Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2231: Guyue Family

Taimiao was going well in the underworld, so Meng Zhang didn’t pay too much attention there, but focused his main energy on Taiyi Sect and himself.

Not long after Meng Zhang retreated, he was interrupted by another major event.

Back then, Gu Yue Fenghua of the Gu Yue family in Dafeng City once visited Meng Zhang and sought Meng Zhang’s support to treat the Gu Yue family of the Dali Dynasty leniently.

Although the Gu Yue family of the Dali Dynasty, like other cultivation forces in the dynasty, has some involvement with demon cultivators, they have not fallen into the demonic path themselves, nor have they participated in actions against the Taiyi Sect.

When the Taiyi Sect was cleaning up the demonic forces, it mainly gave warnings to the Gu Yue family of the Dali Dynasty, without making it too difficult, and it was considered as a liberal approach.

Afterwards, the two Gu Yue families of Dali Dynasty and Dafeng City merged, and Gu Yue Fenghua became the head of the merged Gu Yue family.

Gu Yue Fenghua once said that after the many branches of the Gu Yue family in the Junchen world elect a co-leader, they can hold a sacrificial ceremony and contact the family headquarters in the Lingkong Immortal World.

For this reason, Taiyi Sect has been fully supporting Gu Yue Fenghua’s action to unify the many branches of the Gu Yue family in Junchen Realm.

If you want to conquer the many branches of the family, your own strength is the top priority.

The Gu Yue family has no shortage of inheritance, but it does not have a very clever secret method to overcome the tribulation.

Gu Yue Fenghua obtained the superior secret method of overcoming the tribulation from Taiyi Sect, and spent a lot of effort to finally survive the Yang God Thunder Tribulation and advance to the Yang God stage.

After advancing to the Yang Shen stage, Gu Yue Fenghua did not devote himself to cultivation and work hard to break through the Void Return stage. Instead, he began to frequently contact many branches of the Gu Yue family in the Junchen world, either by coercion or inducement, or by force to conquer, with all his strength. Overwhelm them.

During this process, in addition to secretly providing support, Taiyi Sect also sent strong men to join Gu Yue Fenghua’s camp. Basically, it means asking people to give to others, asking for things to be given, and trying to meet all their needs.

After so many years, Gu Yue Fenghua used various means to finally gain the recognition of most branches of the Gu Yue family and became the co-leader and spokesperson of the Gu Yue family in the Junchen world.

After communicating with the major branches, Gu Yue Fenghua will gather the top leaders of each branch next month to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony in an attempt to communicate with the Gu Yue family’s headquarters in the Lingkong Immortal World.

Because she and Meng Zhang had an agreement, Gu Yue Fenghua would invite Meng Zhang to the ceremony.

Gu Yue Fenghua once told Meng Zhang that according to family records, after successfully contacting the family headquarters, the family headquarters will give various rewards to help the development of these family branches that are living abroad.

In addition to various cultivation resources, these rewards also include powerful magic weapons.

In order to gain Meng Zhang’s support, Gu Yue Fenghua had promised that Meng Zhang could choose these rewards first.

Meng Zhang is not coveting these things, but although the Taiyi Sect has many powerful abilities to return to the void, its magic weapons are scarce.

If you can borrow the Gu Yue family’s magic weapon, it will be very beneficial to improve the Taiyi Sect’s top combat power.

After receiving the invitation from Gu Yue Fenghua, Meng Zhang, who was in seclusion to heal his wounds, quickly ended his seclusion and arrived at the agreed place on the day when the Gu Yue family held a sacrifice.

After the branches of the Gu Yue family in Junchen world were unified, Dafeng City became the headquarters of the Gu Yue family in Junchen world.

The Gu Yue family of Gale City has long been a member of the Hanhai Dao League, and is equivalent to a subordinate of the Taiyi Sect.

This has not changed even after the many branches of the Gu Yue family were unified.

The Gu Yue family has an extraordinary origin and a profound background, but in the Junchen Realm, they are definitely no match for the Taiyi Sect.

Gu Yue Fenghua, who knew the power of Taiyi Sect, did not dare to have the heart of betrayal easily.

When these branches of the Gu Yue family first arrived in Junchen Realm, they were unable to gain a foothold in the Middle-earth Continent because of their grievances in the Lingkong Immortal Realm and Guantian Pavilion. Valley

Many branches of the Gu Yue family had to leave the Middle-earth continent one after another and settle down on the edge of the Junchen Realm.

Originally, the branches in the north of Junchen Realm were average in strength and their prospects were not clear.

But because the Gu Yue family of Dafeng City got on the fast track of Taiyi Sect’s rapid development, they came from behind and surpassed other branches in one fell swoop.

Gu Yue Fenghua also became the True Lord of Yangshen and was able to suppress the masters of other branches.

They are very dissatisfied with the subordinates of Taiyi Sect, some of whom always remember the glory of their family and cannot see the reality clearly.

However, through Gu Yue Fenghua’s series of methods, these branches were either absorbed by other branches, or suffered disasters and disappeared.

Gu Yue Fenghua has both strength and skill, is ruthless and resourceful, and will not hesitate at all when it is time to make a decision.

She is secretly a rare secret master and has the ability to perform secret deductions.

Although in order to avoid the backlash of the secret, she, like Meng Zhang, would not use the secret technique easily.

But Tianjishi’s unique spiritual sense allows her to clearly see the general trend, know how to seek good luck, avoid bad luck, and follow the trend.

Among the many branches of the Gu Yue family, many are not doing as they wish.

The achievements of the Gu Yue family in Gale City make these branches envious. Find

At this time, the Taiyi Sect is the most powerful force in the Junchen Realm, apart from the major Holy Land sects.

Becoming a subordinate of Taiyi Sect and gaining support from Taiyi Sect is not a bad thing for many branches.

By integrating the power of many branches, the strength of the Gu Yue family has greatly increased.

With the help of the major branches of the Gu Yue family, Taiyi Sect has also extended its influence to more places in Junchen Realm.

Gu Yue Fenghua made great efforts to fully integrate the unified Gu Yue family into the Hanhai Dao Alliance system.

Since Junchen Realm was besieged by outside invaders, various high-end resources, including Yuqing Spirit Machine, have been in short supply within Junchen Realm.

Many of the monks above the middle stage of Yuan Shen in Junchen Realm are trapped in the dilemma of insufficient training resources.

In order to maintain the system of Hanhai Dao League, Taiyi Sect has devoted a lot of high-level resources to win over high-level monks from Hanhai Dao League, even though its own resources are not enough.

A monk like Gu Yue Fenghua, who is deeply trusted by the Taiyi Sect and has a bright future, can even enter the Sun and Moon Blessed Land of the Taiyi Sect to practice.

In the Hanhai Dao League, many outstanding Yuanshen stage monks have emerged over the years.

In order to get the opportunity to enter the Sun and Moon Blessed Land to practice, they worked hard to perform for the Taiyi Sect.

The Taiyi Sect is quite generous to the major members of the Hanhai Dao Alliance.

For example, Xu Mengying of the Huanglian Sect was able to achieve the goal of returning to the void because of the strong support of Meng Zhang.

Many cultivation forces in Junchen Realm, including major holy land sects, now feel that their resources are tight.

Because of Meng Zhang’s several huge harvests, especially the last harvest from the secret space left by the indigenous gods, Taiyi Sect is still slightly rich in resources.

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