Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2249: Purge

After all, Meng Zhang is the Supreme Master in the late stage of returning to the void. Even though his power has been severely depleted, due to his high intrinsic level, he can still be of great help to Tai Miao.

Only the special relationship between Meng Zhang and Tai Miao can allow the power of returning to the void level to enter the underworld from the Yang world.

With the help of the power transmitted through the air by Meng Zhang, Taimiao’s strength greatly increased, and he suddenly rose up, using all his strength to activate the two powers he controlled.

Probably with the help of the underworld, Taimiao burst out with extraordinary power, causing unimaginable damage to the opponent.

The two major powers directly wiped out all the vitality of that vicious creature.

After the terrifying beast was completely killed by him, Taimiao was also seriously injured, losing almost all his strength and unable to move at all.

It was the Ji Sword God general who had withdrawn from the battle before, and they slowly recovered a little strength, and then hurried over to help Taimiao.

Taimiao and the others rested here for almost a month before they managed to stabilize their injuries and regain some strength.

At this time, Tai Miao had the strength to slowly clean up the loot.

They fought their way into the Devil May Cry Mountains and eliminated many evil creatures at the level of returning to the void.

These evil creatures were born from the corpses of gods and ghosts after they died.

After these evil creatures are completely eliminated, some crystals of the divine power of natural ghosts and gods will be left behind.

These divine power crystals are of great use whether they are used for absorption and refining, or for refining elixirs, magic weapons, etc.

Of course, these divine power crystals contain impurities such as resentment left by evil creatures, which require a strong man at the level of returning to the void to slowly cast spells to purify them.

The beast that Taimiao and the others finally eliminated left behind a lot of magical crystals, and they were very special.

After Taimiao’s inspection, he discovered that these divine power crystals could not only enhance his cultivation and evolve his body of ghosts and gods, but also greatly strengthen the two powers in his hands.

The place where this beast appeared is the core location of the Devil May Cry Mountains.

This is the place where countless earth veins converge, concentrating the power of the underworld.

With only a few simple renovations, this place can become an excellent place for spiritual practice, which can be used by Tai Miao and his Cong Shen for their daily practice.

There are many magical places in Devil May Cry Mountains, many of which still require Tai Miao to slowly explore and study in the future.

At the core of the Devil May Cry Mountains, there are still several authorities bound here.

These authorities have the authority to control ghosts and control Yin energy…

The more authority you have, the better. Having too much authority will only distract your energy and even cause forces to conflict with each other.

There are also differences between authorities. For example, the authority of life, death and reincarnation in the hands of Tai Miao is the most original and highest-level authority in the underworld.

So far, Tai Miao dare not say that he has completely controlled these two powers.

When the time is right, Taimiao will give those lower-level authorities to his subordinates.

Taimiao alone cannot rule the entire underworld. He needs the assistance of many capable men.

Strengthening Congshen’s combat effectiveness and letting him share part of his pressure has been his approach.

The evil creatures in the Devil May Cry Mountains have been basically eliminated. There may still be a few remaining ghosts in some remote places.

The overall situation of the Devil May Cry Mountains has been decided, and these ghosts will not cause any trouble.

Next, Taimiao will reorganize a brand new army of ghosts to completely clear out the area around the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Anyway, all the evil creatures in the Devil May Cry Mountains have been wiped out. As long as the rebuilt army of ghosts avoids dangerous places, they will generally not encounter any danger.

Previously, Taimiao was planning to rebuild the capital city of the underworld and use it as his headquarters to rule the underworld and as the newest capital of the unified dynasty of the underworld.

But after completely conquering the Devil May Cry Mountains, he discovered that in the entire underworld, there was probably no place more suitable for him than the Devil May Cry Mountains.

The Devil May Cry Mountain Range is extremely wide and contains many natural dangers. If you accidentally break into those dangerous places, the ghosts and ghosts will die at any time…

These shortcomings are simply not worth mentioning, and they are not necessarily shortcomings.

If these natural dangers can be fully utilized, they can serve as the natural defense of Taimiao’s capital city.

The Yin Capital City established by the Dali Dynasty was famous in the Junchen world, and even the major sects in the Holy Land coveted it.

The Dali Dynasty established its dominant position in the underworld with the Yin Capital City and accumulated the capital to fight against the Ziyang Holy Sect.

But compared to the Devil May Cry Mountains, Yindu City is not worth mentioning at all.

Yindu City is just because it is very close to the Devil May Cry Mountains, and its location is very convenient. Some of the earth veins gathered in the Devil May Cry Mountains pass through Yindu City, which just gathers the huge power of the earth veins.

It was not that the Dali Dynasty did not know that the location of the Devil May Cry Mountains was countless times superior to that of Yindu City, but they were far from capable of conquering the Devil May Cry Mountains, so they had to settle for the next best thing and choose the location of Yindu City.

What’s more, Yindu City has experienced many fierce battles before and has been completely destroyed.

When the power of heaven and earth in the underworld descended and attacked the strong men from the Yang world, the capital city of Yin was also affected and suffered extremely serious damage.

Taimiao has mastered the Devil May Cry Mountains, so he no longer needs Yindu City.

Of course, building the Devil May Cry Mountains into what he wanted would not only take a long time and consume a lot of money, but also far exceed Taimiao’s current strength.

He has a large number of ghosts, but he does not have such construction capabilities.

This is a great thing, don’t be in a hurry, you can prepare slowly and calmly.

After Tai Miao’s cultivation is improved, he may not have the power to change the world.

The ghosts under him can be re-trained to develop powerful construction abilities.

As Tai Miao’s cultivation level increases, he can help more Taiyi Sect monks enter the underworld and let them stay in the underworld for more time.

The construction capabilities of Taiyi Sect can be fully used by Taimiao, and Taimiao can also pay enough to hire them.

This battle to conquer the Devil May Cry Mountains gave Taimiao and his men a great training, which would benefit their future practice immensely.

If the benefits obtained in the Devil May Cry Mountains are completely digested, Taimiao’s cultivation level will once again experience a rapid improvement.

Sometimes, Meng Zhangdu couldn’t help but envy his own incarnation.

Taimiao possesses the characteristics of a born ghost and god, as if given strength by the underworld, and his cultivation level improves at an astonishing speed.

Especially now that even the Devil May Cry Mountains have been conquered by him, and he has become a worthy ruler of the underworld.

Except for the deepest part of the underworld, almost the entire underworld is under Tai Miao’s control.

Taimiao seems to be protected by the underworld, and can mobilize the power of the underworld more freely.

As long as he is in the underworld, he can continuously draw strength from the underworld, almost never drying up or getting tired.

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