Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2134: Candid

Taoist Youhuan doesn’t know what’s going on outside, and it seems he hasn’t figured it out yet.

She didn’t seem to know that because she unintentionally held Meng Zhang back, True Lord Fire Bird had a chance to escape.

She thought it was her previous words and the attitude of the senior leaders of the Dark Alliance that she reported, which angered Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang took action to take her down.

Taoist Youhuan really has no intention of becoming an enemy of Meng Zhang.

She, who never spoke much, tried her best to persuade Meng Zhang.

There is no irresolvable grudge between the Dark Alliance and Taiyi Sect.

There is no need for the two sides to remain hostile. Any differences can be discussed slowly and resolved through negotiations.

The attitude of the Dark Alliance is a bit worse, but it is probably just a gesture, and Meng Zhang should be able to understand it.

The conditions of the Dark Alliance may seem harsh, but they still leave room for bargaining for the Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang’s spiritual incarnation is connected with his own mind, keeping information synchronized.

Although this incarnation of spiritual thoughts does not have the strength and magical powers of the original deity, it still has some ability to recognize people.

Based on Meng Zhang’s experience, Taoist Youhuan’s words do not seem to be fake, and her attitude is also very sincere.

Could it be that Taoist Youhuan really knew nothing about all this, and she herself was kept in the dark?

She is also the Dark Alliance’s void-returning power after all. Is she really that confused?

Meng Zhang immediately thought of the fierce struggles within the Dark Alliance, and the strife and fierce battles between the major factions.

Perhaps Taoist Youhuan was also deceived by people in the dark alliance and became a scapegoat. Maybe he was also a victim of factional struggle.

Meng Zhang didn’t want to see his old friend Taoist Youhuan really become an enemy, and he didn’t want to think too badly of her, so he subconsciously excused her in his heart.

The incarnation of Divine Mind pondered for a moment, interrupted Taoist Youhuan’s persuasion, and told her everything that had happened before, without hiding anything.

Taoist Youhuan was stunned after listening to Meng Zhang’s account.

Taoist Youhuan never imagined that he would encounter such a big event because he was just ordered to visit Taiyi Sect to convey the attitude of the top leaders of the Dark Alliance.

The Dark Alliance branch actually dared to make such a big deal out of Baotian and colluded so deeply with the devil, which aroused a strong reaction from the Taiyi Sect.

Especially when I heard that Lord Tang Lun and the Lin brothers were now confronting Meng Zhang, the shock on Taoist Youhuan’s face could no longer be concealed.

After Meng Zhang, the incarnation of Divine Mind, finished speaking, Taoist Youhuan ignored the internal rules of the Dark Alliance and told the story of his visit to Taiyi Sect in detail.

Magic traces were discovered in the Taiyi Sect territory, and during the process of cleaning up the demonic forces, it was discovered that the Dark Alliance branch in the territory was related to this matter.

The senior leaders of Taiyi Sect attacked the Dark Alliance branch, killed and captured many Dark Alliance monks, and destroyed many Dark Alliance strongholds.

After this news reached the Dark Alliance headquarters, it caused a great shock.

Although the Dark Alliance has always been hidden in the darkness and seems to be invisible to the light, any cultivator who has some knowledge knows about its existence, its difficulties, and its huge power.

There is no cultivation force in Junchen Realm that is willing to offend the Dark Alliance for no reason and have trouble with the Dark Alliance.

Even the major sects in the Holy Land can only ignore its existence, out of sight and out of mind.

For thousands of years, the Dark Alliance has developed smoothly in the Junchen Realm, and has rarely encountered anything similar to this time.

According to the information received by the Dark Alliance headquarters, the branches of the Dark Alliance in Taiyi Sect have no direct relationship with the magic cultivators. However, in the black market of its peripheral organizations, demon cultivators appear and trade from time to time.

The Taiyi Sect took advantage of the situation and seized on trivial matters to kill the Dark Alliance, which angered many senior leaders of the Dark Alliance.

For the Dark Alliance, its majesty cannot be challenged.

The Dark Alliance respects all areas of Junchen Realm, including the overlords of the cultivation world including Taiyi Sect. It is not because they are afraid of them, but because they are mutually beneficial and have to coexist with the restrictions limited to the major sects.

The Dark Alliance itself is a powerful force that can rival the major Holy Land sects.

If the Dark Alliance headquarters allows the Taiyi Sect to be so unbridled, then where is the majesty?

If other cultivation forces follow suit in the future, how will the various branches of the Dark Alliance develop?

After a brief discussion, the senior leaders of the Dark Alliance decided to take a high-pressure stance against the Taiyi Sect and warned the Taiyi Sect heavily.

Although there are some people in the Dark Alliance headquarters who object to such a hasty decision.

But their voices are too weak to affect the overall situation.

Taoist Youhuan has had a relationship with Meng Zhang. He is familiar with Meng Zhang’s character and knows that he is not the kind of person who makes trouble out of nothing. There should be another reason for this incident.

Unfortunately, Taoist Youhuan has little experience among the many powerful Void Returners in the Dark Alliance, and his cultivation level cannot convince others, so he naturally does not have much say.

After all, the Dark Alliance is a veteran cultivator force in the Junchen world. It is still very organized and adopts the method of courtesy first and then fighting.

Because Taoist Youhuan is familiar with Meng Zhang, the senior leaders of the Dark Alliance sent her to Taiyi Sect to visit the leader Meng Zhang and convey the message of the Dark Alliance headquarters.

As a member of the Dark Alliance, Taoist Youhuan naturally cannot disobey the unanimous opinions of the higher-ups.

From the heart of Taoist Youhuan, she does not want to see Meng Zhang, an old friend, become an enemy of the Dark Alliance, and the Taiyi Sect and the Dark Alliance will fight.

After Taoist Youhuan arrived at Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang was indeed very angry at the attitude of the top leaders of the Dark Alliance.

Taoist Youhuan’s idea of ​​easing the relationship naturally came to nothing.

As long as the Dark Alliance headquarters still looks aloof and maintains its domineering and bullying attitude toward Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang will not communicate with it, let alone compromise. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

As for the arrival of Taoist Youhuan, it delayed Meng Zhang’s time and held back his hands and feet, preventing him from capturing True Lord Fire Bird in person. Taoist Youhuan could only say that it happened by coincidence.

Taoist Youhuan made it very clear that she could not know Meng Zhang’s movements and could not prepare in advance.

Afterwards, Meng Zhang captured her in anger. She was unconscious, so she didn’t know what happened next.

After saying this, Taoist Youhuan was silent for a while, and then reminded Meng Zhang to be careful of Shang Zun Tang Lun and the Lin brothers.

Taoist Youhuan told Meng Zhang some of the details of these three people.

Shangzun Tang Lun has a very high status in the Dark Alliance and is a big figure who can decide the movements of the Dark Alliance.

This time the Dark Alliance adopted a hostile attitude towards Taiyi Sect because he was fanning the flames and causing trouble behind the scenes.

Taoist Youhuan once heard rumors that even though Shang Zun Tang Lun looked like a Taoist and a Taoist master, secretly, he seemed to have something to do with the devil.

There have always been some factions within the Dark Alliance, and it is not clear whether they are related to the devil.

Many members of the Dark Alliance even directly fell into the devil’s path and became demon cultivators.

The senior leaders of the Dark Alliance turned a blind eye to this and kept it secret.

With Taoist Youhuan’s identity and status at this time, he is not qualified to understand some of the secrets of the Dark Alliance.

As for the Lin brothers, they are even more cruel characters.

The two of them have always followed Tang Lun’s lead, and they are Tang Lun’s capable generals.

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