Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2215: Undercurrent

Zhenjun Jinli and others will not enter the Star Luo Islands directly, but will stay on standby in the nearby area.

If the three sects of Guanghan Palace can solve the problem on their own, Zhenjun Jinli’s team will remain in a wait-and-see state.

If Guanghan Palace and the others encounter an unexpected blow, Jin Li Zhenjun and the others will provide assistance when needed.

Although the Taiyi Sect only sent out the team led by True Lord Yang Shen, the Void Returning Power in the sect was also on standby at any time, and was ready to teleport to the Star Luo Islands, in case the Purple Sun Sect was dismissed. The conflict between the two sides escalated.

Of course, Taiyi Sect is not determined to start an all-out war with Ziyang Holy Sect now.

If the situation goes wrong, the three sects of Guanghan Palace must retreat immediately.

Otherwise, Taiyi Sect may even regard them as abandoned children.

In a word, Taiyi Sect has made two preparations, choosing whether to fight or make peace with the Purple Sun Sect according to the situation.

In everything, the interests of your own sect come first, and your sacrifices will never be in vain.

The senior officials of Taiyi Sect are very concerned about the progress of this matter and have been keeping in touch with Jin Li Zhenjun and others at the front.

When Meng Zhang was in the sect, he would hold Dharma meetings from time to time to give lectures to monks in the sect, especially high-ranking monks, and impart practice experience and insights.

Except for Meng Zhang and Yu Ci Lao Dao, the Taiyi Sect’s great masters of returning to the void have not been promoted for a long time.

If nothing else happens, Meng Zhang will bring a large part of it with him the next time he goes to the Void Battlefield.

Even if these void-returning powers have a strong foundation, the promotion time is too short and the accumulation is not sufficient.

With Meng Zhang’s cultivation at this time, ordinary magic weapons are no longer useful.

He put all the magic weapons in the sect’s treasury, allowing the sect’s great masters of returning to the void to borrow them.

These great void-returning masters of Taiyi Sect not only work behind closed doors in the sect, they take turns going to the South China Sea to communicate and learn from the great void-returning masters of Hailing Sect.

Hai Ling Sect, which was originally far more powerful than Taiyi Sect, experienced heavy losses and its strength was greatly reduced.

The primary and secondary relationship between the two sects also began to slowly change.

The strength of Meng Zhang, the head of the Taiyi Sect, can overwhelm all the void-returning powers of the Hailing Sect. Not to mention, the Taiyi Sect has more void-returning powers than the Hailing Sect.

The last time the Sea Clan invaded on a large scale, Tiangong and the major Holy Land sects betrayed many interests in the South China Sea cultivation world in order to calm down the trouble as soon as possible and avoid an all-out war with the True Dragon Clan.

Although the Hai Ling Sect suppressed the dissatisfaction of many cultivation forces in the South China Sea, its rule over the South China Sea still encountered many problems.

The Sea Tribe did not become honest after occupying a large area of ​​the South China Sea.

The cultivators of the Sea Tribe and the Human Tribe are constantly in conflict in the South China Sea, and small-scale battles often occur.

Within the South China Sea Alliance, forces opposing the Hai Ling Sect emerged.

More than before, the Hailing Sect needs the help of the Taiyi Sect now.

Unknowingly, the Hailing Sect has become more respectful of the Taiyi Sect’s opinions on many matters, and is also willing to obey some instructions from the Taiyi Sect.

The Taiyi Sect still attaches great importance to the Hai Ling Sect, which has been an ally for many years, and is willing to provide them with the help they can.

The Celestial Immortality Society, which was secretly supported by the Taoist priest from the ancient capital, the deputy general manager of Tiangong, was purged by the sects of the major holy lands last time. It suffered heavy losses and was severely damaged. After so many years of cultivation, he is far from being able to recover. Valley

The Immortal Society is a secret organization mainly composed of high-level monks such as the Great Master of Returning to the Void, and it took thousands of years to develop.

