Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2197: Rising

Seeing that the Moon Worshiping Goddess had released her divine power in accordance with the instructions of the Red Mist Forest Master, and when her divine power was about to touch the branch, the Moon Goddess suddenly took over her body.

The Moon Worshiping Goddess has absolute trust in the Moon God, and is willing to open her body and mind to the Moon God, allowing the Moon God to completely control her body.

Most of the time, the Moon God will not easily interfere with the actions of the Moon Worshiping Goddess.

But in certain emergency situations, she will directly control the body of the Moon Worshiping Goddess.

Under the control of the Moon Goddess, the divine power of the Moon Goddess condensed into a scimitar and slashed at the branch.

The incident happened so suddenly that Master Chiwu Forest did not expect that one moment the two parties were talking smoothly, but the next moment the Moon Worshiping Goddess suddenly turned against her and took action.

The branch twisted nimbly, like a spiritual snake, dodging the Moon Worship Goddess’s knife in the blink of an eye, and then shot towards the Moon Worship Goddess instead.

The Moon God in his heyday was a **** as powerful as a true immortal.

Longyou was teased by shrimps in the shallows, and tigers fell to Pingyang and were bullied by dogs. After the disaster, the moon **** was indeed very embarrassed and had to rely on the body of the moon worshiping goddess.

When she was in the Shenchang Realm, she was almost killed along with the Moon Worshiping Goddess because of the conspiracy of the Son of Rihua.

After being rescued by Meng Zhang, she slowly regained her strength with the Moon Worshiping Goddess.

Especially after the Moon Worshiping Goddess devoured the Son of Sunflower, the Moon Worshiping Goddess broke some of the innate shackles and essentially improved greatly.

After being brought back to Junchen Realm by Meng Zhang, the Moon Goddess and the Moon Worshiping Goddess were slowly replenished through various means.

The strength of the Moon Worshiping Goddess has increased to the mid-stage level of returning to void. Although the Moon Goddess is far from returning to the strength of her heyday, she still has the power to protect herself.

With the Moon Goddess’ abilities, she can control the body of the Moon Worshiping Goddess and exert a strength that far exceeds the mid-Void Return level.

As soon as the branch got close to the body of the Moon Worshiping Goddess, a pale white flame suddenly ignited.

Under the burning flames, not only did the branches quickly turn into fly ash, but even the demonic energy contained within them also disappeared.

The owner of Chiwu Forest shouted loudly.

“Moon Worshiping Goddess, what on earth are you going to do? Why did you sneak attack on me for no reason?”

It was not the Moon Worshiping Goddess’ original intention to attack the Lord of the Red Mist Forest. She couldn’t understand why the Moon God wanted to control her own body and suddenly attack the Lord of the Red Mist Forest, even though everything had been settled just now.

Since she couldn’t figure it out, the Moon Goddess cleared her mind, let go of all these things, and gave all the control over her body to the Moon Goddess.

The Moon Worshiping Goddess has absolute trust in the Moon God and will never doubt what he does.

In her eyes, everything Luna did made sense.

I can’t understand it for the time being, that’s just because I’m too stupid. Afterwards, I can always slowly understand Luna’s painstaking efforts.

The Moon God did not answer the question of the Red Mist Forest Master, but continued to control the Moon God’s body and launched an attack on the Red Mist Forest Master.

At the same time, she motioned to Meng Zhang to join the battle.

The performance of the Lord of the Red Mist Forest seemed to be fine, but the Moon Goddess in the body of the Moon Worshiping Goddess had doubts.

However, unlike the Moon Worshiping Goddess, the Moon Worshiping Goddess, who had a high status in the Junchen world, knew more secrets and had a deep understanding of many gods.

The gods who built this secret space had high expectations for this secret space.

This secret space is a very important back-up for them.

In order to build this secret space in the void, they took great pains and suffered a lot of losses.

This is the escape route they have left for themselves, so that after the indigenous gods of Junchen Realm are defeated by the invading cultivators, one day the indigenous gods can make a comeback and rise again.

Since they have arranged the Red Mist Forest Master and Poshan Shenzi as the guards here, they naturally have a way to make them fulfill their duties, rather than simply trusting their character and loyalty.

Some powerful gods have the means to completely restrain or even control them, making them unable to resist.

If Moon Goddess were placed in the position of those gods, she would make the same choice and use various means to ensure that the Red Mist Forest Master and Poshan God Son would fulfill their duties and not betray.

The Lord of the Red Mist Forest got out of the way and allowed cultivators like Meng Zhang and the Moon Worshiping Goddess to obtain the artifact and finally completely control the secret space. This was a betrayal of the highest consequence.

The Lord of Red Mist Forest may not mind betrayal for his own benefit. But with his original strength, it was not enough to break free from the constraints on him.

Since Moon God discovered the contradiction, he naturally would not believe the Red Mist Forest Master, but believed that there must be something fishy in it.

Originally, the Moon God was not prepared to expose the Red Mist Forest Master in such a hurry, but was prepared to let the Moon Worshiping Goddess slowly deal with him, collect more information, and thoroughly understand what happened in the secret space.

But when the divine power released by the Moon Worshiping Goddess was about to come into contact with the branch, the Moon Goddess felt a warning sign in his heart, sensing a huge danger.

With the Moon God’s nature, he immediately responded without hesitation and asked Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com controlled the Moon Worshiping Goddess to take action.

Now that they have broken into action, the verbal exchanges are meaningless, and the original agreement with the owner of the Red Mist Forest is naturally completely void.

The Moon God controlled the Moon Worshiping Goddess without saying a word, and kept attacking the Lord of the Red Mist Forest.

The few branches of the Red Mist Forest Master danced rapidly, like giant pythons, while resisting the attack of the Moon Worshiping Goddess, while launching a counterattack.

Meng Zhang originally had no trust in indigenous gods like the Lord of the Chiwu Forest, let alone his life or death.

It’s just that the Moon Worshiping Goddess took the initiative to reach an agreement with him to avoid a fight, so Meng Zhangcai didn’t interfere much.

Now that the Moon Worshiping Goddess suddenly turned against her and took action, Meng Zhang also thought that she might have deliberately confused the other party and wanted to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Now that the Moon Worshiping Goddess had taken action, Meng Zhang immediately joined the battle without saying a word.

The owner of the Red Mist Forest was still questioning loudly.

“Moon Worshiping Goddess, have you really surrendered to the cultivators and betrayed your family?”

“You and the cultivators join forces to attack this god. Your family will not let you go, and neither will your fellow gods.”

Hearing the question from the Chief of Chiwu Forest, the Moon Worshiping Goddess and Meng Zhang could not help but secretly complain.

I don’t know how long it has been in the mountains. This old guy has stayed here for a long time and knows nothing about the outside world. He even threatened them with the indigenous gods of Junchen Realm.

The world of Junchen has long since become a world ruled by cultivators. The indigenous gods of Junchen Realm are about to become extinct.

The threat from the Red Mist Forest Master sounds so ridiculous.

Meng Zhang couldn’t help but mock the owner of Chiwu Forest.

Seeing that the Moon Worshiping Goddess turned a deaf ear to his questions and that the cultivator also laughed at him, the owner of the Red Mist Forest fell into silence for a while. To be continued

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