Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2080: Start

Last time, the armies organized by the major holy land sects almost retreated and collapsed without a fight under Yindu City.

In order to reorganize a large army and attack the Yin capital city again, the major sects of the Holy Land also used all their means to coerce, induce, and suppress all forces in the underworld…

This time, the major Holy Land sects almost used all their strength in the underworld, used all their chess pieces, and exhausted their years of accumulation in the underworld. It was almost a desperate move.

Of course, this seemingly menacing army is only on the surface. Its main purpose is to distract the attention of Yindu City and cover the real killing moves of the major holy land sects.

The real killer moves of the major Holy Land sects are the combat effectiveness of six Void Returners.

Yes, under the pressure of the major holy land sects, the Snow Mountain Sect and the Kou family had to give in in the end, even if they were extremely reluctant.

The Kou family sent three Yangshen True Lords and were forced to bring the elixirs provided by Jiuxuan Pavilion.

The Snow Mountain Sect sent three powerful masters of returning to the void, and accepted the secret method of concealing the truth from the sky and crossing the sea, which was used by the master of Guantian Pavilion.

These six prepared strong men secretly entered the underworld, and as expected, they did not cause backlash and rejection by the rules of the underworld.

Of course, in order to completely control the war situation, the major holy land sects sent many Yangshen True Monarchs, allowing them to come to the underworld with rare treasures in hand and go to the front line to give command.

Taimiao’s activities near the Devil May Cry Mountains are not completely indifferent to foreign affairs.

The armies of ghosts organized by the major holy land sects were approaching Yindu City and had long since fallen into his eyes.

Although Tai Miao did not witness the last war with his own eyes, he learned about the failures of the major Holy Land sects from various channels.

He secretly observed this army of ghosts and estimated its strength.

The Void Returning Power of the extraterrestrial ghost clan is stationed in Yindu City. Even if Tai Miao takes action himself, he may not be sure of victory.

The army of ghosts in front of me is of limited strength, but it can be dispersed with just a few strokes of the hand.

To rely on these guys alone to attack Yindu City is simply overestimating their capabilities.

Although he despised the opponent’s strength, Taimiao still followed the usual practice and informed Meng Zhang of the latest information.

Meng Zhang has been paying attention to the progress of the major holy land sects in attacking the ghost domain of the upper capital.

By dispatching a large number of low-level monks and launching fierce attacks at all costs, the major holy land sects have greatly weakened the ghost domain of Shangjing City and begun to reduce its coverage.

Of course, with the current progress, it will take a long time to break into the core of the Shangjing City Ghost Domain.

Unless the major holy land sects sacrifice a large number of their void-returning powers and forcibly attack the core of the ghost domain in the upper capital.

The major holy land sects started from the underworld and tried to destroy the underworld city first. This should be a clever move.

Meng Zhang had long known through Taimiao that the Yin Capital City was the foundation of the ghost domain of Shangjing City in the underworld, continuously projecting the power of the underworld into the Yang world.

Once the Yin Capital City is destroyed, and the foundation of the Shangjing City Ghost Domain is destroyed, leaving no successors, it will not be able to hold on for long.

But it is also very difficult to break through the Yindu City where the alien ghosts are stationed.

Meng Zhang did not know the internal situation of the major holy land sects, nor did he know that the Snow Mountain Sect and the Kou family were being intimidated.

He simply felt that with the behavior of the major Holy Land sects, it was impossible for them to go into such a big fight knowing that their efforts were in vain.

Any monk with any brain is unlikely to continue to fall in the same place.

Meng Zhang guessed in his mind that the various sects in the Holy Land might have some hidden methods.

Meng Zhang really wants to see what trump card they have.

Every day the ghost domain in Shangjing City exists, it can contain the sects of the major holy lands for one day.

Of course Meng Zhang does not want to see Yindu City destroyed by the major holy land sects.

The last time Taimiao went to Yindu City to investigate, he was merciful and tried not to cause damage to Yindu City.

Meng Zhang sent an order to Tai Miao, asking him to approach Yindu City and observe in secret.

If Yin Ducheng really can’t hold on any longer, Tai Miao can secretly help without revealing his identity.

Not to mention completely defeating the forces sent by the major holy land sects, at least they cannot be allowed to win easily.

Taimiao was entangled with the evil spirits near the Devil May Cry Mountains. Although he did not want to leave, he could not disobey the order from his deity.

Taimiaoxin reluctantly gave up the treasure hunt, left the Devil May Cry Mountains, and secretly lurked near Yindu City, ready to watch the battle.

Led by a group of acquired ghosts and gods, an army of ghosts arrived near Yindu City and began to form formations in the city, preparing for an attack.

Taimiao looked at this seemingly powerful army of ghosts with disdain, not feeling that they could pose the slightest threat to Yindu City.

The great powers of returning to the void in the Dali Dynasty are all living people and cannot enter the underworld.

These void-returning powers helped defend the ghost realm of Shangjing in the Yangshi.

The most powerful ghost in the underworld of the Dali Dynasty was Emperor Wenjin of the Yangshen period, who had long been devoured and refined by Taimiao.

During thousands of years, the Dali Dynasty cultivated and recruited a large number of acquired ghosts and gods.

A large part of these acquired ghosts and gods are in the Yang world, guarding the ghost realm in the upper capital.

The last time Taimiao broke into Yindu City, even though he showed mercy, he still killed many acquired ghosts and gods.

The number of acquired ghosts and gods currently stationed in Yindu City is not large, and their strength is average.

The real defense power of Yindu City still depends on the ghost tribe outside the territory.

Although the extraterrestrial ghost tribe has many great void-returning powers, as the main force in defending the ghost realm in the upper capital, most of their power is contained in the Yangshi.

After the actions started in the underworld, the major holy land sects increased their actions in the Yang world.

In addition to the army of low-level monks launching a fierce attack on the ghost domain in the upper capital, many virtual-returning powers are eager to try outside the ghost domain, looking like they are ready to take action at any time.

Although the extraterrestrial ghost clan knows that these void-returning powers are just a bluff, they most likely will not directly attack the ghost domain. But they still dare not take it lightly.

As long as the extraterrestrial ghost clan reveals any flaws, these virtual-returning powers can turn their bluff into a real onslaught at any time.

Whether it is the information held by the Dali Dynasty or the ghost clan outside the territory, find Shuyuan www. The major holy land sects have limited power in the underworld and do not have the level of combat power to return to the void.

Therefore, the defense forces they arranged in the underworld were very limited.

The last time Taimiao broke into Yindu City and devoured Emperor Wenjin, it was a wake-up call for the ghost tribe outside the territory.

The ghost clan from outside the territory ignored the huge pressure faced by the ghost domain in the capital city and deployed the Void Returning Power to take charge of the Yin Capital City.

In the minds of the ghosts from outside the territory, the Yin Capital City with the power to return to void should be foolproof, and the last situation will never happen again.

No matter how powerful the sects in the Holy Land are, as long as their void-returning power cannot withstand the suppression of the rules of the underworld and cannot enter the underworld, they will not be able to pose a threat to the Yin Capital City.

No matter how large the army of ordinary ghosts is, they are still vulnerable to the returning ghosts from outside the realm.


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