Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2411: Breaking in

Including the barbarians, many races and many cultivation systems have ways to use the weak to resist the strong.

Generally speaking, these methods are special formations and the like.

If the barbarian army in front of us forms a military formation, and uses the Void-returning level strongman as the backbone of the army, it can temporarily obtain the power of the true immortal level.

Ancestor Xuanxuan is the incarnation of Jiuxuan True Immortal. It is not easy to advance to the level of True Immortal.

In terms of combat power alone, he is about the same as an ordinary true immortal, not to mention that he is still injured at this time.

If this barbarian army forms an array in the void and exerts its full power, it will be able to deal with top virtual immortals like Sanshan True Immortal.

If you are facing an ordinary true immortal, you can even compete with it.

However, after this barbarian army broke through the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion, the army dispersed, burning, killing and looting everywhere.

Barbarians are irritable and impulsive by nature.

To be selected into the army and participate in the expedition to the Junchen Realm, one is already an outstanding member of the barbarian tribe who has been selected from thousands of people, and has undergone very strict training to be able to form such an elite army.

After discovering the arrival of the true immortal, the top brass of the barbarian army tried their best to gather the army and wanted to set up a military formation.

Ancestor Xuanxuan has been fighting against foreign invaders for many years. He has often fought against barbarian armies, so of course he knows the details.

He released a powerful momentum as soon as he arrived, hoping to completely suppress the opponent before they could form a military formation, so that the opponent could not successfully form a military formation.

One high-level barbarian tried to resist the imposing pressure of Ancestor Xuanxuan while trying to get closer.

The ability of barbarians to survive in the void and the world also has its own unique features.

Most of the barbarians have a strong sense of blood and a strong character.

They are fearless and dare to challenge all powerful enemies.

Even the powerful True Immortal can’t even think of overpowering them.

The powerful pressure of the True Immortal inspired the **** nature of many barbarians, making them extremely angry.

A barbarian had veins on his head and a ferocious expression on his face, desperately trying to gather together to form an formation.

Ancestor Xuanxuan fell from the sky and waved his hand a few times, and a large number of barbarians flew out, covered in blood and flesh.

The tragic situation of their companions not only did not scare them, but instead inspired them to have stronger fighting spirit.

A group of high-level barbarians gathered together under the pressure of the true immortals and formed a simple formation, barely blocking the attack of Ancestor Xuanxuan.

Under their cover, barbarian teams formed formations one after another and began to cooperate with each other.

Ancestor Xuanxuan knew that he was a step too late and the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion had fallen.

Even if he is a true immortal, he cannot defeat the barbarian army in front of him and regain the mountain gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion by himself.

Although the mountain gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion has fallen, fortunately, the most important blessed place is still there.

Ancestor Xuanxuan has no intention of getting entangled with the barbarian army in front of him. He wants to enter the blessed land as soon as possible.

Ancestor Xuanxuan repelled the strong barbarians blocking the way and flew towards the blessed land.

The barbarian army has not yet completely formed its formation, and some scattered teams alone cannot stop Patriarch Xuanxuan.

Youlei Xuxian, who had already led his men to the entrance of the blessed land, saw Ancestor Xuanxuan flying over with great momentum. Instead of retreating immediately, he led a group of men and rushed into the blessed land as fast as possible.

The restriction on the entrance to the blessed land has long been broken, and the Jiuxuan Pavilion monks blocking the way have been defeated long ago.

You Lei Xuxian successfully led his men into the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

Ancestor Xuanxuan was furious when he saw this. He sped up and chased Youlei Xuxian and the others into the blessed land.

Theoretically speaking, there is an insurmountable gap between virtual immortals and true immortals, and it is absolutely impossible to cross the level to challenge.

On his own, Meng Zhang is no match for Patriarch Xuanxuan, even if he joins forces with the Moon God.

However, Meng Zhang keenly discovered that Patriarch Xuanxuan was in something wrong and was obviously seriously injured.

And he has Tai Miao to rely on, and he also has a certain confidence in his heart.

Meng Zhang and Yueshen had hidden their whereabouts before. When the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion had just been captured and there was chaos everywhere, they had secretly lurked not far from the entrance to the blessed land.

He released his spiritual thoughts to communicate with the Moon God, and then took action.

Meng Zhang and Moon God suddenly broke into the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

As soon as they entered the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion, Meng Zhang and Yueshen felt their eyes darken.

The blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion is very large, with a radius of hundreds of miles, and a large number of pavilions, waterside pavilions, palaces and pavilions have been built in it…

The blessed land is divided into multiple areas by special formations and restrictions. The numerous buildings inside turn the entire blessed land into a huge maze.

Outsiders who are unfamiliar with the situation entering here will not be able to find a way in or out in a short time.

Moreover, Jiuxuan Pavilion monks are stationed in many places in the maze, establishing solid lines of defense.

After Youlei Xuxian broke into the blessed land with many of his men, he quickly disappeared among the numerous buildings.

Ancestor Xuanxuan, who came in the last step, did not rush to chase the intruders, but first observed the surroundings.

Due to the intrusion of Youlei Xuxian and others, there was a burst of chaos outside the blessed land.

The core area of ​​Blessed Land is still intact.

Ancestor Xuanxuan breathed a sigh of relief. The layout in the blessed land was not destroyed, and the worst outcome did not occur.

Ancestor Xuanxuan hesitated for a moment, then walked through the building complex familiarly and flew towards the core of the blessed land.

After Meng Zhang and Moon God entered the blessed land, they could no longer see Ancestor Xuanxuan who had entered first.

Meng Zhang was keenly aware that there was something unknown in the center of the blessed land, which was strongly attracting his mind.

There seemed to be a voice in the dark, constantly urging Meng Zhang to move forward to find this unknown thing.

When Meng Zhang visited the Kou family, he heard the head of the Kou family, Kou Bo Shangzun, mention the blessed places of the major holy land sects, and his spiritual sense was touched, and he became very interested in these blessed places.

If this were not the case, he would not have come to the muddy waters of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

Now that we have come to this point, there is absolutely no reason to retreat from looking at

No matter how many difficulties, obstacles, or even traps lie ahead, he can only move forward bravely and keep moving forward.

Behind Meng Zhang and Moon God, a powerful barbarian also broke into the blessed land.

Previously, the top brass of the barbarian army did not pay enough attention to the Jiuxuan Pavilion blessed land and were busy looting everywhere within the mountain gate.

Ancestor Xuanxuan did not entangle with them, but hurriedly entered the blessed land, which immediately aroused their suspicion.

Although I don’t know the intentions of Ancestor Xuanxuan, whatever the enemy wants to do, just try to stop it.

Therefore, a powerful barbarian also entered the blessed land.

This group of powerful barbarians were also a bunch of stupid and bold people, and they never thought about the huge gap in strength between themselves and Ancestor Xuanxuan.


Please remember the first domain name of this book:. :

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