Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2162: raid

In order to ensure that the fair duel between Meng Zhang and Tang Lun went smoothly, Lord Cold War always paid enough attention to the surroundings to prevent anyone from interfering with the battle.

When the long **** river first appeared, Lord Cold War was the first to discover it.

Although the distance is still far away, Lord Cold War can clearly feel its terrifying power.

That was a great demon at the level of a virtual immortal performing a secret magic technique, and the target should be all the monks present.

Although the cold war master is a well-known warrior among the direct monks of Tiangong, he usually fights bravely and takes the lead in almost every battle. However, when facing a demon at the level of a Void Immortal, he will not fight head-on. Many times, he will Just stay away.

Of course, even if a demon of the Void Immortal level were to attack, he would not be able to kill all the monks present.

There were many monks present, all of whom were high-level monks from the Junchen Realm, including many strong men from all walks of life.

Not to mention anything else, the monks in the late stage of returning to the void include Meng Zhang, Lord Tang Lun and Lord Cold War.

If the three of them can work together as one, they may not be able to withstand the Void Immortal level opponent.

After discovering the **** river, Cold War Master was about to alert all the monks present when a sudden attack suddenly came.

The sea of ​​fire appeared out of thin air and surrounded the surroundings. Tongues of fire suddenly rose around almost every human monk, trying to burn them.

A giant python with a length of more than a thousand feet fell from the sky, and its huge body swept towards many monks in the field.


Sir Cold War felt a chill in his body for no reason, and the vitality in his body was about to drain away.

A barbarian high priest wearing a high crown with strange feathers on his head was standing not far away staring at the Cold War Master, dancing and reciting strange incantations.

Unprepared, Lord Cold War was hit by the vicious curse of the barbarian high priest.

The curse of the barbarians is strange and vicious. Once it is struck, it is like gangrene attached to the bones, clinging to the target and difficult to completely get rid of.

Cold War Zun didn’t care about anything else and quickly cast a spell to get rid of the curse.

I don’t even know why so many powerful foreign invaders suddenly appeared here.

Meng Zhang and Tang Lun Shangzun, who were fighting, also did not escape the attack of the foreign invaders.

As the strongest monks present, they are the focus of the enemy’s attention.

An extremely handsome and tall male god, driving a carriage that seemed to be made of flames, rushed towards Meng Zhang and the others from a distance.

This **** wears a crown on his head, which emits thousands of rays of light, like a blazing sun.

This is a demigod, with at least the combat power of a virtual immortal.

Cold Master, who was exorcising the curse from his body, shouted loudly, “The enemy is too strong, let’s deal with it unanimously first.”

Cold War Master knew very well that Meng Zhang and Tang Lun Master were both important combat forces present.

We must cooperate closely with them and fight the enemy together, so that we can have a good result today.

Meng Zhang and Lord Tang Lun are not fools. Of course they know what is the biggest threat.

So many powerful foreign invaders appeared together, and they launched a surprise attack without any explanation, clearly intending to catch all the human monks present.

As human monks, the two of them had no other choice at this time.

They are one of the main targets of extraterritorial invaders. Regardless of their identity or position, they will not show any mercy to them.

“Deal with foreign enemies first, and we will settle our accounts later.”

Meng Zhang and Lord Tang Lun looked at each other and quickly reached a consensus.

The two controlled their magic weapons to turn and shoot towards the god.

They each retracted the colliding divine passage techniques and set the surrounding extraterrestrial invaders as new targets.

“Damn extraterritorial intruders.”

Shangzun Tang Lun couldn’t help but curse harshly.

Even with his cultivation and calmness, he was a little frustrated.

Shangzun Tang Lun chose to fight Meng Zhang in the void near Junchen Realm in order to avoid the prohibition of the Heavenly Palace.

The place where they are currently located is not far from Junchen Realm, and it has always been an area firmly controlled by Junchen Realm.

According to what Lord Tang Lun knew, in the confrontation with the Junchen Realm monks, although the foreign invaders were aggressive and seemed to have a great upper hand, their tentacles were far from extending to the nearby area.

However, Lord Tang Lun never expected that foreign invaders would suddenly infiltrate here without anyone noticing, and launch such a ferocious attack.

If it were in the past, Lord Tang Lun, as a high-level member of the Dark Alliance, would be very happy to see Tiangong and the major holy land sects encountering new troubles and being pushed to a disadvantage by outside invaders.

But now, he is also the target of extraterrestrial invaders, which is not wonderful.

“Why are the Heavenly Palace and the major holy land sects so useless, allowing the enemy to reach here?”

Most of the high-level monks of the Dark Alliance did not participate in the battle against the extraterrestrial invaders and have always stayed out of it.

Especially representatives of the radical faction of the Dark Alliance such as Lord Tang Lun, have always been hostile to Tiangong and the major holy land sects. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

He has great ambitions and tries to seize the dominance of Junchen Realm.

He is happy to see the Heavenly Palace and the major holy land sects fighting **** battles with the invaders from outside the territory. The more heavy the losses suffered by both sides, the better.

How could he not be angry now that he was being affected by Chi Yu and being passively involved in a battle that did not belong to him?

Moreover, he had to hold his nose and join forces with Meng Zhang, whom he hated, to fight against the enemy, which made him extremely angry.

On the surface, he still had to work hard to suppress his temper and try his best to cooperate with Meng Zhang.

Of course, although he and Meng Zhang are temporary comrades in arms, they will never trust each other, but will always be on guard against each other.

If the time is right, he will even stab Meng Zhang in the back.

Shangzun Tang Lun believed that Meng Zhang should have similar thoughts to his own.

The two of them now seem to be teaming up to fight against the enemy, but they are secretly hiding something. They are more on guard against each other than they are on outside invaders.

When the attack came, the Lin brothers tried to get close to Lord Tang Lun and join forces with him to fight against the enemy and take care of each other.

However, due to the sudden attack by the invaders from outside the territory, they had to move quickly to dodge in order to deal with the attack, and the distance from Lord Tang Lun became further and further away.

The human monks present are all high-level monks, and they have basically experienced wars with foreign invaders, and are no strangers to the enemy’s methods.

Many people have either just left the battlefield or just finished their rest, but they still maintain good vigilance in their hearts.

Especially in the void, even in the area controlled by Junchen Realm, they will not be careless at all.

When they encountered a sudden attack by many powerful foreign invaders, they may have been caught off guard at first, but they quickly reacted and made various responses in time. To be continued

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