Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2113: Imagination

So far, Meng Zhang has not found any major Holy Land sects preparing to take any tough measures against Taimiao.

They probably also know that they have no good way to deal with Taimiao for the time being. They can only use various channels to constantly show their goodwill to Taimiao and fully express their goodwill.

Of course, since they don’t know Tai Miao’s true identity, no matter how they try to win over and bribe Tai Miao, it’s all in vain.

The practices of the major holy land sects did not make Meng Zhang relax his vigilance.

He has been hostile to the major holy land sects for many years and is well aware of their sinister nature.

For Tai Miao, since even the sects of the major Holy Lands were helpless against him, he acted even more unscrupulously in the underworld.

Seeing that Tai Miao’s move to unify the underworld is getting smoother and smoother, it is estimated that it will not be long before this great cause can be completely completed.

As Taimiao eliminated more and more forces and conquered more and more vast lands, he could clearly feel that his cultivation was gradually improving, as was his control over the power of life, death and reincarnation. stronger.

Even, his ghost body is slowly evolving, getting closer and closer to the natural ghost body.

Even, Tai Miao slowly understood the essence of the Dominion Avenue and had a certain understanding of the Emperor’s Avenue.

After the well-informed Meng Zhang noticed this situation, he vaguely sensed that if Tai Miao directly proclaimed himself king and emperor after unifying the underworld, he would definitely be able to master the power of the emperor’s avenue.

In the Yangshi world of Junchen Realm, due to the restrictions of the major holy land sects, there was no unified dynasty.

A power as large as the Dali Dynasty can be said to be unique.

Even so, the emperors of the Dali Dynasty generally had considerable attainments in the avenue of governing.

Meng Zhang has traveled in the void and knows news about many other big worlds.

In some large worlds, forces such as the Immortal Dynasty and the Divine Dynasty have appeared.

The Immortal Emperor or God Emperor controls hundreds of millions of living beings, condenses the power of luck, and possesses all kinds of incredible magical powers.

Meng Zhang’s practice route has basically been fixed, and it is impossible to follow this path again.

It would be wonderful if after unifying the underworld, one could completely establish the kingdom of the underworld and become the King of the Underworld or even the Emperor of the Underworld, gathering the power of destiny of countless ghosts, gods and ghosts in the underworld.

Of course, Tai Miao has not completely unified the underworld yet, so there is no need to be so anxious to determine the name.

Moreover, if Taimiao really wants to do this, the major Holy Land sects will definitely stop it at all costs.

This matter is of great importance and requires long-term consideration and cannot be acted upon rashly.

Probably because Nataimiao is helpless, but unwilling to do so. In recent times, Ziyang Shengzong has caused a lot of trouble for Taiyi Sect.

Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Shengzong originally had many bordering territories.

After the two sides carved up the sphere of influence of the Dali Dynasty, the territories controlled by the two sides were even more intertwined, and there were many disputes.

Originally, due to the limitations of the situation in Junchen Realm and Taiyi Sect’s deliberate concession, the two sides were able to maintain peace in the border area.

But recently, the monks of the Purple Sun Sect have deliberately stirred up trouble at the border, causing a lot of disputes.

Meng Zhang is not in the sect, and the acting head Niu Dawei, who is in charge of the affairs of the sect, is not weak in his behavior.

Under his order, the Taiyi Sect monks stationed at the front were not allowed to take the initiative to cause trouble or invade the territory of the Purple Sun Sect. They were only allowed to stick to their own territory.

If the monks of the Ziyang Holy Sect dare to actively invade, they will immediately carry out a resolute counterattack to repel and expel them.

In a word, if the enemy does not attack me, I will not attack others; if the enemy attacks me, I will definitely attack others.

In order to strengthen the defense force in the front, Niu Dawei also sent many more monks to the front.

Suddenly, the situation at the junction of Ziyang Shengzong and Taiyimen became tense.

Disputes and fights continued between the two sides, and small-scale battles broke out from time to time.

Fortunately, so far, the scale of the battle is not large and the level is not high. It is mainly the participation of some low-level monks, and the situation is still under control.

The tension between the two parties caused a lot of trouble.

Some trade routes in Taiyimen were affected and a lot of profits were lost.

The most troublesome thing is that Taiyi Sect organized an army of monks to form a flying boat team. They were originally preparing to set off for the South China Sea, but were stopped midway.

Taiyimen is located in the northernmost part of Junchen Realm. To go to the South China Sea, you have to go through the territory directly under the Purple Sun Sect, or through the territory of the vassal forces of the Purple Sun Sect.

No matter how many detours you take, you will inevitably pass through the territory of some cultivation forces.

In the past, as long as they avoided the territory directly under the Purple Sun Sect, other cultivation forces would usually turn a blind eye to the Taiyi Sect monks passing through their territory.

But this time, the large scale of the flying boat team sent by the Taiyi Sect made these cultivation forces wary, worried that the Taiyi Sect would attack Guo with false ideas.

Secondly, it was due to the pressure from the Purple Sun Sect.

In short, these cultivation forces have sent teams of cultivators to stand ready to prevent the Taiyi Sect flying boat team from passing through their territories.

With the current strength of Ether Yi Sect, except for the Holy Land Sect, most of the cultivation forces in Junchen Realm are no match for it.

The Taiyi Sect is very prestigious in the Junchen world. Even if its behavior is not overbearing, it is not something that ordinary cultivation forces would dare to provoke.

These cultivation forces dared to oppose Taiyi Sect, obviously relying on the support of Ziyang Shengzong behind them.

Niu Dawei is unwilling to intensify the conflict with Ziyang Shengzong, let alone make too many enemies.

Since the army of monks sent by Taiyi Sect could not move forward, they had to return to Taiyi Sect territory.

After some discussions with the top leaders of Taiyi Sect, the sect decided to let the monk army divert to the West Sea. After regrouping in the West Sea, they embarked on the road to the South China Sea.

Theoretically, the West China Sea and the South China Sea are connected. It is feasible to reach the South China Sea from the West Sea by sea.

In fact, the sea voyage is not only a long way, but also carries many risks.

These risks are fatal even for an army of monks.

The Taiyimen monk army did not act rashly, but made a lot of preparations.

Fortunately, the situation on the South China Sea side is not too bad, and there is no urgent need for support from the Taiyi Sect monk army.

In the early stage, the elite monks sent by Taiyi Sect provided support to Hailing Sect and have provided great help.

Taiyi Sect needs to send high-level monks to explore the road first before the army of monks who are well prepared can set off.

There was a deep hatred between Ziyang Shengzong and Taiyi Sect.

This new hatred coupled with old hatred has made the relationship between the two parties more tense, but there is no risk of a full-scale war for the time being.

Meng Zhang is far away in the South China Sea, but he can grasp all the situations in the underworld and the gate in time.

Whether it was Taimiao or Niu Dawei, Meng Zhang did not interfere much and let them go ahead.

Meng Zhang was caught in a battle with the powerful dragon clan, and was temporarily trapped, unable to get out.


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