Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2376: Secret

Seeing that Meng Zhang had no objection, Luna stopped talking nonsense and quickly got to the point.

The Moon God first introduced his origins.

Back then, the immortal embarked on the path of creation in order to explore the Golden Immortal Avenue.

He used the magical power of void creation to refine earth, fire and feng shui in the void, creating the big world of Junchen Realm out of thin air.

Of course, before creating Junchen Realm, this immortal carefully observed Shenchang Realm, which is not far from Junchen Realm, and took Shenchang Realm as an important reference.

Therefore, the created Junchen Realm is very similar to the Shenchang Realm in all aspects.

Junchen Realm, like Shenchang Realm, later embarked on the path of Shinto civilization, and its roots are probably here.

After the immortal created the Junchen Realm, he didn’t know whether he took advantage of the opportunity of creation to break through to the Golden Immortal Realm.

The immortal quickly disappeared in the void, and his whereabouts are unknown.

After the birth of Junchen Realm, it has experienced a long period of evolution.

The Junchen Realm, like the Shenchang Realm, gradually gave birth to natural gods, and then the Shinto civilization emerged, embarking on the path of gods governing the world.

The Moon God can be said to be one of the oldest gods in the Junchen world.

Among the first batch of natural gods born in the Junchen Realm, there is the Moon God.

In the era when the Moon God was born, although the immortal who created the Junchen Realm had completely disappeared, the residual will of this immortal still remained in some hidden places in the Junchen Realm.

The Moon God once came into contact with part of the remaining will of this immortal, and learned many secrets about the Junchen world and this immortal.

In ancient times, many civil wars broke out within the gods of Junchen Realm.

After experiencing these civil wars and the death of many gods, Junchen Realm gradually formed a stable pattern and formed the complete rule of the gods.

The Moon God also fell in a divine war in ancient times.

Before his fall, Moon God had anticipated his own fall and made some targeted preparations.

After a long period of time, when the Shinto civilization of Junchen Realm was on the right track and the gods formed a stable rule in Junchen Realm, the Moon God was finally reborn.

After rebirth, the Moon God lost many memories of his previous life, and his strength was not as good as before.

Although she still retains the realm of true gods, facing the rising stars in the Junchen world, those younger generations of true gods do not have much advantage.

At this time, most of the territory in Junchen Realm has been divided.

Those younger generations of true gods do not know how to respect their elders. Instead, they regard the Moon God as a challenger to the ruling order, and are worried that the Moon God will change the existing pattern of the Junchen world and share the various benefits they have.

As an ancient god, the Moon God naturally has a different arrogance and looks down on those vulgar and ignorant younger true gods.

The Moon God usually lives alone and rarely interacts with these younger generations of true gods, let alone their frivolous activities.

Whether it is said that the Moon Goddess is of noble character or that she is aloof and self-admired, she is almost completely independent from the ruling system of Junchen Realm.

A series of misunderstandings and precautions led to conflicts between the Moon God and the younger True God.

If the army of cultivators from the Lingkong Immortal Realm hadn’t invaded the Junchen Realm in large numbers at that time, the Moon God might have already fought with those younger True Gods.

The army of cultivators is coming fiercely, and the immortals leading the army are even more tyrannical.

Faced with the army of cultivators, the indigenous gods of Junchen Realm were defeated one after another and retreated step by step. There was not much resistance at all.

The Moon God was not able to stay out of the matter and was involved in this war.

The Moon God was severely injured by the True Immortal, his body was broken, and his soul was almost shattered.

She fully saw the enemy’s strength during the battle, and knew that the native gods would fail sooner or later.

The Moon God who has already fallen once is unwilling to die again.

If she fell again, she was not sure she could be reborn.

As a result, the moon **** possessed the moon worshiping goddess and fled the Junchen world.

Meng Zhang already knew the rest of the story.

During the narration process, Luna did not add any exaggeration, but just told it truthfully.

Her tone had no ups and downs, and she always spoke in a straightforward manner.

Her tone was extremely cold, as if she was telling someone else’s story instead of her own experience.

The Moon Goddess is not a good storyteller, but everything she told still made Meng Zhang feel excited and excited.

Meng Zhang has long guessed about the origin of the Moon God, and has collected information about the Moon God through various channels.

He knew that Moon Goddess was an ancient **** in the Junchen world, but he did not expect that she was one of the first born gods born after the creation of the world, and she had also come into contact with the remaining will of the creator angel.

During the narration process, Moon God revealed many secrets about the Junchen world.

Especially the secrets from ancient times opened Meng Zhang’s eyes.

The Moon God had fought against the true immortal who conquered the Junchen Realm.

Although he was defeated in the end, his combat experience was valuable.

If Meng Zhang becomes a True Immortal in the future, he can use it as a reference.

The few true immortals who conquered the Junchen Realm and founded the sects in the major holy lands are likely to be the powerful enemies that Meng Zhang will face in the future.

What makes Meng Zhang feel most regretful is that the Moon God has fallen once and lost many precious memories.

In particular, the memory of the moon god’s contact with the remaining will of the creator immortal may very well help Meng Zhang obtain the immortal treasure.

The Moon God also told Meng Zhang that after she was reborn, she tried every means to restore the various memories before her death.

If she is given enough time, it is really possible that she will slowly recover those memories.

This process was interrupted only when she was severely injured and forced to leave Junchen Realm.

Because the severe injury involved her soul, her memories that had already been restored began to be lost again.

After arriving in Shenchang Realm, both she and the Moon Worshiping Goddess were in a very bad situation.

If Meng Zhang hadn’t come to her rescue, she might have had to take a risk.

After returning to Junchen Realm, she began to slowly regain her strength and memory.

Up to now, Moon God’s cultivation has not yet returned to the state he was in after his rebirth, let alone before his fall.

Compared to before her death, her memory is now much more incomplete.

Of course, after Moon God returned to Junchen Realm, everything developed in a good direction.

Both cultivation and memories from ancient times are being restored bit by bit.

During this process, Meng Zhang was of great help.

Like the last time Meng Zhang broke into the secret space left by the indigenous gods in Junchen Realm with her, it helped her a lot.

And this time, the Moon God entered the Mysterious Mansion and swallowed up a distraction left by the True God.

After completely refining it, it is like giving the soul a big tonic.

The damage suffered by Moon Goddess Soul is almost healed, but it is inevitable that it is still a little weak.

Moon God’s current divine body was also reshaped after returning to the Junchen Realm. It is not as good as it was in its heyday, but it is barely usable. To be continued

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