Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2137: Clue

When Meng Zhang had doubts, Taiyi Sect also gained something.

Seeing that the interrogation of ordinary cultivators from the Dark Alliance did not yield much results, the Taiyi Sect focused on interrogating the demonic cultivators.

The demonic cultivator’s tolerance for pain is much stronger than that of ordinary cultivators.

The demonic cultivator’s soul is so filthy that not only is it difficult to successfully search for its soul, but it may also contaminate the interrogator.

At that time, a demonic disaster broke out in Daheng Cultivation World, and it was almost entirely controlled by the Taiyi Sect to quell it.

The Taiyi Sect not only accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with demon cultivators and monsters, but the sect has also been organizing research on the demonic path in order to deepen its understanding of the demonic path and seek various targeted methods.

This time, because the leader Meng Zhang strictly ordered to track down all clues about the devil, the top leaders of Taiyi Sect made great efforts.

Many high-level monks risked being contaminated and forcibly searched the souls of captured demon cultivators.

In order to clean up the pollution afterwards, their own vitality was seriously damaged.

Their efforts were not in vain, and they finally achieved some results.

There is nothing to say about the remnants of the Great Li Dynasty. The focus of the interrogation is on the demon cultivators related to the Dark Alliance.

Among them, there are some demonic cultivators with higher cultivation levels, whose souls have obviously been manipulated, and many key memories have been erased.

The soul of a monk is the most mysterious and unpredictable existence.

Even after careful cleaning, it is inevitable that there will be occasional gaps.

The high-level monks of Taiyi Sect who were responsible for soul searching found memories that had not been cleared among the souls of several demon cultivators, and thus discovered some clues.

Deep in the memories of these demon cultivators, there is a sky full of yellow sand and endless desolation…

These clues all point to the Death Sand Sea and its north.

During the investigation process, the Taiyi Sect monks kept in touch with Meng Zhang at any time through the secret method of long-distance communication.

Meng Zhang thought for a moment and ordered the three Yang Shen True Monarchs Yang Xueyi, Xu Kongzi and Wen Qiansuan to go to the north of the Death Sand Sea to investigate.

The three Sun God Lords set off immediately, quickly crossing the Death Sand Sea and entering further north.

North of the Death Sand Sea, because it is close to the northern edge of Junchen Realm, the rules of the world here are not stable, and chaos often occurs.

The space is inverted, up and down, left and right, flames burn in the water, waterfalls flow backwards…

All kinds of strange and abnormal phenomena are common here.

Almost no living thing can grow and reproduce here. This is a forbidden area for life.

Cultivators who are not strong enough dare not enter here easily.

Yang Xueyi and the other three Yang Shen True Lords can enter and leave here freely, but their actions are still subject to great restrictions.

There is too much interference here, and the spiritual thoughts they emit are not only difficult to detect on a large scale, but are often blocked to a certain extent.

Due to the chaos of space here, they dare not use space teleportation easily.

The instability of the rules of heaven and earth leads to the uncertainty of the five elements.

Many times, they have difficulty performing various escape techniques. In some extreme places, even flying is very difficult for them.

In such a harsh environment, it is naturally difficult for them to find clues about the devil’s ways, and they cannot get up quickly at all.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang sent True Lord Yang Shen. If he had been replaced by a monk with a weaker cultivation level, it would really be difficult to conduct a careful investigation here.

Although Yang Xueyi and the others tried their best to conduct the investigation, due to limited conditions, it was difficult for them to achieve results in a short period of time.

While Taiyi Sect is fully investigating this matter, Tiangong is also secretly making efforts.

For some reason, Tiangong ignored the existence of the Dark Alliance and seemed to let them go.

But in fact, Tiangong also has an insurmountable bottom line.

Because the evil way is extremely harmful, Tiangong has always been very wary of the evil way.

Tiangong will never allow demonic cultivators at the level of returning to the void to appear in Junchen Realm.

Demon cultivators at the level of returning to virtual reality are called great demons and are the enemies of all Taoist cultivators.

When Taiyi Sect discovered the traces of the devil this time and began to clean them up with all their strength, although Tiangong received the news, they did not pay much attention.

Demon cultivators seem to be killing people endlessly.

Almost every once in a while, a demonic cultivator creates chaos in the Junchen world, and even causes a demonic disaster.

As long as the matter is not too serious, Tiangong will not directly interfere, but the cultivation forces in various places will handle it themselves.

Taiyi Sect has a master like Meng Zhang who is in the late stage of returning to the void. As long as he does not go against those sects and families in the Holy Land, he can almost walk sideways in Junchen Realm.

Even if this magic cultivator incident is related to the Dark Alliance, Taiyi Sect should be able to handle it easily.

The progress of the matter is exactly as expected by the Tiangong side. The Taiyi Sect’s operation to clean up the demonic path has been going very smoothly.

It wasn’t until Yang Xueyi and Xu Kongzi were chasing Lord Fire Bird that something unexpected happened.

In order to stop the pursuers, Lord Fire Bird released a monster with the strength to return to the void level.

The Tiangong side has been monitoring the movements of the entire Junchen world through the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Formation, focusing on monitoring the power fluctuations at the level of returning to virtual reality.

The appearance of monsters at the level of returning to the void immediately touched the sensitive nerves of Tiangong.

Thanks to Meng Zhang’s timely arrival, he refined the monster before Tiangong could react.

The Dark Alliance was playing such a big game, even bringing out monsters at the level of returning to the void, so the senior officials of Tiangong were naturally very angry.

Although the Dark Alliance kept itself clean and left no solid evidence.

But Tiangong did not need any evidence and directly determined that the matter was the work of the Dark Alliance.

This monster has the level of strength to return to the void, but it does not have the corresponding wisdom, and it lacks many of the means that a powerful return to the void should have.

Strictly speaking, this monster is not a big devil, and there is still a big gap between it and the big devil.

I don’t know if the Dark Alliance only has this kind of training ability, or they are worried about Tiangong, so they are playing by the side.

Although the senior officials of Tiangong were furious, they went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com For a while, it was difficult to punish the Dark Alliance.

In the void battlefield outside Junchen Realm, the battle situation is very tight, and Junchen Realm is facing great pressure.

The top leaders of the Dark Alliance are not kind people, and the early agreements cannot completely bind them.

If Tiangong pressed too hard, it would force the Dark Alliance to rebel, triggering a large-scale war. That is also unacceptable to the senior officials of Tiangong.

As long as the Dark Alliance does not take the final step and openly rebel, the current situation in Junchen Realm will make Tiangong and the major holy land sects continue to ignore them.

Tiangong’s top management is also in a dilemma now. They must restrict and defeat the Dark Alliance without going too far.

The Taiyi Sect came forward to entangle with the Dark Alliance, and the senior officials of Tiangong actually welcomed it.

On the surface, Tiangong seems to be continuing its original policy and continuing to ignore the Dark Alliance. But secretly, Tiangong is willing to provide some help to Taiyi Sect.

In addition to sending envoys to warn the top leaders of the Dark Alliance, Tiangong also acquiesced in some powerful actions of returning to the void.

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