Once the various high-level monks in the association suffer heavy losses, they cannot be replaced in a short time.

After the nominal leader of the Ascension Society, Gu Chen Shangzun, recovered from his injury, he cooperated with Taoist Gu Lu who returned to the Junchen Realm to try to revive the Ascension Society.

After years of hard work, the Immortal Society, which was almost on the verge of extinction, not only survived tenaciously, but also began to accumulate strength again.

They were running around, actively contacting and supporting monks from various sects in the Holy Land in Junchen Realm.

Under the pressure of the major holy land sects, Taiyi Sect, Hailing Sect and Dengxian Society can only stay together and cooperate closely.

The Dark Alliance has long been actively wooing the Taiyi Sect, trying to pull the Taiyi Sect onto its own chariot.

Although the Taiyi Sect is willing to maintain friendly relations with the Dark Alliance, it has not relented on the issue of alliance, adopting a strategy of delaying as long as possible.

The Taiyi Sect is not the only sect that the Dark Alliance is wooing. According to the knowledge of the Taiyi Sect’s senior officials, the Dark Alliance has not only been colluding with the Dengxian Society for a long time and has a close relationship, but its efforts to win over the Hailing Sect are also not strong. shallow.

Both the Hai Ling Sect and the Celestial Immortal Society are very happy to establish a good relationship with the Dark Alliance, and forming an alliance is something they welcome very much.

It’s not like the Hai Ling Sect and the Celestial Immortal Society don’t know about the collusion between the Dark Alliance and the Demonic Way. It’s just that they need powerful external assistance too much and are a bit hungry.

Not all cultivators and cultivators have such a bottom line as Meng Zhang.

On this issue, the Taiyi Sect should not interfere too much, let alone turn against the Dark Alliance.

The only thing Taiyi Sect can do is to remind Hailing Sect and Dengxian to have a few words.

The Hai Ling Sect paid more attention to Taiyi Sect’s reminder, but the Dengxian Society didn’t take it seriously at all.

Taiyi Sect has nothing to do about this and can only wait for the development of the matter.

In fact, the relationship between Taiyi Sect itself and the Dark Alliance is getting deeper and deeper, and the two parties are not far from forming an alliance.

After the last Demon Nest incident, the Dark Alliance promptly cleared all ties and basically stayed out of the incident.

In order to maintain the stability of the Junchen Realm, Tiangong and the major holy land sects did not overly stimulate the Dark Alliance and were tolerant of the Dark Alliance and did not continue to pursue this matter.

The tolerance of Tiangong and the major Holy Land sects did not earn the Dark Alliance’s gratitude. Instead, it was regarded as a sign of weakness by the Dark Alliance.

Within the Dark Alliance, many senior officials looked down on Tiangong and the major Holy Land sects, and their ambitions could no longer be suppressed.

In the Junchen world, it seems calm now, but in fact there is an undercurrent.

The Dark Alliance is active in secret, colluding with various cultivation forces, and trying to organize a joint force against the major holy land sects.

As an important force in resisting the sects of the major Holy Lands, the Taiyi Sect was also involuntarily involved.

The exchanges between Taiyi Sect and the Dark Alliance have become increasingly close, and senior officials from both sides have begun to discuss many issues in more depth.

The Dark Alliance visited the top leaders of Taiyi Sect and made no secret of its ambitions. It openly expressed its dissatisfaction with the major Holy Land sects in Taiyi Sect and began to instigate Taiyi Sect to counterattack the major Holy Land sects.

The senior officials of Taiyi Sect mentioned one of the most important issues in their conversation with the senior officials of the Dark Alliance.

Even if the Dark Alliance has a deep foundation and strong strength, it can organize a coalition strong enough to fight against the major Holy Land sects. But once the founders of the major holy land sects, namely the sleeping true immortals, wake up, how will this coalition respond?

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