Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2312: Consequences

After the Ziyang Holy Sect experienced such a tragic failure, not only did it not receive assistance from other Holy Land sects, but they were blamed by them and fell into a vague isolation.

Under this situation, it is a bit difficult for the Purple Sun Sect to protect itself and maintain its original sphere of influence, let alone retaliate against the Taiyi Sect.

Of course, the strength of Ziyang Holy Sect is definitely not that high.

If Ziyang Holy Sect, regardless of the consequences, calls back all the monks scattered in other places and concentrates all its strength, it will really have the strength to counterattack Taiyi Sect.

But if that happens, other Holy Land sects will never tolerate it and will have to fall out with the Purple Sun Sect.

Public anger is hard to offend, and Ziyang Shengzong cannot evade all responsibilities and obligations for his own selfish interests.

Without the Ziyang Holy Sect monks elsewhere, the situation would definitely get out of control.

Facing the large-scale mobilization of Taiyi Sect, although Ziyang Shengzong seemed to refuse to give in, it was unable to take the initiative to attack.

As time passed, the Taiyi Sect saw through the reality of the Purple Sun Sect, and naturally began to slowly disband the mobilized army of monks and lift the state of full war preparations.

For the Taiyi Sect, they certainly don’t want to start an all-out war at this time.

The longer the war is delayed, the more beneficial it will be for Taiyi Sect.

This time Ziyang Shengzong plotted against Taiyi Sect first. Although Meng Zhang was forced to fight back out of righteous indignation, he was still a little uneasy before taking action.

It was later proven that all of Meng Zhang’s judgments were correct.

He used the True Dragon Clan to win this victory and achieve great results.

Through this operation, he even found out the details of the Purple Sun Sect.

Without external help, the Purple Sun Sect alone will not be able to defeat the Taiyi Sect for the time being.

From now on, Taiyi Sect can completely confront Ziyang Holy Sect head-on.

Although the major sects in the Holy Land now stand on the same front against the enemy, their interests are not completely consistent.

When Ziyang Shengzong was in trouble, he behaved badly, and many people watched the fun.

Jiuxuan Pavilion, who also hated Taiyi Sect, had a bad relationship with Ziyang Shengzong after this battle.

In a short period of time, it will be difficult for both parties to cooperate.

Guantian Pavilion also provided a lot of help to Ziyang Shengzong before this operation.

There is also a deep hatred between Guantian Pavilion and Taiyi Sect.

However, Guantian Pavilion did not send monks to directly participate in this operation, which shows that it is indeed difficult for Guantian Pavilion to mobilize strength.

In fact, Meng Zhang is not very clear about the many contradictions within the sects of the major holy lands.

Weiwu Xuxian and Yanghe Xuxian were scolded by the real immortal because they were unlucky in their pursuit of the Daling River God, and many people secretly laughed at them.

Originally, the True Dragon clan came to the East China Sea to extort money as before.

After the two sides have been in a stalemate for a while, they can be dismissed.

But because Guantian Pavilion and Ziyang Shengzong insisted on saying that the True Dragon Clan was harboring the Daling River God, they asked the True Dragon Clan to hand over the Daling River God.

The senior officials of the True Dragon Clan were angered and refused to give up easily with the major Holy Land sects.

This time Ganglong King led his men to fight against the Ziyang Holy Sect, which intensified the conflict between the human race and the true dragon clan.

The Ziyang Holy Sect claimed that this was a full-scale attack by the True Dragon Clan against human cultivators and demanded that the True Dragon Clan be punished.

Except for Guantian Pavilion, the other Holy Land sects did not take Ziyang Shengzong’s words seriously at all.

Many people even blamed Ziyang Shengzong for being too meddlesome and should not take the initiative to provoke the True Dragon Clan.

The situation over the East China Sea is becoming increasingly tense.

The Taiyi Sect achieved brilliant results this time, but there was no gain in hiding the Mysterious Mansion.

The news released by Ziyang Shengzong about the time and place of the appearance of the Mysterious Palace is all false news.

So many void-returning powers broke into a battle in that area, causing great damage.

The earth’s veins collapsed, the mountains and rivers were shattered, and the earth sank…

After the war, everything that existed for thousands of miles was destroyed, leaving only bottomless pits.

The vitality of heaven and earth in that area was extremely chaotic, and violent storms of vitality would blow through from time to time.

Now, that vast area has not only become a restricted area for living beings and is no longer suitable for human habitation, but cultivators without a certain level of strength cannot get close to it at all.

A good piece of land has just turned into a wasteland.

The large surrounding area was also affected by this war.

Because the war broke out at the junction of Taiyi Gate and Ziyang Holy Sect, and then extended to the territory of Ziyang Holy Sect.

Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Holy Sect also suffered huge losses, and Ziyang Holy Sect’s losses were even greater.

Countless mortal settlements were destroyed, countless mortals and low-level cultivators lost their lives, and large swathes of land became deserted…

Of course, for the two major sects, these losses will not hurt their roots.

As long as there is enough time, injuries can be healed and losses can be slowly made up for.

However, because the leylines in a large area around it have been destroyed or damaged, it will definitely affect the next move of the Hidden Mystery Mansion.

It is said that the Mysterious Palace moves along the earth’s veins. If there is a problem with the earth’s veins in such a large area, and the energy of the earth’s veins in a larger area is extremely disordered, the direction of movement of the Mysterious Palace will definitely change.

As for how the Hidden Mystery Mansion will move next, and in what direction it will move, it is difficult for the Moon God to make predictions because there are too many variables and too little information.

Moon God also said that in such a complicated situation, the Purple Sun Sect should also be unable to make calculations.

In this case, Meng Zhang no longer thinks about capturing the Secret Palace.

At the very least, the Mysterious Mansion did not fall into the hands of the Purple Sun Sect.

After this battle, the True Dragon Clan, the Purple Sun Sect, and the Taiyi Sect all had a tacit understanding not to leak the secret of the Mysterious Mansion.

Why the True Dragon Clan went to the north of Junchen Realm, why they stepped into the Ziyang Holy Sect’s trap, and how the Taiyi Sect got involved in this war, many people don’t understand.

When faced with inquiries from other Holy Land sects, the Purple Sun Sect always kept this matter vague.

Jiu Xuan Pavilion sent Master Xuan Le to participate in this battle, and he should have some understanding of this matter.

Although Jiuxuan Pavilion seemed to have fallen out with Ziyang Shengzong, it did not leak relevant information at will.

Although Guantian Pavilion did not directly send monks to participate in the battle, the Menzhong Tianji Master helped the Ziyang Holy Sect to blind Meng Zhang’s spiritual sense.

Guantian Pavilion is very clear about the causes and consequences of this matter.

Guantian Pavilion kept the secrets of Ziyang Shengzong.

As time goes by, this matter seems to have passed.

Of course, the impact of this battle was far-reaching and left many consequences.

The Taiyi Sect lost the internal agent of King Hui Peng, and lost the largest source of intelligence within the Purple Sun Sect.

After experiencing this lesson, Ziyang Shengzong strengthened its internal management and vigorously eliminated spies from all parties in the territory.

From then on, it became increasingly difficult for the Taiyi Sect to find out information about the Purple Sun Sect.

Fortunately, regular information exchanges are maintained with the Dark Alliance, and Taiyi Sect can still obtain some basic information.

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