Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2115: betray

On the other side of the East China Sea, although the coalition forces of the major Holy Land sects are still confronting the Hai Clan army, various large-scale battles have stopped long ago.

Messengers jointly sent by the major Holy Land sects directly approached the senior leaders of the True Dragon Clan and demanded negotiations.

During the negotiations, the two parties reached many agreements.

King Ganglong did not reveal much about the content of the negotiations, only the parts related to Meng Zhang and the situation in the South China Sea.

According to the agreement reached by both parties, the Hai Clan army will stop attacking the South China Sea.

In return, the human monks in the South China Sea must give up a large area of ​​territory in the South China Sea as the habitat of the Sea People.

King Ganglong confidently told Meng Zhang that the South China Sea was originally the territory of the Hai Clan.

It’s just that back then, human cultivators bullied the weak and launched an aggressive war against the Hai Clan under the leadership of the Hai Ling Sect, and finally defeated the Hai Clan using despicable means.

The Sea Tribe, who suffered heavy losses, had to give up their territory in the South China Sea and retreated to the depths of the ocean to avoid being pursued by human cultivators.

Now the Sea Clan has returned to its hometown and regained its original territory, returning everything to its original owner.

Moreover, everyone in the Sea Clan is magnanimous and does not push people too far, let alone push the South China Sea Clan into a desperate situation.

The senior leaders of the Sea Clan knew that the Human Race had been thriving in the South China Sea for many years, so they did not force the Human Race to withdraw from all the South China Sea territories, but only asked the Human Race to give up part of the South China Sea territory.

While King Ganglong was explaining to Meng Zhang, he drew a map of the South China Sea in front of him.

King Gang Long made a series of gestures on this map, marking out the territories that the major holy land sects were planning to cede to the Hai Clan.

As shown on this map, the human cultivators in the South China Sea will lose nearly half of their territory, including vast sea areas and a large number of islands.

Not only will the Hai Ling Sect lose a large amount of territory directly under their jurisdiction, many cultivation forces in the South China Sea Alliance will not even be able to protect their mountain gates.

Not to mention the human monks from Nanhai, even Meng Zhang, an outsider, found it unacceptable.

The major Holy Land sects are really despicable. They are so generous to others and use the South China Sea territory that does not belong to them to bribe the True Dragon Clan in exchange for the other party’s withdrawal.

Meng Zhang did not doubt the authenticity of what King Gang Long said.

First of all, these situations are easy to verify, and King Ganglong can easily be exposed if he lies.

Secondly, based on the behavior of the major Holy Land sects, this kind of thing is completely possible.

As for whether the major Holy Land sects have made concessions or made sacrifices elsewhere, King Ganglong did not say much.

In any case, the major Holy Land sects diverted troubles eastward this time and betrayed the South China Sea. The biggest victim was the South China Sea cultivation forces headed by the Hai Ling Sect.

King Ganglong took the initiative to reveal the news to Meng Zhang this time, certainly not out of good intentions.

The intention to sow discord is already very obvious.

To be honest, if Meng Zhang hadn’t been well-informed and well aware of the nature of the True Dragon Clan, he might have thought of joining the True Dragon Clan after knowing that he had been betrayed by the major Holy Land sects.

The True Dragon Clan’s behavior was seriously inconsistent with his three views, and it was really difficult for the two sides to get together.

Meng Zhang still had one doubt in his mind.

The major holy land sects negotiated with the True Dragon Clan and betrayed the interests of the cultivators in the South China Sea. Did Tiangong know about it?

If Tiangong knows about it, what is their attitude towards it?

Both King Ganglong’s words and his words aroused Meng Zhang’s dissatisfaction with the major sects in the Holy Land.

Without the instigation of King Ganglong, Meng Zhangdu regards all the sects in the Holy Land as life and death enemies of Taiyi Sect.

Since King Ganglong wants to win over him, Meng Zhang might as well make some compromises with him.

Not to mention getting any benefits from the True Dragon Clan, at least there is no need to be directly enemies of the True Dragon Clan.

Didn’t you see that all the major Holy Land sects had to make concessions and compromises when facing the True Dragon Clan?

The Taiyi Sect is not the ruler of the Junchen Realm, and it has not faced direct threats from the True Dragon Clan, so why should it be in the front?

Now that he was meeting with King Ganglong in private, there was no one else around, so Meng Zhang stopped pretending and acted like he was determined to fight the real dragon clan to the end.

He softened his tone, lowered his posture, and chatted with King Ganglong.

Seeing Meng Zhang being so knowledgeable, King Ganglong showed a hint of amusement on his face.

Seeing this, Meng Zhang’s spiritual incarnation changed his tone and involved the sects of the major holy lands.

Meng Zhang told King Ganglong that the major holy land sects seemed to be righteous leaders, but in fact they were secretly messy and behaved like demonic sects.

Although they have lowered their stance when negotiating with the True Dragon Clan, in fact this is definitely a delaying measure.

When they calm down, they will definitely tear up all agreements and fight back against the True Dragon Clan.

Meng Zhang’s clumsy attempt to sow discord only made King Ganglong laugh.

The True Dragon Clan has never relaxed its vigilance against the major sects in the Holy Land.

Sooner or later, a life and death battle will begin between the two.

The major holy land sects are using delaying tactics, and the True Dragon Clan also needs time to prepare for the war.

Now that the time for a decisive battle has not yet come, the True Dragon Clan will stop as soon as they see fit and take some advantage.

Meng Zhang’s ability to sow dissension was a bit lacking, but that kind of hostility towards the sects of the major Holy Lands was exactly what King Ganglong needed.

Taiyi Sect is already a very influential sect in the Junchen world, and Meng Zhang is the Supreme Master in the late stage of returning to the void.

If Meng Zhang directs Taiyi Sect to start a war with the major Holy Land sects, he will definitely bring him a lot of trouble.

In order to increase Meng Zhang’s confidence, he went to Shuyuan to strengthen his determination to fight against the major holy land sects. King Ganglong made a lot of empty promises, and only had to pat his chest and guarantee that True Dragon The clan will unswervingly support Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang has experienced many such scenes of intrigue and intrigue.

He followed King Ganglong’s wishes and expressed his goodwill to him.

The Taiyi Sect is willing to make good friends with the True Dragon Clan, and there are many areas where the two parties can cooperate.

The major holy land sects are so domineering and wantonly sacrifice the interests of other cultivation forces. As their opponent, the Taiyi Sect is in urgent need of external help.

Meng Zhang was willing to bow his head to the True Dragon Clan as a sign of goodwill, which King Gang Long had expected.

King Gang Long did not expect that just one meeting would completely tie Meng Zhang into the chariot of the True Dragon Clan.

King Ganglong has already learned a lesson about the cunningness of human cultivators.

If you want Taiyi Sect to defect to the True Dragon Clan and cause chaos among the human cultivators, it will not happen overnight.

For the long-lived Dragon King Gang, he does not lack this patience.

In this meeting, both he and Meng Zhang expressed their respective attitudes, reached some verbal agreements, and agreed on the future contact information between the two parties.

Both King Ganglong and Meng Zhang were very satisfied with this meeting and felt that they had gained a lot.

The two chatted for a long time before breaking up and leaving.

The incarnation of Meng Zhang’s spiritual thought successfully returned to his body.


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