extraterrestrial invaders, the barbarians are the enemies of human cultivators.

At the same time, there are many contradictions and even hatreds between the barbarian tribes and the demon tribes, Shinto and demonic forces in the Ten Thousand Monster Realm.

If they didn’t have the common enemy of human cultivators from the Junchen Realm, they might have started fighting with each other long ago.

The barbarians are basically in human form, very similar to the humans in Junchen Realm.

Although many barbarian tribes still retain the bad habit of cannibalism, compared to the demon clan and other forces in the Ten Thousand Monster Realm, the human race’s hatred of the barbarians is obviously much smaller.

Cultivation forces like the Dark Alliance are only interested in profit and have almost no bottom line.

But most of the members of the Dark Alliance have always been human cultivators.

The Dark Alliance colludes with extraterritorial invaders for its own benefit.

Among the extraterritorial invaders, the Dark Alliance is obviously closer to the barbarians, whether it is based on the preferences of the Dark Alliance’s senior leaders or the overall interests of the Dark Alliance.

Although most barbarians seem to be rude and violent people, the top barbarians who are really in charge are not brainless barbarians and know how to make various plans for the group.

For the barbarians, the Dark Alliance is a valuable ally.

After repeated cooperation, the two parties have established a very close relationship and trust each other.

Many years ago, the top leaders of the Dark Alliance knew that after the six true immortals awakened, they would destroy the Junchen Realm.

At that time, the Great Elder of the Dark Alliance was not Shangzun Fengqing.

In order to cope with the situation after the destruction of Junchen Realm and allow the Dark Alliance to continue to survive, the top leaders of the Dark Alliance have made a lot of plans and prepared a lot of back-ups.

Among them, there is a very important back-up move, which is related to the fearless world.

With the support of the barbarians, the Dark Alliance secretly built a huge mobile base in the void near the Fearless World.

This mobile base is similar to a void battleship, but it is much larger than a void battleship. It is like an independent world and can accommodate and carry many living beings.

Over the years, the Dark Alliance has continuously invested various resources into this secret base.

Due to the institutional problems of the Dark Alliance, after Lord Fengqing came to power, even if he had other intentions, he could not stop the construction of this secret base.

Many elders in the Dark Alliance support the construction of this secret base as a retreat for the Dark Alliance.

After many great void shifts, Meng Zhang came to a void near the Fearless Realm.

Looking from a distance, this place is just an empty, ordinary void. At most, a group of meteorites would occasionally pass by nearby.

According to the location provided by Taoist Youhuan, the secret base should be nearby.

Meng Zhang used his magic power and looked around carefully.

Soon, his eyes penetrated all the obstacles and saw the real situation.

Right in front of him, a towering mountain stood quietly in the void.

This mountain is thousands of feet high, and countless pavilions and pavilions have been built along the huge mountain.

According to the information obtained from Taoist Youhuan, the internal space of this mountain is far larger than it appears from the outside.

The mountains are just an appearance, but inside they are actually an independent world.

The combined carrying capacity of Taiyi Gate’s two void battleships is far inferior to that of this mountain-like mobile base.

In order to build this secret base, the Dark Alliance invested countless manpower and material resources.

Many great masters who returned to the void secretly left Junchen Realm, captured meteorites and even small worlds in the void, and threw them into this mountain.

When Tiangong and the major holy land sects ruled the Junchen Realm, as long as the dark alliance did not go too far, they generally would not interfere with the affairs of the dark alliance.

When high-level monks from the Dark Alliance enter and leave the Junchen Realm, they turn a blind eye.

In order to deceive others, the secret base must not be built near Junchen Realm.

Wars often break out in the void near Junchen Realm, and they are occasionally occupied by armies of extraterrestrial invaders.

To build such a secret base far away from Junchen Realm, Taiyi Sect is far from having such ability.

In the past, Meng Zhang thought that the Dark Alliance had dozens of floating cities, so it did not invest resources in building void battleships.

Now it seems that the resources spent by the Dark Alliance on this secret base are enough to build a fleet of void battleships. Find Shuyuan www.zhaohhuan. com

The depth of the dark alliance and its rich savings shocked Meng Zhang again.

Meng Zhang’s old friends, Taoist Luoye and Taoist Jueying, were their masters and apprentices. Their factions failed in the internal struggle of the Dark Alliance, and they were also persecuted.

Meng Zhang has taken in and protected them.

Later, the situation inside the Dark Alliance changed, and they were able to return to the Dark Alliance safely.

Later, with the help of certain forces within the Dark Alliance, they successively advanced to the Void Return stage.

The senior leaders of the Dark Alliance who persecuted them in the past still couldn’t stand them and kept making excuses to embarrass them.

In order to avoid causing greater conflicts, with the mediation of some seniors in the Dark Alliance, the two masters and apprentices were assigned to this secret base to participate in the defense and construction work.

Their masters and apprentices stayed away from all kinds of right and wrong in the Junchen world, and also avoided many struggles within the Dark Alliance.

Their master and apprentice were away from Junchen Realm for a long time and only returned occasionally.

In addition, this secret base is the top secret of the Dark Alliance and has been kept strictly confidential.

So for many years, Meng Zhang tried to contact their master and apprentice, but it never went smoothly.

Even though Taoist Jueying later left Meng Zhang with contact information, they were still unable to contact each other due to various obstacles within the Dark Alliance.

If it hadn’t been for the persecution of Taoist Youhuan this time, Meng Zhang would not have known that the two masters and disciples had been hiding here.

Meng Zhang’s purpose was to contact their master and apprentice, not to cause sabotage.

Meng Zhang did not act rashly, but continued to observe carefully.

After a long time, a flying boat team flew in from a distance.

A variety of supplies were carried on the spaceships.

As soon as the flying boat team enters the vicinity, it disappears immediately.

When the flying boat team appeared again, they had already arrived next to the mountain. To be continued

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