Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2146: Formation

A big reason why monsters make cultivators wary of fear is that if there are enough monsters, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes.

A sufficient number of low-level monsters join forces in a special way to bring out the combat effectiveness of high-level monsters.

Facing True Lord Yang Shen, no matter how many monks come in the Qi Refining Stage and Foundation Building Stage, they will die in vain.

But if they are low-level monsters, as long as there are enough of them, they can at least resist True Lord Yang Shen for a while.

Moreover, cultivating monsters is much easier than cultivating cultivators. Especially low-level monsters, many of which are dyed from ordinary creatures.

In terms of quantity alone, the total number of monsters in this Demon Nest far exceeds the cultivators in the entire Hanhai Dao Alliance.

Soon, groups of monsters emerged from the Demon Nest.

These groups of monsters gathered together, swallowing the vitality of heaven and earth, and the demonic energy spewing out connected into a group, and the black magic energy enveloped a large area around them.

The first person to notice the situation here was Yang Xueyi.

She immediately flew over and without any delay, she began to use her magical powers to kill the monsters.

A stream of demon-suppressing golden light shot out, dispelling the strong demonic energy, and shot directly at the monsters behind, killing a large number of monsters directly.

As the monsters in front were destroyed, more and more monsters continued to pour out of the demon lair behind.

The speed at which Yang Xueyi killed the monsters could not keep up with the speed at which the monsters appeared.

Expelling evil spirits and killing monsters will continuously consume her true energy.

Furthermore, in addition to passive resistance, these monsters are not without the ability to fight back.

The more monsters gather, the stronger the demonic energy here becomes.

One after another demonic energy transformed into shape and poured overwhelmingly towards Yang Xueyi.

For Yang Xueyi, even if the level of these demonic energies is not high, there are too many demonic energies. Once they are contaminated, it will be very troublesome to get rid of them.

With the cover of demonic energy, many monsters joined forces to connect each other’s power and launched many offensive spells.

One after another, vicious spells hit Yang Xueyi from all directions.

Although these spells could not break through her defense at all, they consumed her power to a certain extent.

Seeing more and more monsters appearing in front of her, Yang Xueyi knew that she alone could not stop the monsters from pouring out.

Yang Xueyi does not know the bottom line of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Formation, nor does she know under what circumstances the Heavenly Power Thunder Punishment Formation will show its power.

The monsters in front of her were just causing some trouble and attracting her attention.

If you have been entangled with these monsters for a long time, the consumption is too great, and if there are high-level monsters hiding among the monsters and taking the opportunity to attack, that will be the real threat.

Yang Xueyi has rich experience in fighting monster armies, so you must be careful when fighting monsters.

She adopted a conservative approach and did not rush for quick results.

Yang Xueyi knew that Taiyimen had begun to mobilize the army of monks, and that the army would be here soon, so there was no need for her to take risks.

Yang Xueyi stopped killing monsters, turned around and flew far away, monitoring this place from a distance.

Soon, after Wen Qiansuan and Xukongzi killed some monsters in other directions, they also flew here to join Yang Xueyi.

Because of the command of someone, the monsters that emerged from the Demon Nest did not appear to be very chaotic. Instead, they seemed to be advancing and retreating in a controlled manner.

This group of monsters did not rush to disperse. Instead, they formed an array in front of the Demon Nest, divided into groups of different sizes, and formed various strange formations.

Nearly endless amounts of demonic energy spurted out from these formations, shooting straight into the sky, changing the color of the heaven and earth, and directly changing the celestial phenomena.

Seeing that the Heavenly Power Thunder Punishment Formation had not responded, a large number of soul-level monsters suddenly rushed out of the Demon Nest and joined each monster group.

With these soul-level monsters as the backbone, even if Yang Xueyi changes her plan and attacks, it will be difficult to defeat these monster groups in a short time.

When Yang Xueyi saw this scene, she felt a little hesitant. Was she too cautious and too indecisive just now, and missed the opportunity?

Immediately, she put this thought aside.

In fact, it is a good thing that so many monsters gather together and fight in formation.

When the Taiyimen monk army arrives here, they can be wiped out in one fell swoop.

If the monsters are allowed to scatter and flee in all directions, it will be difficult to completely eliminate them.

Seeing that these monsters have established a foothold outside, the Dark Alliance monks in the Demon Nest became even more courageous.

They released more and more monsters with higher levels.

There are too many of these monsters, and they naturally spread to the surrounding areas, occupying a larger area.

A group of monsters quickly and firmly spread around.

Looking down from a high altitude, there were masses of black spots on the ground.

At this time, Yang Xueyi and the three Yang Shen True Lords had to retreat temporarily to avoid direct conflict with the monster army in front of them.

Due to the disorder of the rules of heaven and earth, this area has an extremely harsh environment, making it difficult for ordinary cultivators to survive here. Find Shuyuan

However, monsters have extremely strong survivability, and it seems that no matter how harsh the environment is, they cannot hinder them.

The monsters in the Demon Nest are almost endless, constantly pouring out and expanding in all directions.

In fact, at this time, even the monks in charge of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Formation in Tiangong felt a little confused.

None of them expected that there were so many monsters hidden in the Demon Nest.

In order to reduce consumption, they had been a little lazy and would not attack as long as the monsters at the return level did not appear.

How good it is now, so many monsters appear here, connected into pieces, and the devilish energy is connected.

Even if the Heavenly Power Thunder Punishment Formation is activated, it is not easy to destroy them all.

The people who are currently in charge of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Formation are all monks directly from Tiangong. They know how tight the various supplies in Tiangong’s inventory are because of the blockade by foreign invaders.

They tried hard to save some supplies for Tiangong, but they didn’t expect that they would cause such a big trouble.

The Dark Alliance monks in the Demon Nest did not rush to let the monsters escape from here, but allowed the monsters to take root in this area and occupy more territory.

They know how terrifying the number of monsters in the Demon Nest is.

As long as the monster army is in a formation, it will not be destroyed so easily.

By the time the army of monks from the Taiyi Sect arrived in this area on a flying boat, the monsters had already occupied a large area and established defensive strongholds one after another.

During this process, Yang Xueyi and the three of them also tried to stop it and launched many attacks on the monster army.

The army of monsters, with soul-level monsters as the backbone, blocked their attack and did not collapse.

After their attack failed, they had to retreat temporarily and wait for a better fighter opportunity.

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