Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2333: Interrogation

In all the realms of the void, human cultivators are an extremely powerful force.

In many big worlds, similar to the situation in the Junchen world, human cultivators are well-deserved overlords.

Human cultivators naturally have a sense of pride and will not easily bow to cultivators of other races or other systems.

The foreign invaders who have invaded the Junchen Realm are mainly foreign races, and they are naturally hostile to the human race.

Of course, in the eyes of many high-level cultivators, only interests come first and race is irrelevant.

But emotionally, the human cultivators in the Dark Alliance are still very repulsive to all kinds of foreign races.

However, the extraterritorial invaders are so powerful that even the Heavenly Palace and the major Holy Land sects are almost unable to withstand them. The senior leaders of the Dark Alliance naturally have to consider the future of the Dark Alliance.

It is a last resort to seek refuge with extraterrestrial invaders to avoid becoming enemies.

Moreover, many high-level officials of the Dark Alliance are trying to use the power of outside invaders to benefit their own families, and even get involved in the dominance of the Junchen Realm.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are seeking skin from a tiger.

They may also feel that they are flexible and resourceful and have the ability to adapt to changes.

Although due to the constraints of the situation, opponents within the Dark Alliance such as Luoye Taoist masters and disciples have temporarily shut up, but due to the decisions of the top leaders of the Dark Alliance, the rifts within the Dark Alliance have become difficult to mend.

There are many factions within the Dark Alliance, with many internal conflicts and high-level disagreements.

According to Taoist Luoye’s conjecture, after this incident, if there is any major stimulus, there may be a split within the Dark Alliance.

Taoist Luoye is currently **** by other things and cannot come to meet Meng Zhang in person.

But her disciple Jueying Taoist told Meng Zhang what she meant.

If the Dark Alliance really splits, then Meng Zhang might become the most important foreign aid for their master and apprentice.

Taoist Luoye’s master and apprentice were of great help to Meng Zhang. This reminder from Taoist Jueying is very important.

Meng Zhang solemnly made a promise that if Taoist Luoye and her need anything in the future, just say hello and he will do his best to help.

Based on the friendship between the two parties, neither party said much words of thanks, everything was said without words.

After explaining the business, Taoist Jueying did not stay here for long, so he hurriedly said goodbye to Meng Zhang and left in a hurry.

After watching Taoist Jueying leave, Meng Zhangcai returned to Taiyi Sect.

After returning to the mountain gate, Meng Zhang did not publicize what Jueying Taoist told him, but only told a few middle and high-level officials of the gate.

Now that the Dark Alliance has colluded with the extraterritorial invaders, they may betray Taiyi Sect and Junchen Realm at any time.

The Taiyi Sect in the Junchen Realm has no control over the betrayal of the Dark Alliance, but the Taiyi Sect must not become its victim.

The top leaders of Taiyi Sect should strengthen their defenses and be prepared to fall out with the Dark Alliance.

The Taiyi Sect still relies on the Dark Alliance in many places.

The Taiyi Sect must work hard as soon as possible to make plans to cut off all ties with the Dark Alliance.

Meng Zhang naturally left the specific work to the senior management of the sect.

Meng Zhang considered for a while whether to reveal to Tiangong the secret of the dark alliance colluding with the outside invaders and betraying the Junchen Realm.

The actions of the Dark Alliance have greatly damaged the interests of Taiyi Sect.

Although Taiyi Sect is hostile to the major sects in the Holy Land, it does not want to see outside invaders break through Jiutian and invade Junchen Realm.

However, the Dark Alliance has great potential power, and it has eyes and ears within the Heavenly Palace and the major holy land sects.

If reported anonymously, it may not attract the attention of Tiangong’s senior management, and Tiangong may not do anything against the extremely powerful Dark Alliance.

But if Meng Zhang comes forward to report it himself, once the news is leaked, the Dark Alliance will definitely fall out with the Taiyi Sect immediately, and the two sides may end up fighting each other.

Now Meng Zhang is not very afraid of the Dark Alliance, but he is not willing to go to war with the Dark Alliance easily.

When he thought that the Dark Alliance had many eyes and ears and could not confirm who was not involved with the Dark Alliance, Meng Zhang became even more hesitant.

Even for someone like Taoist Gudu, the deputy general manager of Tiangong, Meng Zhang couldn’t completely rest assured.

Since the general manager of Tiangong, Ban Xuejianjun, completely defected to the major holy land sects, Meng Zhang has also lost direct contact with her.

After careful consideration, Meng Zhang chose to protect himself first.

Through many channels, he secretly reported to the Heavenly Palace and the major holy land sects, saying that the Dark Alliance had defected to the foreign invaders and betrayed the Junchen Realm.

As for how effective this kind of reporting can be, Meng Zhang has no choice.

No matter how the outside world changes, Taiyi Sect still has to do its own thing well and strive to enhance its own strength.

Meng Zhang continued to retreat for a while, and after mastering more methods that only Xuxian could master, he started to work on another thing.

Since Meng Zhang accidentally captured Daling River God, he has been hiding him inside Taiyi Gate.

The major holy land sects are determined to win the Daling River. For this reason, Weiwuxuxian and Yanghexuxian were blamed by the real immortal.

At the beginning, due to Meng Zhang’s misinformation, the sects of the major holy lands always thought that the True Dragon Clan had taken in the Daling River God.

For this reason, the major sects in the Holy Land did not hesitate to confront the True Dragon Clan in the East China Sea.

After so long, the major Holy Land sects have not made any progress on this matter. Find Shuyuan

Although there is no evidence, some smart people within the major holy land sects have begun to guess that it may not be the True Dragon Clan that has taken in the Daling River God.

Some guys with quick minds may have thought of Taiyi Sect and Meng Zhang.

However, the East China Sea side is already riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off, and neither side can give up.

But Taiyi Sect and Meng Zhang are showing more and more strength, and the major holy land sects are temporarily unable to mobilize enough power to subdue Taiyi Sect and Meng Zhang.

The Daling River God has been imprisoned for quite some time.

Meng Zhang has always been very interested in the secrets of Daling River God.

Meng Zhang had interrogated the Daling River God many times before, but had not obtained any results.

Meng Zhang had a lot on his plate and was busy improving his cultivation, so he didn’t have much time to waste on Daling River God.

Now, Meng Zhang has been promoted to Void Immortal for some time. With higher cultivation and more methods, he can try to figure out the secrets of Daling River God.

Meng Zhang came to the depths of the Sun and Moon Blessed Land.

The Daling River God transformed into a ball of light and shadow, actively cutting off all contact with the outside world.

Although Meng Zhang had long banned Daling River God’s cultivation so that he could not escape, he could not prevent him from isolating himself.

Meng Zhang has already tried it. The Daling River God is firm-willed and strictly keeps secrets. He is not moved by the words of the outside world at all. The methods of coercion and inducement have no effect on him.

The Daling River God later took the initiative to isolate himself from the outside world, cut off all contact with the outside world, and no longer received all information from the outside world, just like a stubborn stone.

If Meng Zhang wants to know the secrets of his body, he must do it hard.

He must try his best to break the divine barrier outside his body, extract his soul, analyze it carefully, and use various means to search for the soul.

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