Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2198: Trap

“Baiyue, you, a simple-minded little girl, can actually see through my trap. This really surprises me.”

As the red mist forest master’s gloomy voice sounded, his aura changed.

Originally, he gave people the impression that he was an indigenous **** who was in bad condition and a little weak.

Now, the demonic energy in his body surged, the demonic power was overwhelming, and he suddenly turned into a powerful monster.

The giant tree shook violently, and streams of demonic energy spurted out from the tree, turning into countless branches, twisting and swimming like giant pythons.

At this moment, Meng Zhang and the others still didn’t understand that they had been deceived by the owner of Chiwu Forest.

This guy is not just infected by the demonic energy, but has been deeply possessed and has been completely transformed into a powerful monster.

The monster of the Red Mist Forest Master is actually so cunning, knowing how to hide himself and deceive the Moon Worshiping Goddess with lies.

If the Moon God hadn’t taken action in time, the Moon Goddess might have fallen into his trap.

Putting your own divine power into a monster and establishing a connection with it will lead to terrible consequences. Just thinking about it makes the Moon Worshiping Goddess feel terrified.

Meng Zhang lamented that the master of Chiwu Forest was very good at camouflage.

Meng Zhang has had many dealings with monsters and demon cultivators, and has killed countless powerful demon cultivators.

But before that, he just didn’t realize that the owner of the Red Mist Forest was a monster.

Of course, it’s not surprising that monsters have cunning and changeable methods, and their unexpected performances.

Among the monsters Meng Zhang had killed before, there were also some that were particularly good at concealing and camouflaging.

After the Red Mist Forest Master stopped pretending and revealed his true face, judging from his high aura, his strength was clearly not inferior to Meng Zhang’s.

It seems that being trapped in the secret space for these years has not made him too weak, but he still maintains strong strength.

Since the Lord of the Red Mist Forest is a monster, the previous agreement with the Moon Worshiping Goddess is naturally a trap. It was impossible for Meng Zhang and the others to continue communicating with him. The only thing they could do was to defeat him.

Meng Zhang did not know that the Moon God was controlling the Moon Goddess to attack at this time, but felt that the Moon Goddess not only had foresight, but also showed great strength.

A great sun rose above the giant tree, casting endless scorching light downwards.

The light of the sun can not only exert strong restraint on monsters, but can also cooperate with the attacks of the Moon Worshiping Goddess.

Meng Zhang tried his best to mobilize the power of the Sun Avenue and cooperate with the power of the Taiyin Avenue driven by the Moon Worshiping Goddess.

In these years, while Meng Zhang was practicing in seclusion at Taiyi Sect, he not only worked **** his cultivation realm, but also worked hard to improve his swordsmanship.

The Hidden Killing Sword taught to him by Ban Xue Jianjun was not only completely mastered by him, but also integrated into his own swordsmanship.

The combination of Meng Zhang’s kendo cultivation and his major in Yin-Yang Avenue allowed him to create many kendo killing moves.

One after another, the gentle sword energy quietly circled around the demonic branches surrounding the giant tree, and silently approached the huge tree body.

With the sound of thunder and explosions, the feminine sword energy turned into a strong and yang force, violently chopping down the huge tree body.

The explosive power contained in the sword energy caused the broken bark to fly in all directions, and the pure Yang aura, which was very effective in restraining monsters, continuously penetrated into the giant tree.

Due to his own reasons, the Chiwu Forest Master’s reaction was far less swift than Meng Zhang’s.

Under Meng Zhang’s rapid attack and the restraint of the Moon Worshiping Goddess, he was suddenly at a disadvantage.

The gods who built the secret space back then chose the Lord of the Red Mist Forest as the guardian of the secret space, and would guard it forever until several gods or their successors appeared.

The owner of Chiwu Forest is very dissatisfied and disagrees with this.

He was unwilling to leave the Red Mist Forest where he grew up, and he was unwilling to give up the divine realm he had established in the forest.

However, several true gods used both soft and hard tactics. On the one hand, they asked him to focus on the overall situation and consider the future and destiny of all the indigenous gods; on the other hand, they seized on his leverage to threaten him.

The Red Mist Forest Master, who was just a demigod, was ultimately unable to resist the joint will of several true gods, and had to put aside everything in the Junchen Realm and come to the secret space.

Then, several true gods took advantage of his unpreparedness and teamed up to plant restraints on him, forcing him to guard the secret space loyally.

With no choice but to accept his fate, the owner of the Red Mist Forest had to accept his new responsibilities.

As Junchen Realm gradually fell into the hands of invading cultivators, the Red Mist Forest was also destroyed in battles, and the creatures inside were basically extinct.

Leaving his home base and losing the power of faith and incense, despite some supplements provided by the secret space, the Red Mist Forest Master inevitably became weaker and weaker.

Originally, the Lord of the Red Mist Forest was originally a giant tree, with a lifespan far longer than that of other indigenous gods. Staying in the secret space for thousands of years was just a drop in the ocean to him. .

It is a pity that the pain of losing a believer and the feeling of weakness caused by the continuous decline of strength can be found in Shuyuan wwww. The fear caused by the gradual loss of life force and the involuntary resentment that he was controlled by the true **** finally broke through his heart and gave him inner demons.

Demons arise from the heart. Once the inner demons are born, they are difficult to eradicate.

Gods are far inferior to cultivators in terms of mental cultivation, and they do not have as many methods as cultivators to stabilize their minds, suppress or even calm their inner demons.

The inner demon of the Red Mist Forest Master gradually grew and became out of control, making him completely possessed.

The inner demons aroused the external demons, and the completely possessed Red Mist Forest Master sensed the demonic information that spread throughout almost the entire void, even in the secret space, and learned many demonic methods from it.

He began to practice demonic skills, accumulate demonic energy, and gradually transform his divine power into demonic energy.

The Red Mist Forest Master completely fell into the devil’s path and transformed into a complete monster.

There are many examples of indigenous gods degenerating into monsters, and the Lord of the Red Mist Forest is just one of them.

After he switched to the devil’s path, his strength began to slowly recover, and his lost vitality was curbed.

At the most important moment, he had almost completely broken the restraints imposed on him by several true gods.

Although this process caused him great losses and serious injuries, it strengthened his confidence in the magic way.

After recovering from his injuries, the Red Mist Forest Master began to try to refine the few artifacts that were the foundation of the secret space, trying to completely control the entire secret space and dye it into a brand new demon soil.

The guard in the secret space is not only the Red Mist Forest Master, but also the Son of Poshan God.

There is an essential difference between Poshan Shenzi and Chiwu Forest Master. Not only is he determined and dedicated to his duty as a guard, he also has a strong sense of responsibility and mission, and is willing to do his best to protect this secret space. To be continued

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