Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2171: Normal

Seeing that the number of monks released by the Dark Alliance was far less than what he had imagined, Taoist Double Thorn thought that the Taiyi Sect lacked integrity and was secretly playing tricks on the Dark Alliance to make a fuss about the detained monks.

In fact, he really wrongly blamed Taiyimen this time.

If among the detained Dark Alliance monks, they are really related to this incident and the devil, then Taiyi Sect will definitely not let them go lightly.

They were sentenced to varying degrees of punishment based on the severity of their crimes.

Some were executed directly, some had their entire cultivation skills revoked, and some were taken to mines and other places to perform hard labor…

Taiyi Sect has strict laws and regulations, and the monks in the sect have always enforced the law strictly.

The Taiyi Sect has always had a very clear attitude towards anyone who violates Taiyi Sect’s laws in the Taiyi Sect’s territory, especially if it involves major matters like magic.

No matter what the background or cultivation level of the person involved is, they must be punished according to the rules of Taiyi Sect.

For these Dark Alliance monks, Taiyi Sect will not show mercy, but will deal with business affairs.

After getting rid of these monks who were punished by Taiyi Sect, the number of innocent monks remaining will naturally be small.

What’s more, in the process of arresting the monks from the Dark Alliance branch, Taiyi Sect killed many people on the spot.

Many Dark Alliance monks were being interrogated by the Taiyi Sect and died or were crippled because the interrogators were too harsh.

In a word, due to various reasons, there are indeed not many monks from the Dark Alliance in the Taiyi Sect’s territory who can survive to this day and have been released by the Taiyi Sect.

Double Thorn Taoist is dissatisfied with this, and the senior officials of Taiyi Sect who have come forward to handle the matter understand and are willing to make some explanations.

But if Shuang Ci Daoist is unreasonable, harbors hostility toward Taiyi Sect, and wants to make a mountain out of a molehill and use it as an excuse, then it won’t work.

Double Thorn Taoist originally wanted to argue with Meng Zhang face to face, but Meng Zhang was too lazy to continue talking to him.

Meng Zhang did not meet with him, but asked other monks from the Taiyi Sect to come forward and slowly argue with him.

Meng Zhang finally understood that the Dark Alliance had suffered such a big loss this time, but its senior officials still looked aloof and refused to face the Taiyi Sect.

With the current attitude of the top leaders of the Dark Alliance, even if the Taiyi Sect intends to ease relations with it, it will be of no use.

In this case, Meng Zhang will not put his hot face on his cold butt, and will no longer have high expectations for the Dark Alliance.

Anyway, given the current situation in Junchen Realm, it is impossible for the Dark Alliance to attack Taiyi Gate in a large scale.

Meng Zhang’s attitude is to let nature take its course and wait for the situation to change.

As for the various negotiations and wrangling with the Dark Alliance, there is naturally someone in the Taiyi Sect who is responsible for it, and there is no need for Meng Zhang to come forward.

Double Thorn Taoist could not even see Meng Zhang’s face, so he was naturally even more angry, thinking that Meng Zhang was too arrogant.

Of course, no matter how angry he was, he never lost his mind and knew not to use violence in Taiyimen.

With the task of being a high-ranking member of the Dark Alliance and the persuasion of Taoist Youhuan, Taoist Shuangthorn had to patiently negotiate with the monks from the Taiyi Sect.

In any case, bringing back the Dark Alliance monks released by Taiyi Sect first can explain to the Dark Alliance senior officials that his trip was not completely fruitless.

Meng Zhang stopped paying attention to these things and returned his attention to his own cultivation.

For a long time after that, Meng Zhang was not disturbed and was able to practice wholeheartedly.

In the area north of the Death Sand Sea, the pursuit and siege of monsters is slowly coming to an end.

Although there are still a few monsters that have not been captured and may have escaped into nearby areas. However, under the strict defense of Taiyi Sect, it was impossible to make any big waves.

The pursuit of these few monsters will be a long-term task.

The army of monks organized by Taiyi Sect has returned to the sect and has begun to disperse.

Niu Dawei and other Yang Shen Zhenjun also returned to the sect one after another.

Follow-up tasks such as hunting down monsters were handed over to some primordial gods to take charge.

On these matters, there is no need for too many monks, and there is no need to continue to waste manpower.

The operation to destroy the Demon Nest was not perfect, but at least it successfully completed the mission.

The Taiyi Sect has its own strict rules and regulations regarding the aftermath of the war, including pensions for monks who participated in the war and rewards based on merit.

Not long after Niu Dawei, Yang Xueyi and other Yangshen True Lords returned to the sect, they put down their chores and began to retreat one after another.

As the middle and senior leaders of the sect, they all know that the sect currently lacks the combat power of the Void Return level.

Although Meng Zhang did not urge them, they all still hoped to break through to the Void Return Stage as soon as possible to reduce the pressure on the sect.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty years have passed since Meng Zhang killed Lord Tang Lun and returned to Taiyi Sect.

In the past twenty years, the relationship between the Taiyi Sect and the Dark Alliance has not made much progress, and they still look like they can’t stand each other.

The detained Dark Alliance monks have been released.

As for the treasure Qingling Screen, no matter how the messengers sent by the Dark Alliance threatened or begged for it, the foreign affairs elders in charge of the reception at the Taiyi Sect would not answer any questions, talk endlessly, and make various excuses. Kind of haha.

Calm has long since returned to the Taiyi Sect territory, and the entire Hanhai Dao Alliance has once again entered a period of rapid development. Find Shuyuan

As time goes by, Taiyi Sect has trained more monks, and more and more talents have emerged.

The current Taiyi Sect, together with the Hanhai Dao Alliance under its command, has no shortcomings in terms of low-level monks and mid-level monks, and has begun to slowly catch up with some weaker Holy Land sects.

Meng Zhang’s own cultivation has also made certain progress in this short period of time.

Meng Zhang is not only extremely talented, but also has a superb inheritance. Even in the cultivation period of returning to the void, there are no bottlenecks, and his cultivation level still maintains a rapid improvement rate.

The magic weapon Aurora Wusuo that was damaged in the last battle in the void was slowly repaired by him.

The Chiyin Sword Sha, which was originally sent to the underworld to be nursed, was sent back to him by Taimiao after the repair was completed.

At this time, Meng Zhang didn’t think much of these two magic weapons.

His cultivation level has improved so fast that the magic weapon he carries with him can no longer keep up with his pace.

Although the ancestors of the Taiyi Sect were also wealthy, that was only for ordinary cultivation forces.

Among the cultivation forces at the level of returning to the virtual world, the Taiyi Sect in its heyday was not even ranked.

The ancestors of Taiyi Sect have not passed down a few magic weapons, and the entire sect still does not have the ability to refine magic weapons.

Even the worst magic weapons are priceless and cannot be purchased on the market.

No cultivation force that owns a magic weapon will easily sell the magic weapon to outsiders, nor will it let the magic weapon leak out.

Although Meng Zhang didn’t have a very powerful magic weapon, he didn’t care much.

As his Heaven and Earth Dharma and Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagrams continue to improve, he becomes less and less dependent on external objects such as magic weapons.

Many times, in battle, he only needs to show the Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagram of heaven and earth, which is enough to suppress the enemy’s magic weapon. To be continued

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