Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2448: Preparation

If there is no time limit, let Taiyi Sect slowly develop and grow.

Maybe, many years later, Taiyi Sect will have the power to fight against these two forces at the same time.

Unfortunately, Junchen Realm is entering destruction, and there is not much time left for Taiyi Sect.

If Taiyi Sect wants to completely occupy the north of Junchen Realm as soon as possible, it can only use the power it has at hand.

Most of the high-level monks of Taiyi Sect are scattered throughout the territory.

They need to quell natural disasters and stabilize various places.

Taiyi Sect also sent an expeditionary army to Middle-earth.

The Dark Alliance has long since stopped harassing this expeditionary force and has shown obvious goodwill.

If Taiyi Sect launches a foreign war, the two allies Guanghan Palace and Hailing Sect will actively provide support.

With the strength of both of them, the help they can provide is limited.

If there is a war with outside invaders, the remaining forces of Tiangong will definitely actively participate in the war.

However, even though they have long since broken with the Purple Sun Sect, the remaining forces in Tiangong are not willing to go to war with the Purple Sun Sect.

The more Meng Zhang considered the strength at hand, the less likely he felt that he would win.

It seems that we cannot directly go to war with these two forces, we must find another way.

Meng Zhang is not good at conspiracy and conspiracy, but there is no shortage of such talents in the upper echelons of the sect.

If Taiyi Sect wants to win, the biggest hope is for the extraterritorial invaders to once again attack Ziyang Holy Sect with all their strength.

No matter which side wins, Taiyi Sect can deal with the winner calmly.

The best outcome would be if both sides lose.

As for how to let the outside invaders attack the Purple Sun Sect again, everyone needs to think of a way.

In addition, Taiyi Sect also needs to expand the strength of its own camp.

Although the Snow Mountain Sect and the Kou Family are actively making friends with the Taiyi Sect, the people in charge of the two families are old and cunning people and will not take sides easily.

They have not given up on the relationship with the Dark Alliance and are still waiting and watching.

Taiyi Sect will temporarily focus on the Qi family.

Qijia is located in the north of Middle-earth.

For thousands of years, the Qi family has been supported by many Holy Land sects.

They hope that the Qi family will be like a barrier, completely isolating the Purple Sun Sect from the Middle-earth Continent.

The Qi family completed their mission, but also greatly offended the Ziyang Holy Sect.

When the sects of the major Holy Lands came together again, the Qi family became the object of abandonment.

Other Holy Land sects are even preparing to throw the Qi family out and use the bodies of the Qi family to appease the Ziyang Holy Sect so that the Ziyang Holy Sect can cooperate wholeheartedly.

If invaders from outside the territory had not entered the Junchen Realm, the Qi family might have been annexed by the Ziyang Holy Sect.

The senior officials of Taiyi Sect planned to pull the Qi family onto the chariot and let them launch an attack on Ziyang Shengzong from the south.

Although the foreign invaders in the north of Junchen Realm are powerful, as outsiders, their foundation is unstable.

The mountain gate of Ziyang Shengzong has been in operation for many years, has experienced many challenges, and has blocked the attacks of outside invaders.

If Taiyi Sect wants to conquer the mountain gate of Ziyang Shengzong, it needs to make preparations in advance.

Previously, when helping the barbarian army conquer the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion, the floating city sent by the Dark Alliance played a great role.

Meng Zhang does not expect to receive full assistance from the Dark Alliance, but if a few floating cities can participate in the battle, it will greatly reduce the casualties of Taiyi Sect.

The Dark Alliance currently has a good relationship with Taiyi Sect. Meng Zhang has many high-ranking friends in Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang is going to contact these friends and find out what they say.

Before the official war begins, Taiyi Sect must do a good job of confidentiality.

In order to deceive others and avoid alerting others, Taiyi Sect did not rush to prepare for war, let alone organize an army of monks.

The Taiyi Sect’s army of monks in Middle-earth remained motionless, as if they wanted to take root here.

Other than actively contacting the Qi family and trying to pull the Qi family onto the chariot, Taiyi Sect did not do anything else.

How to let the outside invaders start a war with the Purple Sun Sect again is a difficult problem.

But as long as we grasp the key points, we can also find a solution.

Meng Zhang already had some ideas in his mind, but he was not in a hurry to implement them.

He decided to make some peripheral preparations first to create a general trend that was beneficial to Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang sent the middle and high-level officials of the sect to visit their friends in the dark alliance.

Meng Zhang’s eldest disciple Niu Dawei came forward in person, but visited Zhenjun Shushan, Zhenjun Youhuan and others.

Niu Dawei hinted that Taiyi Sect was preparing to attack the sects of the major Holy Lands.

The Ziyang Holy Sect has stood in the north of Junchen Realm for many years and is a great threat to Taiyi Sect. Taiyi Sect wants to completely eradicate this threat.

Not to mention the friendship between the two parties, it is in the interests of the Dark Alliance for the Taiyi Sect to attack the major Holy Land sects.

Zhenjun Shushan and Taoist Youhuan both expressed that even if the Dark Alliance would not directly come forward to support, they would still be willing to provide help to Taiyi Sect in their personal capacity.

Zhenjun Shushan and Taoist Youhuan are both people with profound backgrounds and have factional support behind them.

When needed, it shouldn’t be too difficult for them to pull out a few floating cities to join the battle.

After getting their promise, Niu Dawei was very satisfied.

Niu Dawei also told them that they must keep this secret before going to war.

Zhenjun Shushan and others said that they would strictly keep their word and would help Taiyi Sect conceal the direction of attack.

According to Meng Zhang’s instructions, Niu Dawei also tentatively mentioned the recent actions of the Dark Alliance.

In recent times, Lord Fengqing has used almost all the resources of the Dark Alliance to devote himself to preparations, striving to hold the grand ceremony he mentioned as soon as possible.

Not everyone within the Dark Alliance agrees with Shangzun Fengqing’s approach.

Taoist Shushan and several fellow disciples had some doubts about it.

The effect of the ritual mentioned by Lord Fengqing is doubtful, and no one can guarantee that it will be able to stabilize Junchen Realm.

After the ceremony, a large-scale blood sacrifice will be held, which has caused many people in the Dark Alliance to object.

Although the Dark Alliance has a deep collusion with the devil, fundamentally speaking, it is still a Taoist cultivation force.

Not all senior leaders of the Dark Alliance are willing to cooperate with the devil.

Blood sacrifice, a method with obvious demonic overtones, has aroused the vigilance of many people.

Shangzun Fengqing is the great elder of the Dark Alliance, and he is looking for Shuyuan to fully preside over all affairs of the Dark Alliance.

Although he has many opponents, he has more supporters, and his position is still very solid.

When the Junchen world was entering destruction and no one else had any good ideas, he was the only one to come up with a seemingly feasible solution.

In the absence of clear adverse evidence, no one can stop his actions.

After all, no one within the Dark Alliance probably wants to see the Junchen Realm completely destroyed.

Niu Dawei left the Dark Alliance and returned to Taiyi Gate, and told Meng Zhang some of the opinions within the Dark Alliance.

Taoist Master Shushan and other high-level officials opposed Fengqing Shangzun and questioned the ceremony he was about to hold. This was expected by Meng Zhang.

It seems that he is not the only one who is wary that Fengqing Shangzun will use magic means, which will lead to bad consequences.


Please remember the first domain name of this book:. :

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